Work items checkpoint 2012-02-22
- The migration script works for 90% of blueprints that have work items in the their text box.
- The work items UI is nearly ready.
- Following that, the migration script will run on production.
- Huw will review Salgado's wireframes for the team and person work item view.
Migration script
- Got a review from Steve, he'd like to see more discussion but Salgado isn't sure what about.
- DONE: the script to migrate the work items from whiteboards, tested against staging and it works pretty well. Able to migrate more than 90% of blueprints that have work items in whiteboards and proposd for review.
- We'll run the script for a week or two and then throw away. It'll do most blueprints automatically.
- Problems in the 10% that didn't convert: mostly multiple assignees, which are not supported, and there were also columns on the work item description, which isn't allowed because a column usually separates the title from the status. The script is failing to parse them and generating in errors in the logs but no one's fixing them, so it's likely no one cares.
- Salgado will look through the failures and notify the owners of any blueprints that are still live.
- Migrating everything: not just open ones. All across LP.
- If ppl care about a certain blueprint, it's actually easy for them to migrate manually.
- ACTION: mrevell provide text for help pop-up.
- DB schema applied in production. Model code landed. Now working on UI -- validation of text area to be precise. Salgado has code that will update, create or delete work items based on the data that you enter. It'll merge whatever the user enters with whatever we have in the db.
- It puts them in a position to display work items per team.
- For the time-being there'll still be because not everything will be in LP yet.
API changes
- There'll be a new API which will return work items text in the same format they're entered by the user. That way they have a trivial change to the
- Francis: it might have been interesting to do a better API call as it'd give them a more efficient way to get all the data pre-parsed for a whole project.
- Danilo: they hope to move big chunks of into LP.
- Salgado: it takes about 15 mins to suck all the data from LP and then 3 hours to generate all the web pages.