DevOps Dashboard setup
This page describes how to deploy new code to devops dashboard production instance, how and which cronjobs are configured, how to deploy and to QA new deployments.
!DevOps deployment and QA
The deployment and QA of the devops instance on devpad is exactly the same as the QA-tagger one. You should make sure the changes you want to QA are already available in the devel branch (lp:~launchpad-qa/lp-devops-dashboard/devel), and do the same procedure as explained for the QA-tagger.
QA instance of devops can be found in /home/lpqateam/devops/qa, and production version can be found in /home/lpqateam/devops/current.
Runtime files
DevOps dashboard has only one .conf file: devops.conf.
[reports] deployment_reports_path=/path/to/the/qatagger/reports generated_report_path=/path/to/the/dashboard/index/folder
It contains two variables, deployment_reports_path and generated_report_path, that are explained above. On devpad, the folder where the QA-tagger reports are is /home/lpqateam/public_html/qa_reports/, and the Dashboard index folder is on /srv/
The only crontab job running is the one that triggers the script. There are two entries in the ~lpqateam crontab, one for the "qa" instance and another for a "current" instance. Only thing needed is to switch between them.
## DevOps dashboard #*/5 * * * * cd $HOME/devops/current && ./bin/generate-page */5 * * * * cd $HOME/devops/qa && ./bin/generate-page