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We've made some notable accomplishments since our last report, but it doesn't feel as much like progress. We had to do a fair amount of work just to keep the testing framework working, thanks to challenges with lxc, our zope.testing fork, and ec2 precise images, among others. We have fixed all of the test failures that we had identified by the time of the last meeting, but, thanks perhaps in part to the increased rigor of adding --shuffle to our tests to ferret out more isolation bugs, we have more to fix. We have made our buildbot process a bit better, by introducing better reporting, better testr support, and better handling of exceptional error cases. We are still waiting on IS for the testing machine, and will have much more to do with them before the project is done. We expect, therefore, to have time to work on additional, related projects, possibly including work such as lpsetup and a parallel version of "ec2 test".

Progress towards biweekly action items

Other accomplishments

Progress on tracked items

Goals for next meeting

Projects/ParallelTesting/Checkpoint-2012-04-04 (last edited 2012-04-12 00:46:29 by flacoste)