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David Morley
Josh Holland
Bruno Girin
John Stevenson
John Levin
Ciemon Dunville

Sheet 1: David Morley

Launchpad bug subscription mock-up testing round 1
David Morley

Subscribing to a package
Mock-up 1

Question Comments
Imagine you want to subscribe to the bugs for the Rythmbox package in Ubuntu. What would you do on this page? Straight away, I'd go up to the text entry box (points to the search box at the top of the page) and type in. Oh, mind you, it's already there. If it wasn't, I'd type in Rythmbox there and then I would expect all the Rythmbox bugs to appear there.
So, those bugs are there and you want to get bug mail associated with those bugs. Can you see something there that would give you that? Subscribe to bug mail.

Mock-up 2

Question Comments
So, you've clicked and now see this. (Reads dialogue box text). No, that doesn't sound right. “Select the people or teams of which you are an administrator”. That assumes you're an administrator. That doesn't quite sound right.

It makes it sound like you're more important than you are. If you're a bug triager you wouldn't expect to be called an administrator.
What if you wanted to subscribe yourself? Well, just click on “Subscribe me”, that's fairly obvious.
If you wanted to subscribe someone else, what would you do? Just type in their name there and I suppose click the magnifying glass or hit enter.
You've clicked on “Subscribe me” and the dialogue box expands. Look at each of the options and then tell me what you think. The second option doesn't make sense. It should be, “Any changes other than a new comments is made to bugs”. You already know it's in Rythmbox, you don't need it advertising again.
What would happen if you chose the first option? I would expect any changes made to any bug in the Rythmbox package I would get notification via mail.
How much mail do you think you'd get? Boat loads.
Do you think that's clear from this page? I think it is if you know the way it works. If you don't know, you're just going to get boat loads and then think “Errr”. Then, it'd be a case of finding an option to lower the amount you get
Is there a way to show people that each option will lead to different amounts of mail? I think the easiest way would be to … your options are to be either to make it really obvious, such as stating “High email traffic”. The other is in how you phrase the option, so rather than “any change made” make it “every change made to bugs in...”
Do you know how you would deal with that email so that it impacts you less? I've already got filtering set up from hell and back to filter 90% of the email that affects me.
Would a link to help about filtering be useful? If there was a landing page, of sorts, that leads off to a new page that links to Thunderbird, Evolution, they're possibly the two most obvious ones. Just give a brief description of what you might put into the filter.
What about the final option, “Don't send me any notifications about bugs in...” That seems daft. Why would you want to subscribe to receiving emails if you're then going to have the option to not receive emails? You just wouldn't sign yourself to it. If you say, “I'm new to triaging, I like music so I'll subscribe to Ryhthmbox, you're not going to choose not to subscribe.”
What if you see these options and realise that you don't want to receive all that email? Click on the cross.

Mock-up 3

Question Comments
Let's imagine that rather than subscribing yourself, you entered “bar” as a search term. That's fairly straightforward. And then you select whichever one you want to assign.
What if there were two people with the same name, how would you distinguish them? It depends on how you're going to do the initial search. If you do it by nick name alone, then you could just put their name alongside. Nine times out of ten, your LP nick is your IRC nick or, if not, it lists the IRC nick. You could then go onto IRC and ask if it's the right person. You could link to the profile page but that'll take you away from this page. If you listed the name and, maybe, the IRC nick you could look on the IRC channel and know “that's the guy I was talking to”.

Mock-up 4

Question Comments
You've decided to subscribe yourself and this is what you see. Is that helpful? Yeah, that's fairly useful. Maybe it might useful if the tags section were specific to your subscriptions.
Those are the tags associated with the R. package. It might be that a bug that affects R. also affects how it plugs into the back-end, in which case you might also want to add an ALSA tag. So, if you're subscribed to both, it'd be nice to have those tags available.

Subscribing to a search
Mock-up 1

Question Comments
You've made a search and the information returned by this search is useful to you. You want to subscribe to the results of this search. What do you do? I'd click “Subscribe to this search”.
Is that where you'd expect to find that link? I'm not sure. Because the other one was down here, I'd expect to find that option down here as well. The other way round it might be to have it at the top of the search, that might be more obvious.

Mock-up 2

Question Comments
You've clicked the “Subscribe to this search” link and you see this dialogue. Tell me what you think. So basically, it's gone through the importance and status... Can I just click back? So, it's just mimicked the options that are there. The only issue I can see with it, this top line (of the description of the search to which you're subscribing), you might want to make it the same as these. Now it sounds like you're subscribing to all the bugs in Launchpad Bugs.
But you're not, this describes what you're subscribing to. So, you're subscribing to those categories.
Could it be clearer? If you've searched for something that's more specific and your search shows up and everything's at a level of high or medium, but is in a specific category, say Rythmbox high, you then don't want to think that every Launchpad bug that comes up as high is going to show up in the search.

Mock-up 3

Question Comments
This asks what sort of subscription you want. Does it make sense Yeah, apart from the bottom one.

Mock-up 4

Again, you've search on “bar” and it brings up these people. Again, all I can suggest is putting the person's IRC nick beside their name.

Mock-ups 5 and 6

And here you've completed the process and it shows you this. Would you want to see more detail of the search? No. If you've made the search and then asked to subscribe to it, I think you know what you're doing. If you're subscribing to something random, you'd want more information.

Editing a search
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

On this page you're looking at bugs in Launchpad and you want to change your subscription to those bugs. So, you click on “Edit bugmail subscription”.

Mock-up 2

Question Comments
And you get this dialogue box. Which are the same options from before, plus “Unsubscribe”.
Does it make sense? Yeah, only the same problem as before with “Don't subscribe...”

