Links to old logs from Launchpad development meetings.
- 2008-10-16
- 2008-10-09
- 2008-10-02
- 2008-09-25
- 2008-09-18 - First LP Production meeting
- 2008-09-11 - The last official Team Meeting.
- 2008-09-04 (mootbot is a rebel. He worked during the meeting but refused to log it)
- 2008-08-28 (mootbot has contacted the Robot Union and went on strike)
- 2008-08-21 (mootbot unresponsive)
- 2008-08-14
- 2008-08-07
- 2008-07-31
- 2008-07-24 - no log ?? Joey was at OSCON
- 2008-07-17
- 2008-07-10
- 2008-07-03
- 2008-06-26
- 2008-06-19
- 2008-06-12 (posted before mootbot logs were available)
- 2008-06-05 (mootbot is back!) (posted before mootbot logs were available)
- 2008-05-29 (mootbot offline)
- 2008-05-22 (mootbot offline)
- 2008-05-15 (mootbot offline)
- 2008-05-08 (mootbot offline)
- 2008-05-01 (mootbot offline, short meeting)
- 2008-04-24
- 2008-04-17 (removed blockers in this meeting)
- 2008-04-10 (short meeting)
- 2008-04-03 (another long meeting with good discussion and decisions)
- 2008-03-27 (Marathon meeting with several decisions)
- 2008-03-20
- 2008-03-13
The March 13th meeting minutes where lost when mootbot lost it's home. The links below are in case we can recover that at some point. In the mean time, raw IRC logs have been posted to DevelopmentMeeting20080313
- 2008-03-06
- 2008-02-28
- 2008-02-21
- 2008-02-14
- 2008-02-07
- 2008-01-31
- 2008-01-24
- 2008-01-17