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Dec 17 10:00:27 <barry> #startmeeting
Dec 17 10:00:28 <MootBot>       Meeting started at 09:00. The chair is barry.
Dec 17 10:00:28 <MootBot>       Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
Dec 17 10:00:34 <bac>   me
Dec 17 10:00:36 <EdwinGrubbs>   me
Dec 17 10:00:39 <barry> hello everyone and welcome to this week's ameu reviewers meeting
Dec 17 10:00:43 <barry> who's here today?
Dec 17 10:00:43 <intellectronica>       me
Dec 17 10:00:45 <vednis>        me
Dec 17 10:00:45 <sinzui>        me
Dec 17 10:00:48 <rockstar>      me
Dec 17 10:00:51 <vednis>        argh
Dec 17 10:01:20 *       Ursinha (n=ursula@canonical/launchpad/ursinha) has joined #launchpad-meeting
Dec 17 10:01:24 <barry> vednis: going old skool today?
Dec 17 10:01:30 *       vednis is now known as mars
Dec 17 10:01:42 <mars>  barry, ghostbusting
Dec 17 10:01:49 <adeuring>      me
Dec 17 10:01:51 <barry> :)
Dec 17 10:02:07 <salgado>       me
Dec 17 10:02:10 <flacoste>      me
Dec 17 10:02:35 <barry> allenap: ping
Dec 17 10:03:00 <barry> BjornT, cprov, danilos ping
Dec 17 10:03:11 <danilos>       me
Dec 17 10:03:21 <intellectronica>       barry: BjornT is on leave today
Dec 17 10:03:24 <barry> gmb: ping
Dec 17 10:03:27 <barry> intellectronica: thanks
Dec 17 10:03:38 <gmb>   me
Dec 17 10:03:42 <gmb>   Thanks barry
Dec 17 10:03:48 <cprov> me
Dec 17 10:03:54 <barry> [TOPIC] agenda
Dec 17 10:03:54 <MootBot>       New Topic:  agenda
Dec 17 10:04:01 <barry>  * Roll call
Dec 17 10:04:01 <barry>  * Last meeting of the year?
Dec 17 10:04:01 <barry>  * Don't forget to add find-entry-uri rules when exposing new stuff in the API. See [[|API Style Guide >> Update the XSLT stylesheet]]. -- ''allenap''
Dec 17 10:04:01 <barry>  * Peanut gallery (anything not on the agenda)
Dec 17 10:04:01 <barry>  * Action items
Dec 17 10:04:01 <barry>  * Mentoring update
Dec 17 10:04:03 <cprov> barry: thanks (I forgot)
Dec 17 10:04:08 <barry> np
Dec 17 10:04:14 <barry> [TOPIC] last meeting of the year
Dec 17 10:04:15 <MootBot>       New Topic:  last meeting of the year
Dec 17 10:04:28 <barry> do you guys want to meet on the 24th?  i don't think i do :)
Dec 17 10:04:36 <barry> shall we make this the last meeting of 08?
Dec 17 10:04:43 *       al-maisan ( has joined #launchpad-meeting
Dec 17 10:04:46 <rockstar>      Nope
Dec 17 10:04:47 <flacoste>      i'm on leave, so +1
Dec 17 10:05:00 <rockstar>      I'll probably be out on the 24th
Dec 17 10:05:22 <barry> any objections?
Dec 17 10:05:30 <barry> 5... 4... 3... 2...
Dec 17 10:05:39 <barry> 1
Dec 17 10:05:43 <barry> done
Dec 17 10:05:52 <barry> [TOPIC]  * Don't forget to add find-entry-uri rules when exposing new stuff in the API. See [[|API Style Guide >> Update the XSLT stylesheet]]. -- ''allenap''
Dec 17 10:05:53 <MootBot>       New Topic:   * Don't forget to add find-entry-uri rules when exposing new stuff in the API. See [[|API Style Guide >> Update the XSLT stylesheet]]. -- ''allenap''
Dec 17 10:05:58 <barry> allenap: the floor is yours
Dec 17 10:06:06 *       gmb blinks
Dec 17 10:06:56 <rockstar>      He never me'd, but I asked him to put this on here, so I know what it's about...
