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SEE ALSO: LEP/FeatureNotifications

Overall summary

Currently an orange bar appears at the top of all Launchpad pages 15 minutes before a scheduled update, giving the time remaining until Launchpad goes offline.

We should build on this idea to communicate more service-affecting issues and new feature information to Launchpad's users.

Use cases

Planned downtime: Launchpad is due to go offline in the next 48 hours for a planned roll-out. A site-wide notification ensures all current Launchpad users have the opportunity to learn about the upcoming disruption.

Reduced service: Loggerhead is having difficulties. The rest of Launchpad is running fine. A notification show on pages tells the right people that we know about the problem (communicating that we're on top of it, thereby inspiring confidence, and saving them from having to tell us) and sets their expectations for when it might be fixed.

Upcoming major change to an existing feature: we're planning to change the format used for sending commands to the bug tracker's email interface. This will have a major impact on our existing users. We should use a site-wide notification to fore-warn of the change and also consider adding a line to email responses sent by the email interface.

New functionality, changes to existing functionality: depending on the scope of the change, post a notification on



The notification must be:

We have to make a decision about how many notifications can be active at any one time: should it be one or many?

Learning from Facebook, Google and RTM

Facebook handles notifications really well. It uses two methods:

Google Calendar and Gmail use small, red, "NEW" icons next to new features. They're easy to ignore and link to further information when clicked.

Remember The Milk uses a modal Javascript pop-up to announce new features, when you first visit following an update.

Facebook screenshots




Do we allow only one notification at a time or many?


Pro: once someone has read and hidden the message, the interface returns to normal. This means that the notification bar remains something rare and so noticable.

Con: we may have more than one important message at any one time.

Pro: knowing that we can display only one notification at a time should mean that we use the facility sparingly and so make it less likely that people become blind to the notifications.


Pro: it is entirely possible, once we get into the swing of using notifications, that we will concurrently have more than one message suitable for distribution that way.

Con: to retain their noticeability, notifications should be rare.

Site-wide, not section-wide?

At the August 2008 Releases team sprint we discussed whether we should allow for notifications that appear in one part of Launchpad only. We decided that notifications should be site-wide because:


However, all discussion since has emphasised the importance of granularity.

Automatic expiry

To prevent the risk of notifications becoming stale, they should have an automatic expiry. The author of a notification should be able to override this with a manual expiry time and date.

Read once

We should consider how to ensure notifications remain distracting enough to be noticed without becoming annoying. Should a notification disappear after a logged-in individual has seen it once? Should we require that people manually acknowledge warning messages, to ensure they've seen them?


JoeyStanford: There has been some side discussion about the best way to do this. This is the summary although it's not something that has been official decided upon.


NotificationSystem (last edited 2010-03-23 09:26:57 by matthew.revell)