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Revision 8 as of 2011-07-10 22:49:09

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Parallel testing would be nice. Theres a bunch of things to do to make it work. See the LEP for constraints/goals/resourcing.

Known bugs/issues: parallel test bugs

Design sketch

Things that need specialist knowledge:

LXC containers and parallel testing

LXC containers combined with aufs offer a pretty cheap way to get solid isolation - a great big hammer of a workaround for our existing globals (shared work dirs etc). William has put together a proof of concept, and Robert has made that generic. That combined with an updated .testr.conf (a TODO is to offer profiles for testr) like:

test_command=lxc-start-aufs $LP_LXC_BASE $PWD xvfb-run $PWD/bin/test --subunit $IDOPTION $LISTOPT
test_id_option=--load-list $IDFILE

will let testr run tests in a temporary container. (e.g. testr -- -t stories/gpg will fire up an aufs container and run the stories/gpg tests inside it). We need a new bin/test though, as --list --subunit currently outputs subunit rather than just a list of tests, which isn't what we need..



lxc-start -n $basename -d

All tests

testr --parallel

Some tests

testr --parallel -- -t stories/gpg