Mock-ups 3 and 4

So, you've made a change to your subscription or you've unsubscribed... Kinda makes sense.
Any comments? Again, the button position I'd modify. If you're expecting anything to do with bug subscriptions to be down here, you might not look for it at the top. The other option is to stick here (points to just above the bug listings).

Subscription overview
Mock-up 1

Question Comments
Okay, what's this page? So this is just a general overview. This kinda like your Launchpad home page but for what you're subscribed to.
Does it make sense? I think so.
It tells you what sort of subscriptions you've got. When it says you're subscribed to a project, what do you imagine you'll receive? Mailing lists is pretty obvious. Project-wise, the project basically hooks in anything to do with that specific item. So, it can be a whole series of packages that make up that one element.
What information would you expect to receive? I would expect to see when there's been an upload, when there's a new release of that specific thing, bugs on that project, documentation.
Pretty much everything? Unless I specifically say I'm not interested.

Mock-up 2

Question Comments

Now you're editing one of your subscriptions. So, this is basically the same options as before.

At this point the “Don't send me any notifications” makes sense.
There's another option that might give you the same result. Unsubscribe.
What would they do differently, if anything? One would keep you subscribed to the package but not send you any info, which just seems pointless. The other one would unsubscribe you and stop sending you info.
Could it be useful to have a subscription on this page as a reminder? But they why not just unsubscribe and then re-subscribe later? If you're too busy to be looking at it, you can unsubscribe, which shows everyone else you have no time to work on it. If you stay subscribed, other people might assign things to you. If you unsubscribe for six months because you're concentrating on something else, having the options to unsubscribe … that's what you're more likely to do.

The only other thing that might be better than “Don't send me...” may be an option to say “Suspend my activities”, that kind of thing, where it actually flags up to the users who have subscribed to that package that you're still interested but you've got no time.

Sheet 2: Josh Holland

Launchpad bug subscription mock-up testing round 1
Josh Holland

Subscribing to a package
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

Imagine that you're interested in Rythmbox and you want to subscribe to the bugs in the Ubuntu package. How would you do that? I'd probably find a bug that looks interesting, if I was going to triage one, and click on the name of the bug and look at the bug page and see if I could find a subscribe link there.
What about if you wanted to subscribe to all bugs in Rythmbox? I might expect a checkbox down the side or a “Subscribe all” button.
Can you see something like that on this page? Well, there's a “Subscribe to bug mail” option on the side, so I might try clicking on that.
You don't sound confident. Well, “subscribe to bugmail” sounds like it might send me an email every time someone registers a bug but I might want to get feedback if someone changes the status or comments on a bug.

Mock-up 2

Question Comments

Let's imagine you've tried clicking that and this pops up. What would you do now? I'd just hit the “Subscribe me” button.
Are you happy with the text on that dialogue box? It's fairly small but I can read it comfortably.
What about the actual wording? “Subscribe me” is nice and short, it gets to the point.
What about the rest of the text? “Search for people or teams of which you are an administrator”. It feels a bit unwieldy, it's quite long but I don't think there's a better way of expressing that. Nothing jumps out at me.

Mock-up 3

Question Comments

Let's say you clicked “Subscribe me”. The dialogue box expands and gives you these options. Talk me through them. If I clicked on the first one, I'd expect to receive a lot of email. Basically, if anything happens at all I'd expect something to come through. “Any change other than...”, that'd still be quite a heavy amount of traffic probably. “Don't send me any notifications” seems a bit odd when I've just clicked (to say that I want notifications).
Is the amount of email that you would receive obvious from the page? If you subscribe to all changes in a package … if you look to the side you can see there 1475 open bugs … I think you can see there'll be a lot of mail.

Mock-up 4

Question Comments

Let's say that, rather than clicking on “Subscribe me”, you entered a search term and these two options came up. I guess those are other teams or people that you could subscribe to the bugs for the package.
Does that give you enough information about those people? Probably if I was just doing a quick search for people or a team that I know, I think that would be enough. I don't think you'd start subscribing people you don't know to bugs.

Mock-ups 5 and 6

Question Comments

You've selected “Subscribe me” and this is what comes up. That seems fine. You might want some information about what choice you'd picked, an explanation of what options you'd chosen.
Similarly, you've subscribed Dave Baron... Yep, same sort of thing.
Would this fit into the way that you work in Launchpad? Yeah, although I don't tend to subscribe to packages. If I'm interested in a bug I'll subscribe to it individually.

Subscribing to a search
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

Do you come back to particular bug searches? Not especially. If I wanted to do some work on a particular thing, I might do a seach for bite-sized bugs or papercuts but they're usually quite easy to find.
Let's imagine you've performed a bug search and you're interested in subscribing to the results of that search. How would you do that? I can see on this mock-up that there's button “Subscribe to this search” in the top corner, so I'd click on that and expect to get a subscription thing.
You found that quite quickly, is that where you'd expect it to be? Yeah, you normally get options like that in the side-bar thing on the top right. There's also an “edit bug mail” subscription down where all the numbers are, where the “Subscribe to package” link was. I'd probably try to top link first, it's more prominent.
How do you feel about there being two locations for similar options? It could be a bit off-putting. What's the difference between them? Which one do I choose? Maybe if there's a subscription already it'd make sense to have it down there.

Mock-up 2

Question Comments

Let's say you clicked on “Subscribe to this search”. This dialogue pops up, talk me through it. “Add a subscriber to this search”. It's then got the search that I made and similar options to before, so I'd expect similar behaviour. I suppose it's possible that I might want to edit the search terms as well., if I change my mind and want medium or critical bugs as well.

