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Product Registration Workflow

Note: this page is obsolete. The ideas here have been folded into GuidedProjectRegistration

Split the product registration into multiple steps with only the very first ones being actually required to get the product registered.

Release Note


The current form to create a new product is huge and requires a lot of information the user may not know if he's registering a project not owned/maintained by himself. We need to allow users to create new products more easily.

Use cases


The bare minimum details required to register a new product are:

After the user entered these details, the other ones should be separated in different "themed" steps that can be easily skipped by the user in case he doesn't know (or doesn't want) to fill those details.


This is just a copy-n-paste of the discussion we had in London about this. It still needs some cleanup work.

  1. product-registration-workflow
    1. Required fields:
      • Name: GNU Haskell (current displayname)
      • Launchpad ID: gnu-haskell (nice to autofill)
      • Do you know the homepage for this project?
        • [ ] "(We'll use this to check for duplicates!)"
    2. Check if a matching project exists. Allow the user to go on if there isn't an existing one. Detect if he's asking for Ubuntu CDs!
    3. Fill out remaining information:
      • Name
      • Launchpad ID
      • URL
      • Images (branding)
      • Who should be responsible for this project?
        • < > Me
          < > [ ] (choose)
          < > I don't know (=> Registry Admins? Still need to let user change some things)

      • If Launchpad is the primary location for this project:
        • Description
        • License
        • Set up "uses Launchpad" stuff, on by default
        • Drivers
        Things you might want to do next:
        • Import code from an existing CVS or SVN repository
        • Create a hosted branch
        • Set up translations
        • Set up your bug tracker
        • Set up your answer tracker
        • Set up Blueprints (Bug #56614) (Reuse tour content to give background on LP applications)
    4. Set up your bug tracker
      • - Foreign:
        • Bug tracker
        • Context (for Bugzilla, Product/Component)
        - Hosted:
        • Import bugs from an existing tracker
        - Set up roles:
        • bug contact
        • security contact
    5. Set up translations
      • Choose translation policy
      • Set up a translation group (optionally)
      • Upload new templates and translations


This section should describe a plan of action (the "how") to implement the changes discussed. Could include subsections like:

UI Changes

Should cover changes required to the UI, or specific UI that is required to implement this

Code Changes

Code changes should include an overview of what needs to change, and in some cases even the specific details.

Schema Changes



Unresolved issues

ProductRegistrationWorkflow (last edited 2009-01-21 14:11:48 by barry)