Better Privacy checkpoint 2012-02-29
- Full project privacy is on course for the end of May.
- Usability testing and design tweaks are ongoing for +manage-sharing
- Basic entitlement is going through exploratory testing
Manage sharing
Testing and design tweaks are ongoing.
We're in the transitionary period between project maintainers being able to see all their project's proprietary bugs, through our week hack, and implementing a new cleaner method of giving them access.
- ACTION: [danhg] Second round of manage sharing wireframe testing
- ACTION: [purple] Update manage sharing design and then implement
- ACTION: [purple] Real data show up on sharing skeleton page
- ACTION: [purple] Complete person policy picker
- ACTION: [purple] Sign off on searching and filtering for auditors
Curtis passed on bugs for exploratory testing to Diogo to confirm that if you maintain a commercial project you can turn on private bugs yourself and other associated priviledges.
- ACTION: [purple] Turn on the private team feature for everyone who maintains a commercial project.