Diff for "PythonMigrationStatus"

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Differences between revisions 185 and 186
Revision 185 as of 2010-04-22 13:34:21
Size: 4346
Editor: salgado
Revision 186 as of 2010-04-22 16:42:00
Size: 3888
Editor: salgado
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 49: Line 49:
=== LaunchpadFunctionalLayer ===
  * valid_absolute_url (canonical.launchpad.validators.url) -- Python 2.6's urlparse disregards the uses_netloc list when parsing urls and treats anything beginning with // as netloc based. This makes maxb and wgrant say WTF!?! The untested valid_absolute_url DB constraint is also affected!
   * This behavior is [[http://bugs.python.org/issue7904#msg99265|expected]] and is in compliance with rfc3986, so we just need to change/remove our test. -- Salgado
=== LaunchpadFunctionalLayer: OK ===

Moving to newer Python versions

With Lucid fast approaching, efforts to actually migrate Launchpad to Python 2.6 are getting under way.

Relevant tagged bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bugs?field.tag=python-upgrade


Issues that need revisiting

  • The failure when setting up the GoogleServiceLayer seems to be a consequence of the server answering with a errno.ECONNABORTED when it's not yet ready, so salgado has just changed the wait_for_service function to treat that error the same way it does for errno.ECONNREFUSED.

  • The test hang is because of the change done on bug 349316, so salgado has just commented out that addCleanup() line for now, to see if we can get a full test run.

  • A multitude of modules of modules (sha, md5, sets, ...) are deprecated in Python 2.6, and many tests would fail merely because of unexpected DeprecationWarnings, so we've had to jump through multiple hoops all over the place to suppress these. Ultimately we need a plan for removing these suppressions, because we want to know about deprecation long-term.

    • It looks like an attainable goal to get all of our dependencies fixed to not raise DeprecationWarnings. The ones needing work are: Twisted, PyCrypto, Ampoule.

Setup caveats

  • The extension modules in your sourcecode directory will have been built for Python 2.5 and these will break for your 2.6 branch. The simple thing to do is to move your old sourcecode aside and run utilities/rocketfuel-get to get it again with Python 2.6. A more complex but useful thing to do to manage sourcecode directories for multiple python versions is:

    cd ~/launchpad/lp-sourcedeps
    mkdir 2.6
    cd 2.6
    ln -s ../download-cache
    ln -s ../eggs
    mkdir sourcecode
    cd sourcecode
    for i in ../../sourcecode/*; do bzr checkout --lightweight "$i"; done

    and now point utilities/link-external-sourcecode to ../../lp-sourcedeps/2.6 - if you do that you'll need to be aware that rocketfuel-get won't know about it, and your extra directories will require occasional manual updating.

Known test failures and notes thereon

These results assume you:

  • Use the lp:~launchpad-committers/launchpad/python2.6 branch
  • Have the following not-yet-landed branches merged:
    • None at the moment.
  • Do not have python-tdb installed, which otherwise causes bzr-hg and bzr-git to behave in ways the tests do not expect.

BaseLayer: OK (281 tests)

MemcachedLayer: OK (8 tests)

LibrarianLayer: OK (9 tests)

DatabaseLayer: OK (46 tests)

LaunchpadLayer: OK (24 tests)

ZopelessLayer: OK (20 tests)

LaunchpadScriptLayer: OK (85 tests)

LaunchpadZopelessLayer: OK

FunctionalLayer: OK (174 tests)

LaunchpadFunctionalLayer: OK

AppServerLayer: OK (143 tests)

DatabaseFunctionalLayer: OK

GoogleLaunchpadFunctionalLayer: OK (72 tests)

PageTestLayer: OK (6335 tests)

TwistedLayer: OK (235 tests)

TwistedLaunchpadZopelessLayer: OK (16 tests)

TwistedAppServerLayer: OK

ZopelessAppServerLayer: OK

ZopelessDatabaseLayer: OK (259 tests)

BugsWindmillLayer: OK (13 tests)

CodeWindmillLayer: OK (12 tests)

ForeignBranchPluginLayer: OK

SSHServerLayer: OK (46 tests)

RegistryWindmillLayer: OK (17 tests)

SoyuzWindmillLayer: OK (2 tests)

TestZopeTestInSubProcessLayer: OK (1 test)

TranslationsWindmillLayer: OK (7 tests)

UnitTests: OK

Shipit: OK

MailmanLayer: OK