Mock-ups 3 and 4

Question Comments

Let's say you click “Subscribe me”... Same as before
And you typed “bar”... Yep, same as before.

Mock-ups 5 and 6

Question Comments

And you've selected “Subscribe me”, is this what you'd expect to see? Yep. I might expect to see what search I'd subscribed to. A bit more detail there maybe.
When you've subscribed to one of these, would expect to receive an email to confirm the subscription? I don't know. It wouldn't surprise me if I did but there are enough hoops to jump through to avoid accidentally subscriptions.
And again you've subscribed Dave Baron to this search. Yeah, maybe a bit more detail about the search.
Would you expect Dave Baron to have to give his permission? Yeah, because as it is you could subscribe someone else to every single bug in Launchpad and that's maybe not something they're quite ready for.

Editing a subscription
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

You've already subscribed to a search and you want to change it. What do you do? In the same place that there was a “subscribe” button, there's now an “edit” button nice and prominent in the top right. I'd click that.

Mock-up 2

Question Comments

It brings up this dialogue box. We've got the same four options as before. There's “Don't send me any...” and “Unsubscribe”. They're two options that are the same thing.
Can you imagine a way in which you'd remain subscribed to something without receiving the notifications? I can't think of how that would work. Maybe you could get a daily batch or digest.

Mock-ups 3 and 4

Question Comments

You've finished your edit and you see this message that's probably about what I'd expect. You've probably been thinking about what you've just done. I don't know why but I wouldn't expect as much detail as when you first subscribe.
And you've unsubscribed. Yeah, that's what I'd expect.

Subscription overview
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

This is your subscription overview page. At the top it says subscriptions made by the name. And then there's a list of what I'm subscribed to. Hmm, 100 bugs – I'm not sure if that means 100 bugs individually or the total of bugs through all my subscriptions.
How would you edit a subscription? There's the little pen, which means “edit” in Launchpad. I'd click that and expect a dialogue to pop-up with probably the same four options we've had before.
How would you unsubscribe? I might click “edit” but there's a, oh, a stop sign or … it's the little “Minus” that you get in Launchpad to delete things.
Would you expect “metadata only” to give you. Status changes, “Confirmed” to “Triaged” to “In progress”. I'd expect no comments, maybe importance, stauts, maybe the bug title changing but not the description.
Lifecycle only? That my be just going through the status changes. Similar to metadata but even less so you're not getting title changes. You might get importance changes but I'm not really sure.
You've got packages, projects, mailing lists and individual bugs on that page. Do they all belong together? I'd say they do. Mailing lists are slightly separate but the rest you're receiving emails about bugs. Mailing lists it's discussions of bugs and development in general but I can definitely see a reason why it's there. I might have to use it for a few months before I got a real feel for whether it was right or wrong.
Is anything missing? I can't think of anything. If I went to the subscriptions page I might be looking to change my subscriptions or see what I'm subscribed to. I don't think there's anything else I'd go here for.
We've speaking in the context of bug reports but if you're subscribed to a package, does that only mean bug mail? Yeah, I'd only expect bug mail from that. Most packages don't have a specific mailing list.
What about other events in the life of a package? Like uploads? You might get that as well, I'd think.
We've discussed how subscribing to bugs can result in a lot of email. Do you filter mail from Launchpad? No. I filter other mail. If I subscribed to more bugs, I might start filtering. It could get pretty heavy. As it is now, I subscribe to probably a dozen bugs that affect me.
Would you know how to filter them? Would you expect help? I'm not sure I would. People have lots of different ways of receiving email. There's too much variety from the different mails providers to expect help. Maybe a link to the Hotmail or Gmail filtering help pages.
Any other comments? There might be a search box on this subscriptions overview page but you probably won't be subscribed to enough things.

Sheet 3: Bruno Girin

Launchpad bug subscription mock-up testing round 1
Bruno Girin

Subscribing to a package
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

Imagine that you want to subscribe to bugs in Rythmbox. What would you do? Presumably clicking “Subscribe to bug mail”.

Mock-up 2

Question Comments

So, having clicked that you see this dialogue box. Talk me through it. We've got a text box, presumably a search button and a “subscribe me” button. So, does this mean that if I enter my name and click search it should find my Launchpad ID? Or should I put the email in the text-box?
So, if you wanted to subscribe yourself, you'd enter your email address. I don't have any feedback as to whether I'm logged in.
Let's assume you are. It should know who I am. This doesn't really tell me what it's expecting me to put in the text box.
So, if you read all the text in the dialogue box... Okay, so presumably you can susbcribe another person or a team. My first thought is that it when I see this dialogue box I've got a text box, a search button and a “Subscribe me” button, which looks like the equivalent of an “OK” button, so I have the feeling that it's expecting me to put something in the text box. Reading what's above, I'm not sure any more whether I could just click “Subscribe me” to subscribe myself or enter the name of a team to subscribe the whole team.
What would happen if you didn't enter anything into the text box but just clicked “Subscribe me”? At this point I don't know.
Let's give it a go.

Mock-up 3

Question Comments

The dialogue box expands and gives you some options. Talk me through them. (Reads options). I would expect for the first one, every time there's a bug that's added, modified or anything I would get an email. Second I would expect every time a new bug is added but not if a new comments is made on the bug. If a bug is added or the status is changed, I'd get an email. Third one, I would get an email only if a bug is added but not if any other change is made. Last one, I wouldn't receive anything but I'm quite confused by that option.
can you imagine circumstances in which you could be subscribed to a packaged without receiving the bug mail? I can't think of a situation where that would be the case. For me, it's confusing because I click on something called “Subscribe to bug mail”, so I'm unlikely to choose the last option if I say subscribe to bug mail and then tell it not to send me anything.
Let's say that rather than clicking “Subscribe me” you entered “bar” in the search box and it gave you some results. What information would you expect to see there to narrow down that you're getting the right person/ Presumably the name of the person, an indicator of whether it's an individual or a team would be useful.

