Parallel Test Status: February 22, 2012
- Buildbot charms completed and in review (waiting on Mark Mims)
- Set-up instructions for experimental machine delivered
- Juju feedback delivered, with excellent response
- Provided patch for lxc-start-ephemeral retry issues
- Fixed Juju/LXC compatibility issue in Precise with ~ubuntu user
Reported bug with Precise in EC2 (937889); now fixed.
In Progress
- Launchpad build steps (root vs. buildbot user surprised us)
- Waiting on review of buildbot charms
- Waiting on webops to set-up the parallel tests test machine
- Exploring persistence of buildmaster history in Juju
- Duplicated code removed from setuplxc/rocketfuel
Goals for next checkpoint
- buildbot charms in the official repo
- Scaling assessment based on experimental results
- Have the LP build steps tested and working within the buildbot environment
- Have a deployment plan