Dec 17 10:06:57 *       abentley ( has joined #launchpad-meeting
Dec 17 10:07:14 <barry> rockstar: i missed that he didn't mii, but go ahead
Dec 17 10:07:18 <abentley>      Sorry I'm late.  My CHR day, so schedule's a little off.
Dec 17 10:07:25 <barry> abentley: no worries!
Dec 17 10:07:58 <rockstar>      Well, earlier in the cycle, I landed a branch exposing the bmps to the APIp
Dec 17 10:08:03 <rockstar>      -p
Dec 17 10:08:40 <rockstar>      I didn't update the XSLT stylesheet though, because I didn't know about it, and my reviewer didn't ask about it.
Dec 17 10:09:17 <rockstar>      So allenap landed a branch with a bunch of new changes because it seemed I wasn't the only one (I reviewed the branch)
Dec 17 10:09:26 <flacoste>      yes
Dec 17 10:09:38 <flacoste>      that would have been part of my API reviewer cheat-sheet
Dec 17 10:09:41 <rockstar>      So I just want to remind everyone to make sure the wsdl file gets updated on API changes.
Dec 17 10:09:46 <flacoste>      (which I didn't do, so I suck)
Dec 17 10:10:07 <bac>   the posted link does not work for me.  is it available on the new wiki?
Dec 17 10:10:19 <rockstar>      No idea.
Dec 17 10:10:24 <barry> doubtful
Dec 17 10:10:33 <flacoste>      nobody moved this yet
Dec 17 10:10:36 <barry> i really need to spend some time moving the dev resources over to the new wiki
Dec 17 10:10:40 <flacoste>      afaik
Dec 17 10:10:43 <cprov> rockstar: is it possible to make `lint` complain about it ?
Dec 17 10:10:51 <flacoste>      well
Dec 17 10:10:57 <flacoste>      there is a gotcha abohut this
Dec 17 10:11:07 <flacoste>      in the sense that the XSLT file lives in a separate branch
Dec 17 10:11:19 <flacoste>      it's in the launchpadlib branch
Dec 17 10:11:25 <flacoste>      not on the launchpad branch
Dec 17 10:11:38 <flacoste>      the rationale for having it on launchpadlib was that some users asked for it
Dec 17 10:11:40 <rockstar>      Maybe just asking about updating it is enough.  We are all pretty honorable.
Dec 17 10:11:45 <flacoste>      and we were hoping for community contrib on it
Dec 17 10:11:55 <flacoste>      i agree with rockstar
Dec 17 10:12:32 <rockstar>      I mean, if my reviewer asked about it, at least I would have known about it.
Dec 17 10:12:39 <abentley>      barry: Yeah, I've been meaning to move the developer documentation over, but I wanted to make sure it was all kosher.
Dec 17 10:12:57 <rockstar>      And it would at least be a good reminder.
Dec 17 10:13:09 <barry> abentley: i think it could use some gardening along the way, but if you're bored, go for it! :)
Dec 17 10:13:12 <cprov> well, if we don't have a code check it's very likely that even the most honorable programmer will forget to do it once in while.
Dec 17 10:13:37 <cprov> but I'm fine with it being part of the dev & reviewers guidelines.
Dec 17 10:13:37 <barry> if devs don't remember it needs to be updated, it's likely some reviewers will also not remember
Dec 17 10:13:40 *       barry looks in mirror
Dec 17 10:14:03 <barry> cprov: i definitely think that's a good start
Dec 17 10:14:21 <abentley>      barry: I'm meaning, and it seems pretty clean to me.