Mock-ups 4 and 5

Let's say you clicked “Subscribe me”. Does this next page give you enough information? Well, I get some feedback saying that I've subscribed to bugs in Rythmbox in Ubuntu. I would expect the “Subscribe to bug mail” button to change to tell me that I've already subscribed to bug mail here. I may come back to this package later and if I've got the same UI, I've got no visible feedback as to whether I'm subscribed to bugs for that package or not, I presume that the message here is transient and will only be displayed when you originally subscribe and won't be displayed two days later when you come back.
Let's say you clicked on one of the people you searched for. Yeah, that's fine. I know that the person I selected has been subscribed to bugs in Rythmbox. The “subscribe” link makes sense because I didn't subscribe myself.
Does that give you enough information? Or is your choice recent enough that you don't need reminding of what you chose? It's probably recent enough but the question would be, if I come back to Rythmbox later how do I know if I'm susbcribed to bug mail and at what level and how do I change it?
Do you know how much email one of these subscriptions would result in? Quite a lot. I'm subscribed to Nautilus. If I take Nautilus as an example, as a bug triager I would probably go for the second option in the box: i.e. any change other than a comment is made. Some bugs can generate a huge amount of comments. It depends on what you're doing because I would subscribe to a full package if I'm interested in triaging bugs in that package or I'm interested in handling things for that package. I want to know when new bugs come in or change state in case I can do something about it. I'm not necessarily interested in gettingg a mail after every comment. If there's a bug I've actually worked on, and I'm subscribed directly to it, then I want to get the comments and that makes sense.

It's nice to have the option. There are different packages for which I may want more or less information.

Subscribing to a search
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

Do you ever search for bugs in Launchpad? Yes.
Can you imagine wanting a custom subscription that emails you the results of a search, as they come in? I could picture that. If I managed to have a search that gave me, say, three related bugs in three different projects then that could be a useful custom search to keep. Or if you've got an issue with a particular library but that shows itself as a problem in a piece of software that uses that library, it might be useful to have a search that looks for that in the software so you can immediately set it as a duplicate of the master bug in the library.

Mock-up 2

Question Comments

Okay, let's say you've clicked on that and it gives you this. First comment, the “Subscribe to this search” is on the top-right of the page, whereas subscribing to a package is somewhere down below. I prefer on top, because it highlights it.

(Reads the search summary). Presumably, those are the criteria I put in my search. Okay, that's fine. What would happen … if you just search through the standard search box is it gives you a search with a number of standard options, which you can then modify through advanced search. So, if you had just used standard search, when you see this screen would still see all those options or would that only display when you use the advanced search?
(Graham says: it would show the default options)
Let's talk about the differences between this and suscribing to a package Well, because you've got the summary of what your search actually means, I can see myself wanting to modify the search before I save it. For instance, the default search will hide duplicate bugs but what if I say I actually want to see duplicates?

I'd want to modify it before subscribing, so either I want an option to cancel this or have something that lets me change the settings.

Mock-up 3

Tell me about the options it gives you for how much email you get. Makes sense. It's the same as before, that last one doesn't make sense. If the aim is to give me the opportunity to cancel, I'd expect to maybe see it earlier, but the option doesn't make sense because I've clicked subscribe. Would there be something else? I can't see anything that I'd want to see.

Mock-up 4

And here you have search for “bar”. Same as before.

Mock-ups 5 and 6

Question Comments

And here you've subscribed. Apart from the transient message, I've got no indication of what my current subscriptions are and how I can change them. In this instance, it might actually be more useful to give a bit more information about what the search is and what the criteria for the search are. When you subscribe to a package, you can see already what package you're looking at but here there's nothing to tell you what you've just subscribed to.
And again, you've subscribed Dave Baron. Same comments as before. It might be useful to have a short summary of the search criteria.

Editing a subscription
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

Let's say you're already subscribed to this. How would edit the subsctiption? Click “Edit bug mail subscription”.
Are you happy with the location of that? Yes.
Talk me through this dialogue box. Okay. The first thing is, the dialogue box tells me that this is the result of a search, so presumably the subscription is to this search. I'm not sure how I got here. Presumably the radio button here is selected by default on the option that I have selected before, so it's just a case of changing it. Again, what's the difference between the last option and unsubscribing?
Would you want to pause an existing subscription but have a reminder hanging around that you're interested in that search? I suppose so but is it then a bug mail subscription or a saved search for which you can enable bugmail alerts? It makes a lot more sense for a search rather than for packages. Packages you can go bacck to easily, a search though is something you might want to save. In this case, we're not talking of just a bug mail subscription, bug mail just happens to be alerts that you receive on a saved search, so in that case it makes sense to have this option in the box.

But maybe worded differently? I think so. In the context of a bug mail susbcription, it doesn't make sense, although it does in the context of a saved search.

Mock-up 2

So, let's say you've changed your subscription. Does that statement give you what you need? It's the same as before. That wording is probably enough as you've just made the change but my concern is about coming back to that search and wondering how you're subscribed to it and wondering if you really want to change it or if you're okay with it.

