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12-08-2009 10:00:14 > barry: #startmeeting
12-08-2009 10:00:15 < MootBot!n=MootBot@unaffiliated/mootbot: Meeting started at 09:00. The chair is barry.
12-08-2009 10:00:15 < MootBot!n=MootBot@unaffiliated/mootbot: Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
12-08-2009 10:00:33 > barry: hello everybody and welcome to this week's ameu reviewers meeting.  who's here today?
12-08-2009 10:00:35 < gary_poster! me
12-08-2009 10:00:37 < EdwinGrubbs!n=egrubbs@canonical/launchpad/edwingrubbs: me
12-08-2009 10:00:37 < bac!n=bac@canonical/launchpad/bac: me
12-08-2009 10:00:38 < noodles775!n=miken@canonical/launchpad/noodles775: me
12-08-2009 10:00:41 < adeuring! me
12-08-2009 10:00:48 > barry: we have apologies from rockstar and jtv
12-08-2009 10:00:50 < intellectronica! me
12-08-2009 10:00:56 < henninge! me, what time zone is 9:00 anyway?
12-08-2009 10:00:57 < salgado!n=salgado@canonical/launchpad/salgado: me
12-08-2009 10:01:06 < bac!n=bac@canonical/launchpad/bac: CDT
12-08-2009 10:01:15 < deryck!n=deryck@samba/team/deryck: me
12-08-2009 10:01:21 < bac!n=bac@canonical/launchpad/bac: er, central daylight, henninge
12-08-2009 10:01:25 < henninge! bac: why, servers running there?
12-08-2009 10:01:31 < bac!n=bac@canonical/launchpad/bac: must be EdwinGrubbs
12-08-2009 10:01:57 > barry: bigjools sends apologies for soyuz folks, who may be late
12-08-2009 10:02:43 > * barry wonders if any non-canonical folks are joining us today
12-08-2009 10:02:55 < danilos!n=danilo@canonical/launchpad/danilos: me
12-08-2009 10:03:00 > barry: [TOPIC] agenda
12-08-2009 10:03:01 < MootBot!n=MootBot@unaffiliated/mootbot: New Topic:  agenda
12-08-2009 10:03:08 > barry: * Roll call
12-08-2009 10:03:08 > barry:  * Action items
12-08-2009 10:03:08 > barry:  * Mentoring update
12-08-2009 10:03:11 > barry:  * Peanut gallery (anything not on the agenda)
12-08-2009 10:03:15 > barry:  
12-08-2009 10:03:26 > barry: let me start today by thanking bac for chairing the meetings while i was out
12-08-2009 10:03:32 < gary_poster! yay bac!
12-08-2009 10:03:40 < henninge! way to go bac!
12-08-2009 10:03:44 < bac!n=bac@canonical/launchpad/bac: it was no problem, barry.
12-08-2009 10:04:10 < bac!n=bac@canonical/launchpad/bac: barry: you'll note we were done in twenty one minutes both weeks!
12-08-2009 10:04:15 > barry: bac: i think i will let you chair every time there are outstanding actions :)
12-08-2009 10:04:25 > barry: bac: let's beat that record today! :)
12-08-2009 10:04:30 > barry: [TOPIC] action items
12-08-2009 10:04:31 < MootBot!n=MootBot@unaffiliated/mootbot: New Topic:  action items
12-08-2009 10:04:37 > barry: nothing!  wow, thanks everyone!
12-08-2009 10:04:47 > barry: [TOPIC] mentoring update
12-08-2009 10:04:47 < MootBot!n=MootBot@unaffiliated/mootbot: New Topic:  mentoring update
12-08-2009 10:05:28 > barry: i think it's fantastic that leonardr graduated and that now all coders are reviewers.  i want to keep this item on the agenda for when wgrant applies for mentat status :)
12-08-2009 10:05:42 < gary_poster! :-)
12-08-2009 10:05:51 > barry: any other comments on mentoring before i move on?
12-08-2009 10:06:16 > barry: [TOPIC] peanut gallery
12-08-2009 10:06:16 < MootBot!n=MootBot@unaffiliated/mootbot: New Topic:  peanut gallery
12-08-2009 10:06:21 < intellectronica! perhaps just to remind that a similar program is now going on with ui reviews
12-08-2009 10:06:56 > barry: intellectronica: right!  thanks.  to the extent that we can share wisdom or there's overlap it might be good to have a summary of those meetings over here
12-08-2009 10:07:23 > barry: intellectronica: would you like to be the bridge between the two groups, at least until i get mentored over there? <wink>
12-08-2009 10:07:35 < gary_poster! there's a move afoot (in the softarch CoP) to try and get a company-wide guideline for reviews.  I pointed them to our stuff.  Some of it needs to be transferred from the old-old wiki, not just the old wiki!
12-08-2009 10:07:37 < intellectronica! sure
12-08-2009 10:07:43 > barry: intellectronica: thanks
12-08-2009 10:08:17 > barry: gary_poster: yes, +1  i think we need to give that as an action for someone.  does anybody want to volunteer?
12-08-2009 10:08:54 > barry: i will do it then :)
12-08-2009 10:08:56 < gary_poster! I'll probably volunteer next week if nobody does this week :-)
12-08-2009 10:09:00 < gary_poster! oh ok, nm ;-)
12-08-2009 10:09:04 > barry: curses!
12-08-2009 10:09:07 < gary_poster! lol
12-08-2009 10:09:21 > barry: gary_poster: maybe we can both take an action on that?