Dec 17 10:14:29 <barry> flacoste: can we just pawn this one off on you too as part of the api reviewer cheatsheet?
Dec 17 10:14:36 <flacoste>      barry: sure
Dec 17 10:15:07 <barry> abentley: oh yeah, that looks fine.  it would be great to move those over.  the reviewer ones need more gardening
Dec 17 10:15:13 <barry> flacoste: thanks
Dec 17 10:15:16 <barry> abentley: thanks
Dec 17 10:15:56 <barry> anything else on this topic?
Dec 17 10:16:35 <barry> [TOPIC]  * Peanut gallery (anything not on the agenda)
Dec 17 10:16:36 <MootBot>       New Topic:   * Peanut gallery (anything not on the agenda)
Dec 17 10:16:53 <barry> the floor is open.  do you have anything else to discuss today?
Dec 17 10:17:28 <abentley>      barry: bzr send.
Dec 17 10:17:46 <barry> abentley: give me some good news!
Dec 17 10:17:52 <rockstar>      yay!
Dec 17 10:18:31 <abentley>      When the next rev of launchpad goes live, "bzr send --no-bundle --mail-to" should Just Work.
Dec 17 10:18:39 <flacoste>      awesome!
Dec 17 10:18:48 <rockstar>      Woot!
Dec 17 10:19:02 <abentley>      It will create a merge directive attached to an email in your configured mail client.
Dec 17 10:19:15 <abentley>      The body of that email will be used as an initial comment.
Dec 17 10:19:22 <flacoste>      this is great
Dec 17 10:19:30 <barry> this is fantastic
Dec 17 10:19:34 <abentley>      The diff in the merge directive will be attached as the review diff.
Dec 17 10:19:42 <flacoste>      so we could upgrade lpreview on top of that
Dec 17 10:19:50 <barry> flacoste: +1
Dec 17 10:19:52 *       mars can see that becoming a new alias in his bazaar.conf
Dec 17 10:20:03 <flacoste>      to integrate the lint and other stuff
Dec 17 10:20:07 <abentley>      mars: Yes, I highly recommend setting an alias.
Dec 17 10:20:32 <abentley>      flacoste: Yes, that's one option.  Another would be extending bzr send so that we can just hook that in.
Dec 17 10:20:39 <sinzui>        abentley: can I specify a diff or the revision to make the diff from?
Dec 17 10:20:54 <barry> abentley: does it play nice with looms?
Dec 17 10:20:54 <abentley>      sinzui: Yes.
Dec 17 10:21:06 <rockstar>      barry, does anything? :)
Dec 17 10:21:10 <barry> lol
Dec 17 10:21:11 <abentley>      barry: Not in combination with Launchpad.
Dec 17 10:21:23 <barry> abentley: gotcha
Dec 17 10:21:42 <abentley>      barry: Sorry, but LP is branch-obsessed, and doesn't really grok loom threads.
Dec 17 10:21:44 <flacoste>      abentley, barry: i'd expect a bzr send on a bzr export-loom-ed branch should Just Work
Dec 17 10:21:58 <abentley>      flacoste: Right.
Dec 17 10:22:07 <flacoste>      export-loom FTW!
Dec 17 10:22:12 <mars>  abentley, will it do dependant branches properly?
Dec 17 10:22:16 <barry> flacoste: right, but you'd have to be careful about exported higher threads so they don't include too much diff
Dec 17 10:22:21 <abentley>      flacoste: But your branch must have a public location specified.
Dec 17 10:22:22 <barry> mars: yeah, exactly
Dec 17 10:22:24 *       salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
Dec 17 10:22:31 <abentley>      mars: No.
Dec 17 10:22:34 <mars>  :(
Dec 17 10:23:20 <abentley>      mars: Merge directives (bzr send output) have no concept of a dependent branch.  They only specify a change to apply.