Subscription overview
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

Let's say that you want to get an overview of everything that you've subscribed to in Launchpad. Is this what you'd expect to see? It is but we haven't talked about projects, so I would assume they're the same as packages. I would put mailing lists, well, I would group packages, projects and bug searches because they work in a similar way. Mailing lists are different – you subscribe or you don't. In subscription type, that doesn't correlate with the options I was given. I struggle to know what “Metadata only” and “Lifecycle” mean. “All notifications” is fine. Presumably, as well, if I click on any of these I should be taken directly to the package or search or whatever it is.

In terms of the bug searches, yes you need a reminder of the parameters you had. That all makes sense. I'm not sure about the search results at the bottom, though. If I come here, what does it mean that … how do I get this search result?
This is an overview of all your subscriptions in Launchpad... Oh, those are subscribed bugs … bugs that I've subscribed to individually, fine.
How would edit a subscription? Click the pencil icon.
And cancel? Click the minus icon on the right.

It's fairly straightforward, the only thing is for the bug searches … the pencil icon is next to the subscription type, so does it mean that I can only edit the subscription type or can I also edit the search parameters when I click on this?
You mentioned that mailing lists are different. Is that confusing? That's okay, I think, because that gives you a summary of all of your subsccriptions. I say it's different because you don't have a subscription type, you just have an email address.
Is there any other kind of subscription in Launchpad that you'd expect to see there? Not that I can think of.
Earlier I asked about volumes of email. Should Launchpad offer help on how to filter that email? No. If I want to filter, say I want to filter per package, what do I put in my filter? Presumably the name of the package would be the first thing to go for. That probably would work, I suspect, though I'm not sure. For bug searches and bugs, presumably if you put the bug number in it that would enable you to filter. In terms of searches, I've no idea.
Do you think Launchpad should warn you about the volume of email you're likely to receive? Yes, definitely. Especially as the default option is “all changes”.
Should the default be something different? I don't know. It may be worth having an explanation of the different levels (of email). If not the default option should probably be the second one, because comments are generally what generate a lot of email. If you're subscribed to something you're probably interested in all the lifecycle information.
Any other comments? For searches, what about when bugs have changed and no longer match the subscription criteria? Is it something that would be … I'm not sure whether that would be of any use or not.
Would you expect to happen? I think if a bug drops out because it has changed state and it doesn't match your criteria, the maybe you don't need notifying. If it drops out of the search because someone has cchagned the title, that's worth knowing because then there's a bug that you're interested in that doesn't show in your seardch any more.
(Graham: Would it be useful to have an email that tells you the last thing that happened to the bug that prompted it to drop out of your search?) I think so. It should maybe optional. It's useful to know why and when it has dropped out.

Graham's questions

Question Comments

Looking at the subscription overview page, you said that the subscription type doesn't really tell you anthing. Would it be better to give the same description there as you see it in the dialogue box? It doesn't have to be exactly the same but you need to be able to related the two. All events or no notifications, that's fine, I know those are the first and last options. “Metadata only” and “Lifecycle” … maybe “Lifecycle” is the second option but it could also apply to the third option. “Metadata only”, I don't know. It can't be the third one, it could only be the second one but then that clashes with my impression of what “Lifecycle” should be. If it's something that can recall the option, or alternatively when you've got the list of options have in brackets the short name that you use in the table … something to link the two.

On the dialogue box, they're sorted by how much email they give you, so there's a ranking there somewhere. That should also be used to give a level of subscription, in addition to the wording, so that could be used to clear the confusion on the compact view.

Sheet 4: John Stevenson

Launchpad bug subscription mock-up testing round 1
John Stevenson

Subscribing to a package
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

Let's imagine you're interested in bugs in the Ryhrmbox package in ubuntu and you want to receive email about those bugs. How would you subscribe? I'd probably look at the navigation bar. I'd try to see if there's a subscribe option for the overall package. Oh, “Subscribe to bug email”.
Let's imagine you've clicked that and this dialogue appears. So, adding a subscriber to Rythmbox. Who's a subscriber? I guess that's going to me. So, I can add myself or other people, by the looks of things. Oh, there's a “Subscribe me” thing there. I probably want to do that. If there's people I also know, I can do a search there as well.

Mock-up 2

Question Comments

Let's say you clicked on “Subscribe me” Hopefully these are options that mean I can control what email I get and how often it is. (Describes options and shows that he understands them all.) Don't send me any notifications, that seems counterintuitive if I want to find out about bugs. Unless I'm just joining the project but I've actually asked to subscribe to bug mail, so I'm not clear on that. I'm quite interested in that package, so I'd probably just go for the first one and then if I get bombarded I hope I could go back and change it later.
Is there anything about the order of the options that strikes you? It's giving me everything first, that's the default choice.
Let's say that, rather than subscribing yourself, you thought your friend might be interested. What would you do? I would've clicked in the search box and started typing their name. If I couldn't quite remember their name I'd click the search icon.

Mock-up 3

Question Comments

Let's say you searched on part of their name and it came up with these couple of options. How would you know that one of those people was the one you wanted? If it was my friend Dave, I'd obviously click on Dave. There may be other people with similar names and I wouldn't necessarily know exactly how he was registered. I might want to see some more information when I click or hover. Or if there was some indication of whether I was already connected to them.
Here it says that you can search for people or teams of which you are an administrator. Do those look like people or teams? Foo bar is probably a team and Dave sounds like a person. There's no visual clue, although the icon next to them looks like a person. I'd imagine there'd be several heads if it was a team.
Is that an important distinction? If you were doing this frequently.

Mock-ups 4 and 5

Question Comments

So, you've decided to subscribe yourself. Is this what you'd expect to see? There's a little message at the top. Yeah, my eyes weren't immediately drawn to it. It might be nice if there were a subtle colour behind it. It gives enough information, though.
Let's say you subscribed your friend Dave. Again that's quite short and to the point.

