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Upstream linking to Ubuntu

Launchpad must make it easier for upstream contributors to link their projects to Ubuntu source-packages.

Launchpad has had packaging links for years, but the message regarding its value is not compelling.

Product +index page without packages (updated)

alt packages in Ubuntu portlet (no packages)

The product index page has a portlet that shows distribution packaging, but nothing is shown on this page when there is no packaging.

The project page could show a portlet that asks contributors to select the Ubuntu package from a list of probable candidates.


Product +index page with packages (updated)

alt packages in Ubuntu portlet (packages)

The product index page has a portlet that shows distribution packaging. It can be improved.


Product +ubuntupkg page (new)

alt let users select the series used in the packaging

Launchapd currently shows the links to add an ubuntu package on the product series pages (and with the series listings on Product +packages) because the series is used to create the packaging link.

Launchpad can provide an alternate +ubuntupkg form for Products that lets the contributors select the product series. The current development series can be the default value.

Project community services (New)

alt All hosted project

The Uses launchpad for information is too simple. It acts as a flag, ignoring the fact that communities need to know who, what, and where to contact essential services.

New requirements: Registry/InvolvementPortletRefactor

Projects on launchpad are rarely hosted entirely by launchpad. Community need to know where the essential services are hosted, say it is hosted in Launchpad is not enough. New projects need to think about this and provide the information so that they can attract contributors; A project starts with code, then needs a bug tracker and translations for example. The page design must encourage users to provide this information. The design must also make it clear that even when a project uses hosted services, Launchpad can still be used.

The "Uses Launchpad for" section of Project Information must be replaced by something that presents the essential services: bug tracker, code hosting, translations, blueprints, and answers.

Launchpad can allow owners to change the the information from an inline edit link.

This information might be shown as a separate portlet next to the project information. The suggested design shows it as an intrinsic part of the project information. Regardless of the how we label this information, it pushes the Series and milestone portlet below. The good aspect of tis is that there is more space to show the timeline. The bad aspect is that only 30% of Launchpad users will see the timeline when it loads (70% of users can see the it now). This may not be an issue because users who want to hack on a project will want to see the new information before looking at the series.


alt None hosted project

Product and product series permissions (update)

alt Any user can update missing services

Is knowledge power if you cannot act upon it?

Many projects are missing upstream information. The project owner is not interest in providing it, or is absent, or the project is owned by the Registry Administrators. Contributors cannot fix the information, so they struggle to contact someone with the power to make the fix.


Registry/UpstreamLinkUbuntu (last edited 2010-02-23 01:32:48 by edwin-grubbs)