Work Items checkpoint 2012-05-16
James Tunnicliffe is now working on this project, in Salgado's place.
The "Upcoming view" page is the main focus of work
== Actions ==
- ACTION: [mrevell] Provide text for a help pop-up to go alongside the work items text box.
- ACTION: [james] Graph for the top of the engineering view mock-up. Wants to repurpose the timeline. Will demo at Linaro Connect.
- ACTION: [james] "Expand all" button
- ACTION: [james] create a page to show what has been done on the project so far
- ACTION: [mrevell] call with Huw and James for multi-milestone work items display
- ACTION: [mrevell] check what metadata Ubuntu want for work items other than headline and acceptance
- ACTION: [james] Remove "Work items" text from inside the work items text box
- ACTION: [mrevell] find best way to track this page as a blueprint with work items
- ACTION: [danilo] Kill feedback requests on blueprints
- ACTION: [mrevell] speak to Kate about migrating past blueprints: do Ubuntu want it?
- ACTION: [matsubara] QA "upcoming view" page, probably after next checkpoint