Subscribing to a search
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

Let's say you've done a search for some bugs and you're quite interested in the results of this search. You want to know when other bugs come up that match this search or you want to know about changes to bugs that already match the search. How would you subscribe to this search? Oh! There's a handy button up in the top navigation.

Mock-up 2

Let's say you clicked that and you're presented with this. Talk me through what you see. We've got “Add a subscriber to this search”, so there's a quick “Subscribe me” thing. It's given me some kind options for high, whether it's a bug watch. Oh, that's going to subscribe me to all of those things, so it's all or nothing.
What do you mean by that? Well, I might just want high priority bugs...
So, you might want to adjust the search? Yeah. So, the results that come back … I might not be interested in everything.
Let's say you clicked “Subscribe me”... Some choices I can make. (Reads through options). Again, the default is “Tell me everything” and then I can decide if I want a bit less information by going down the options. The default seems fairly reasonable.

Mock-up 3

Again, you search for someone... Again, it looks the same. I'm familiar with it, my expectations are already set.

Mock-ups 4 & 5

Here's the end of the process. Nothing different from before.
Is that enough information about what you've just done? In the text box it's still showing the search criteria that you've just used. I wonder if it's useful to have the text of the search in the alert box. If you go away and come back again, if you haven't refreshed your screen, you'll be able to see what you were doing.
Would you expect that message to be persistent? No.

Editing a subscription
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

You're viewing a search. How would you edit your subscription to it? Click the button.

Mock-up 2

Question Comments

So, you've clicked that and it gives you this dialogue. Okay, so these seem similar to what I've been able to do before. Again, it's given me the choice of everything and then refine that down.

Or I can subscribe and not have it send me anything but come back later when I'm a bit more interested in it. Ah, and I can unsubscribe from the search.

Pretty straightforward.

Mock-up 3

So, you've made a change. Is this enough information? I've just made the change, so I should know what I'm subscribed to. So long as I'm clear on what changes I made, I don't think I should need to see more.

Again, if I wanted to … I'm not sure how I would get to the summary of all my subscriptions from here.

Subscription overview
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

You want an overview of all your subscriptions in LP and find yourself on this page. Give me your general impression. (Describes what's on the page)
Looking at subscription type, on the bug subscriptions, do they make sense to you? That's a good question. I'm hoping that if I've forgotten, hovering over them would tell me. “All events” just tells me everything.
You wouldn't look at them and immediately tie them to what you saw earlier? They don't ring any bells … “Lifecycle” and “Metadata only” … I could think about it but I don't necessarily want to spend time thinking about it. It's not clear what I'd get from them.
On that bug search, how would you edit the search itself? There doesn't seem to be an easy way, unless the little button at the end is an edit button. I don't see any kind of menu system. I would hope that hovering of the name would give me some options. If I clicked on the name it might take me to somewhere I could edit it.
Are there any other types of subscription you'd expect to see on this page? Groups or friends. I think I'm only interested in looking at what I want to do so everything I normally do is in there. I can't think of anything else.

I wonder if the page is a bit long and it might be good either linkify the summary at the top, so I can jump to the bit I'm interested in, or paginate it, or something like that.

Sheet 5: John Levin

Launchpad bug subscription mock-up testing round 1
John Levin

Subscribing to a package
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

Imagine that you're interested in the Ubuntu Rythmbox package and you want to subscribe to all the bugs in that package. You find yourself on this page. What would you do? I would go to the “Subscribe to bug mail” link.

Mock-up 2

Let's say you've clicked on that and it gives you this dialogue box. (Reads text) If I want to subscribe to all the bugs in a package, really I want a button that does that. It's a bit hidden.
What is? First of all, “Subscribe to bug mail”. From the way it looks here, because it's in a text box, I wouldn't … that box is something to be read, rather than something to be done. The box above it looks like buttons. Instructions to do something.
So, they box with the link is an informational box whereas the box above it has actions that you can perform. Yes.

If I've asked to subscribe to bug mail, why am I being asked to subscribe to something else?
Why do you think that is? because it's not just for the person logged in. it also has an admin function, you can add other people too.
If you wanted to subscribe yourself, what would you do? That search box automatically made me think I shuold put in my email address. But I'm already logged in. The “Subscribe me” button needs some highlighting; it's eclipsed by the search box.
In your view, then, subscribing yourself is the most important thing you can do and subscribing someone else is secondary to that. Yes. If I'm really interested in Rythmbox, I very much … it's about my interest. I'm not an administrator for a package. My general use of Launchpad is just to report bugs I've found and to keep track of a few things. I'm not an administrator, I'm a user.
And you feel that subscribing someone else is the role of an admin? I can see that other people might need that but personally I think it would be unlikely for me.

Mock-up 2

Let's say you've clicked on “subscribe me” and the dialogue box has expanded. (Reads text). That last one strikes me as slightly odd. “Don't send me any notifications” and yet I'm subscribing to bug mail. I think the order … my first instinct is that the main thing I'm going to want to know is about new bugs being filed and not all the comments.
Which option would you put first? “A new bug is added to Rythmbox”
Why? My experience of bug trackign systems is you get a lot of comments and you can get a lot of email that I'm just not going to read.
What about if you could get a summary, each week perhaps? For the bugs I'm interested in, maybe.

What other changes are there other than comments? Status, or a fixed has been added.
Is that not clear? Yes. It's vague because it's changes other than comments. What are those other changes likely to be? You probably want to know if a fix has been added or if it has been sent upstream.