Dec 17 10:23:29 <mars>  ah, ok
Dec 17 10:23:52 <abentley>      Merge proposals have dropped the dependent branch feature for now, because it greatly complicates things.  It's an 80/20 rule.
Dec 17 10:24:02 <mars>  right
Dec 17 10:24:04 <rockstar>      Yup
Dec 17 10:24:24 <barry> well, this is still a great advance, thanks code team!
Dec 17 10:24:29 <abentley>      Oh, I should mention that the diffs will appear in the email and on the web page.
Dec 17 10:24:50 <barry> abentley: will there be an easier way to download the diff? rather than cut-n-paste?
Dec 17 10:25:02 <rockstar>      In the email as an attachment, right?
Dec 17 10:25:21 <abentley>      barry: It will be an attachment in the email, but on the web UI, not yet.
Dec 17 10:26:05 <abentley>      However, it's a librarian file, so we can get that into edge soon, if we want.
Dec 17 10:27:07 *       rockstar is so essited!
Dec 17 10:27:31 <barry> very cool
Dec 17 10:27:44 <allenap>       er, me, sorry.
Dec 17 10:28:02 <rockstar>      allenap, I got your back.
Dec 17 10:28:05 <abentley>      One of the cool things about this feature is virtually any URL works.  I just sent a merge proposal with the target branch specified as, and it correctly picked the LP branch.
Dec 17 10:28:27 <rockstar>      abentley, that's effing awesome
Dec 17 10:28:41 <abentley>      Note that LP does not handle bunldes yet, so for best results, specify --no-bundle.
Dec 17 10:28:51 <rockstar>      abentley, how does it handle branches it doesn't know about?
Dec 17 10:28:57 <abentley>      That will ensure it checks that the appropriate revisions are present at the public location.
Dec 17 10:29:26 <abentley>      rockstar: For source branches it doesn't know about, it creates a new RemoteBranch.  For target branches it doesn't know about, it errors.
Dec 17 10:29:52 <rockstar>      Okay.  That error is then emailed to me?
Dec 17 10:30:03 <abentley>      rockstar: Yes.
Dec 17 10:30:17 <rockstar>      abentley, once again: woot
Dec 17 10:30:40 <mars>  abentley, rockstar, you may want to copy the questions from this meeting into the feature FAQ, once it's written
Dec 17 10:31:03 *       Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Dec 17 10:31:03 2008

**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Dec 17 10:31:17 2008

Dec 17 10:31:17 *       Now talking on #launchpad-meeting
Dec 17 10:31:17 *       Topic for #launchpad-meeting is:  Launchpad Meeting Grounds | Channel logs: | Meeting Logs: |
Dec 17 10:31:17 *       Topic for #launchpad-meeting set by Rinchen at Tue Dec 16 14:28:48 2008
Dec 17 10:31:17 *       #launchpad-meeting :
Dec 17 10:31:18 *       Received a CTCP VERSION from freenode-connect
Dec 17 10:31:19 <rockstar>      Well, since barry is gone, I guess the meeting is over...  :)
Dec 17 10:31:32 <barry> i'm not gone, just my irc sucks
Dec 17 10:31:44 <barry> is this thing on?
Dec 17 10:31:51 <abentley>      The one bad thing is my holidays start today, so I won't be on duty to answer questions until the new year.
Dec 17 10:32:07 <barry> but is there anything else for today?  any other topics?
Dec 17 10:32:14 <rockstar>      abentley, we should chat and I should get a brain dump then.
Dec 17 10:32:30 <abentley>      rockstar: Sounds good.
Dec 17 10:32:45 <rockstar>      dd if=/dev/abentley of=/dev/rockstar
Dec 17 10:33:07 <abentley>      rockstar: Remember the ending of Indy 4? :-)
Dec 17 10:33:19 <barry> i guess we're done then? :)
Dec 17 10:33:26 <rockstar>      Yup!
Dec 17 10:33:31 <barry> #endmeeting