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Revision 154 as of 2010-04-15 00:44:18

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Moving to newer Python versions

With Lucid fast approaching, efforts to actually migrate Launchpad to Python 2.6 are getting under way.

Relevant tagged bugs:


Known/Open issues

I ran the test suite with devel r10700, the python2.6 branch, and the two Python 2.6-related branches that landed overnight.

Full log is here: tests-20100414.log

Total: 25792 tests, 25 failures, 9 errors in 204 minutes 11.495 seconds.

Unfortunately I forgot to stop my launchpad-buildd before running the suite, so some test failures are spurious:

And three are known Lucid failures:

Old results

With the two changes above I was able to get the test suite to run to completion: Total: 25856 tests, 71 failures, 119 errors in 300 minutes 55.792 seconds.

Here's the full log: tests.log

Things needing revising

A multitude of modules of modules (sha, md5, sets, ...) are deprecated in Python 2.6, and many tests would fail merely because of unexpected DeprecationWarnings, so we've had to jump through multiple hoops all over the place to suppress these. Ultimately we need a plan for removing these suppressions, because we want to know about deprecation long-term.

Setup caveat

Cleanup potential

Known test failures and notes thereon

These results assume you:

BaseLayer: OK (281 tests)

MemcachedLayer: OK (8 tests)

LibrarianLayer: OK (9 tests)

DatabaseLayer: OK (46 tests)

LaunchpadLayer: OK (24 tests)

ZopelessLayer: OK (20 tests)

MailmanLayer: ??

LaunchpadScriptLayer: OK


FunctionalLayer: OK (174 tests)


AppServerLayer: OK (143 tests)

DatabaseFunctionalLayer: OK (4461 tests)

GoogleLaunchpadFunctionalLayer: OK (72 tests)


TwistedLayer: OK (235 tests)

TwistedLaunchpadZopelessLayer: OK (16 tests)



ZopelessDatabaseLayer: OK

BugsWindmillLayer: OK (12 tests)

CodeWindmillLayer: OK (11 tests)

ForeignBranchPluginLayer: OK

SSHServerLayer: OK (46 tests)

RegistryWindmillLayer: OK (17 tests)

SoyuzWindmillLayer: OK (2 tests)

TestZopeTestInSubProcessLayer: OK (1 test)

TranslationsWindmillLayer: OK (7 tests)



Might be ok now, I've fixed the errors that were listed here, but I don't have access to shipit --maxb.