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Revision 1 as of 2009-09-01 18:22:09

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John the Coder

Aitana the Translator

Jeremy the Manager

Kara the Ubuntu developer

Timmy the Ubuntu fantatic

I want to add something social here. If he's a teenager and a fanatic, then he totally wants to prove himself. This could mean making contact with established hackers, or it could mean progress you can point to, but it's definitely something that motivates him.

Matthew the LAMP developer

When Matthew asks a technical question on an Internet forum (mailing list, IRC, whatever), it's always very, very carefully phrased. He's savvy enough to know that badly-asked questions draw fire, and that's the last thing he wants. He takes a long time to ask them, and is always a little disappointed when they don't get answered.

Bill the OEM customer