Mock-up 3

Let's say that rather than subscribing yourself, you think that your friend Dave would be interested, so search for him. What would you do to subscribe him and make sure it really was him? I'd click his name.
What ifnormation would you expect to see next to his name to make sure it was him? Probably an email address but that would also slightly worry me if email addresses are spread around. If he has a nick name that he uses on IRC, or something like that, I'd expect to see that, I think.

Mock-ups 4 & 5

Let's say you clicked on “Subscribe me” and you see this. Does that give you enough info about what you've just done? Yeah, I think so. That shows that I've done something, or the computer has done something on its end, and everything's fine. That's nice and prominent at the top there.
Similarly, if you subscribe Dave you get this message. Does that make sense? Yes. Hmm. Might possibly be worth rephrasing that to “You have subscribed Dave Baron to...” That's the right place for an information box, I think.

Subscribing to a search
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

Let's say that you often do a search for the same thing because you're particularly interested in bugs that are high, have a certain tag and are in a certain project. So, you want to subscribe to it rather than doing it manually every so often. How would you do that? Prominent button in the top-right.
Is that where you'd expect to find it? I'd look in that column.
How does that compare with the location we spoke about earlier? That's prominent and clear.

Mock-up 2

Question Comments

So, you've clicked that and you get this. The “Subscribe me” button is small and tucked away at the bottom. The search box is separate from the text caption. The search has been for bugs in Launchpad with a high importance, status is triaged or incomplete and is tagged bug watch.
Is that a good summary of what you'll get in the subscription? yes but it's taken me a bit of time to work that out.

That might be because I can't see the search terms that produced the search. The bugs also have another status that they're in Launchpad Bugs, so if you're doing a search for bugs in Gedit, for example, you would be searching for bugs in Gedit or Firefox or whatever else and that one of the clauses in that search.
Wouldn't it just state the project there instead of Launchpad Bugs? Okay I can see two ways of doing this but I think you've chosen that set (Launchpad bugs) so that should be highlighted in some way. It's one of the clauses of the search, so it needs to be a bullet point or highlighted with some colour.

I think it's a slightly convoluted bit of English “Bugs in Launchpad bugs”
Let me clarify that “Launchpad bugs” could be any other project. It's not that the name Launchpad bugs is confusing, it's that part of the search is for bugs in a particular package and that package name is one of the clauses in the search and I think that needs to be highlighted.

Mock-up 3

Question Comments
Let's say you clicked on “Subscribe me” and the dialogue box changes. You've seen these options before. Do they make sense in this context? Yes, it makes sense.
You raised a question about the final option before. Yes, it's the same as before.

Mock-up 4

Question Comments
So, you've searched for your friend Dave Baron. Does it make sense in this context? Yes. If I can't find the person I'm looking for I … don't need a back button, I can just put new text into the search box. I don't know if it's good design but I'd expect a back button.
Graham, would you be able to cancel this dialogue? Yes.

Mock-ups 5 and 6

Question Comments
Okay, you've subscribed to the search. Is that message enough? Yepm that's fine.
And similarly, you've subscribed Dave. That's fine.

Editing a subscription
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

Previously you've subscribed to search. You find yourself on this page. How do you edit this subscription? There's the button at the top on the right.

Mock-up 2

Question Comments

It gives you this dialogue box. Talk me through that. (reads text).

Now I'm thinking “Don't send me any notifications...” is a really good idea. I'm thinking, you're going on holiday, or something, and you don't want your inbox overflowing … although that's probably a setting for your own account in Launchpad, just wanting to stop all...
Could that option be worded in a better way? If there was something more positive about it?
Pause? Yeah, pause. But if you're subscribing for the first time … but on editing a subscription...

Unsubscribe from the search is not in the same format as the other options.
What would happen if you clicked on that. The others you have to select a radio button and then a tick. You'd get an immediate action.

With the radio buttons, you'd choose one and then another click.
Is it clear to you how much email each option will give you? No.
Is it important to know? Yes, I get enough email as it is.

Mock-up 3

So, you've selected an option and “Your subscription has been updated.” Sometimes when I get a message like that I do wonder, “Did I choose the right option?” So, it should tell me what change I've made.

Subscription overview
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

You want an overview of all your subscriptions in Launchpad and you find yourself on this page.
The summary of your subscriptions, does make sense to you? Broadly, yes.
Do all those things belong together on one page. Yes, they're all subscriptions.
So far, we've been talking only about bug subscriptions. Does it make sense to also have mailing lists on this page? Yes. I want an overview of everything. Subscribing to a mailing list is a bit different to joining a project, though.
What do you mean by “joining a project”? I want to follow the things I'm interested in and, although I don't get email from them, it means that I can … actually, what do I get out of them? I know I'm a member of some of these groups?
So, teams rather than projects? Yes. Oh, hang on, teams aren't here.
Interesting. Would you expect that here? In as much as this is email subscriptions then this makes perfect sense. I'd ask is there going to be an overview page that would have membership of teams and a box listing how many packages, projects, searches and bugs you're subscribed to.
What do these subscription types mean to you? This language wasn't used in the email subscription forms.

Metadata seems self-explanatory, lifecycle I don't know … I'd presume it's to do with the Ubuntu cycle.
How would you edit a subscription? I click on the pencil.
And cancel? Could it be an option when you edit? There's the button at the far end but there's no header and it's not labelled and there's no text attached to it.

Mock-up 2

Question Comments

So, once you click edit you get this. Is it familiar? Yes, but it's using different terminology.

Graham's questions

You suggested, when we were talking about the subscription options, that the second option should be default. That was specifically for subscribing to a package. If you were looking at an individual bug, would you want the default to be the second option or one of others? I'd want everything, if it was a specific bug,

If I was subscribing to a bug, there'd be a reason for that.

Sheet 6: Ciemon Dunville

Launchpad bug subscription mock-up testing round 1
Ciemon Dunville

Subscribing to a package
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

Imagine you're really interested in the Rythmbox package and you want to subscribe to the bugs in that package. You find yourself here, what would you do? I'd look for something that would show me that I can tick them all and subscribe to themm all in one go.
Can you see anything that would allow you to do that? No. Ah, yes.Subscribe to bug mail.

Mock-up 2

Question Comments

Let's imagine that you've clicked that and it presents you with this dialogue box. What would you do next? I'd put my name in there. That's not what it says. “Add subscriber” says to me, well, I want to subscribe so I'd put my name in there but below that it says “Subscribe a person...” so that's not relevant, it'd confuse me slightly but I'd still put my name in there and then click “Subscribe me”. That's confusing. The thing that's confusing is “Search for people or teams”. I'd sling my name in there and click “Subscribe me”.

Mock-up 3

Question Comments

If you did that, the dialogue box would expand. As it is, I'd get everything. Any updates to new bugs or current bugs, I'd get notice of.

Then looking at the others, any change other than a comment is quite obvious. Or is it obvious?

I'm confused by the second one. “Any changes made”, obviously you're gonna get absolutely everything. The second one, we'll go back to. Third one is just new bugs. The fourth one is interesting because why would you subscribe if you don't want to get notifications. As for the second one, any change other than a comment, so what change would you make to an existing bug? It's not something I've experienced. If you edited the initial description, would you get informed of that?
Graham: pretty much anything you do on a bug, so yes, editing a description.
What about the final option? I can only assume that'd give you a quick and easy list but not actual send any emails.

Mock-up 4

Let's say you wanted to subscribe a friend and entered part of his name and it came up with this. In theory, I should be able to subscribe him if his name has come up. If that's a good thing is another discussion. If I'm an administrator, I should be able to add anyone to that bug.
You'd have to be an admin though? I'd expect so because it could potentially lead to some malicious fun.

Mock-ups 5 and 6

After you've subscribed yourself, you see this. Is that what you want to see? It's not really confirming what I've done. I want feedback as to what I've done, possibly, just to confirm the level of subscription you've just set up.
Similarly, if you've subscribed your friend... Yep, and if that is an administrator level subscription I don't know if you would need the extra level of feedback because as an admin you should have a get level of competence in knowing what you're doing.

Subscribing to a search
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

You want to subscribe to a search that perform manually on a regular basis. How would you do that from this page? Top right, subscribe to this search.
Is it obvious what that means? Yeah.

Mock-up 2

You click on the subscribe button and see this. I need to put the word that's highlighted, so erm … no, hang on. First time you did it'd be obvious what you did but...
You know, having done this that you've just done a search in Launchpad. In which case I'd just hit “Subscribe me” and do it.

Mock-up 3

So then it'd show you this. Same applies, all makes sense.

Mock-up 4

And again, you want to subscribe your mate. Same applies, all makes sense.

Mock-ups 5 and 6

You've been subscribed... Yep, same applies.
And you've subscribed your mate... Yep, same again.

Editing a subscription
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

Now, you want to edit your subscription. What do you do? Look for the edit button in the top-right corner.

Mock-up 2

And it presents you with this dialogue. Make sense? Yep.

Mock-up 3

And it shows you what you've done. Happy with that? Yep.

Subscription overview
Mock-up 1

Question Comments

Now you want to get an overview of what you're subscribed to and find yourself here. Does this page give you what you'd expect to have? Yep. Busy but it's all there.
Busy? Is there too much on the page? The problem is, that's entirely personal. I can cope with that but not everyone can. I think it's fine.
Now looking at some of the subscriptions themselves, do the descriptions of the subscription types make sense to you? They don't right now. Well, lifecycle is kind of obvious but it would be quite easy to put a description somewhere, a pop-up perhaps.
What does lifecycle mean? From birth to death of anything.
Everything. Yep.
How does that differ from all events? That'd be down to the description that you provide. In theory, they could be the same.
They're not obvious in themselves. You need further information. Yes.
Does it make sense to have mailing lists on this page. Absolutely. It's a subscription.
Are there any subscriptions that you can have in launchpad that are missing? No.
How would you unsubscribe? Click the edit button.

Mock-up 2

Let's say you did click the edit button and you saw this, is that what you'd expect? Yes.

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  • [get | view] (2010-07-20 15:39:12, 231.0 KB) [[attachment:search-sub-6-round2-600px.png]]
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  • [get | view] (2010-07-20 15:39:19, 260.8 KB) [[attachment:search-sub-7-round2-600px.png]]
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  • [get | view] (2010-07-20 11:21:52, 343.8 KB) [[attachment:subs-overview-1-600px.png]]
  • [get | view] (2010-07-20 16:12:30, 156.6 KB) [[attachment:subs-overview-1-round2-600px.png]]
  • [get | view] (2010-07-20 11:22:23, 265.7 KB) [[attachment:subs-overview-1.png]]
  • [get | view] (2010-07-20 11:21:59, 357.3 KB) [[attachment:subs-overview-1b-600px.png]]
  • [get | view] (2010-07-20 16:12:37, 167.8 KB) [[attachment:subs-overview-1b-round2-600px.png]]
  • [get | view] (2010-07-20 16:13:02, 234.0 KB) [[attachment:subs-overview-1b-round2.png]]
  • [get | view] (2010-07-20 11:22:29, 233.4 KB) [[attachment:subs-overview-1b.png]]
  • [get | view] (2010-07-20 16:12:54, 217.0 KB) [[attachment:subs-overview-round2.png]]
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