12-08-2009 10:09:28 < gary_poster! actually I had that written and was just waiting to see someone else volunteer ;-)
12-08-2009 10:09:29 < gary_poster! sure
12-08-2009 10:09:46 > * barry must remember to read /more/ email during these meetings
12-08-2009 10:09:51 < gary_poster! lol
12-08-2009 10:10:15 > barry: [ACTION] gary_poster and barry will transfer review guidelines from the old{1,2} wiki to the new wiki
12-08-2009 10:10:16 < MootBot!n=MootBot@unaffiliated/mootbot: ACTION received:  gary_poster and barry will transfer review guidelines from the old{1,2} wiki to the new wiki
12-08-2009 10:10:38 < gary_poster! barry, I won't have time between now and next mtg, which was why I said that, but am happy to work on it next wk.
12-08-2009 10:10:49 > barry: gary_poster: cool, np
12-08-2009 10:10:53 > barry: thanks
12-08-2009 10:11:10 > barry: anyway, there's nothing else on the agenda.  does anybody have any other topics for today?
12-08-2009 10:11:58 > barry: 5
12-08-2009 10:12:02 > barry: 4
12-08-2009 10:12:07 > barry: 3
12-08-2009 10:12:07 < danilos!n=danilo@canonical/launchpad/danilos: short and sweet, I guess
12-08-2009 10:12:10 > barry: 2
12-08-2009 10:12:12 > barry: 1
12-08-2009 10:12:14 > barry: #endmeeting


12-08-2009 18:31:01 > barry: #startmeeting
12-08-2009 18:31:02 < MootBot!n=MootBot@unaffiliated/mootbot: Meeting started at 17:31. The chair is barry.
12-08-2009 18:31:02 < MootBot!n=MootBot@unaffiliated/mootbot: Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
12-08-2009 18:31:19 > barry: hi everyone and welcome to this week's asiapac reveiwers meeting.  who's here today?
12-08-2009 18:31:21 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: ni!
12-08-2009 18:31:31 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: wgrant, ping
12-08-2009 18:31:49 > barry: wgrant: you are welcome to lurk or join in!
12-08-2009 18:31:59 > barry: thumper, jml ping
12-08-2009 18:32:00 < wgrant!n=wgrant@ubuntu/member/wgrant: me!
12-08-2009 18:32:12 > barry: \o/
12-08-2009 18:32:19 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: hi
12-08-2009 18:32:23 > barry: rockstar: gotcha
12-08-2009 18:32:26 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: rockstar: shh
12-08-2009 18:32:30 > barry: so...
12-08-2009 18:32:34 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: jml is unavailable :)
12-08-2009 18:32:34 > barry: [TOPIC] agenda
12-08-2009 18:32:35 < MootBot!n=MootBot@unaffiliated/mootbot: New Topic:  agenda
12-08-2009 18:32:44 > barry: ;)
12-08-2009 18:33:07 > barry: well it was a very short ameu meeting, so to summarize...
12-08-2009 18:33:30 > barry: intellectronica is going to keep these teams abreast of what happens in the new ui reviewer meetings
12-08-2009 18:33:43 > barry: at least until i s/mentat/reviewer/
12-08-2009 18:34:10 > barry: gary_poster and /me will work on transferring review guidelines from the old old wiki and old wiki to the new wiki
12-08-2009 18:34:25 > barry: that's about it
12-08-2009 18:34:36 > barry: we don't really have any action items, so let me open things up to y'all
12-08-2009 18:34:44 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: To be honest, I think we should actually have a section lead by the UI reviewers in the reviewer meetings, instead of the super sekrit phone call.
12-08-2009 18:34:45 > barry: what's been going on and what's on your mind?
12-08-2009 18:35:01 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: That way, we can involve the community more.
12-08-2009 18:35:21 < gary_poster! [peanut gallery] rockstar: +1 in theory
12-08-2009 18:35:27 > barry: rockstar: i'd be in favor of that
12-08-2009 18:35:45 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: gary_poster, why not in practice?
12-08-2009 18:35:50 < gary_poster! (in theory simply because I haven't thought about the practicalities too much)
12-08-2009 18:36:28 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: gary_poster, yeah, but I think having that interaction between UI reviewers should be a bit more public.  I think the phone call should be for keeping the teams up to date with other UI matters.
12-08-2009 18:37:16 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: Also, another thing that came up in a review with thumper yesterday.
12-08-2009 18:37:36 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: In the new views, we have to implement a page_title attribute.  Sometimes this is a function.
12-08-2009 18:38:03 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: In generic edit views, we also need a label attribute, which can also be an @property
12-08-2009 18:38:34 -!- Edwin-afk!n=egrubbs@canonical/launchpad/edwingrubbs has quit [Connection timed out]
12-08-2009 18:38:40 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: Do those two functions need docstrings?  We often don't include them in initialize and other functions that need implementing, unless there is a specific reason.
12-08-2009 18:39:22 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: also worth noting there is a new lp/app/templates/ that should suit most general editing needs
12-08-2009 18:39:26 > barry: rockstar: the way to think about it is if/when we get sphinx output for api docs. would the docstring help?
12-08-2009 18:39:41 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: the docstring would be the same every time
12-08-2009 18:39:46 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: the label is rendered as the h1
12-08-2009 18:39:53 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: barry, in this case, no, because in thumper's branch, all the docstrings were the same.  That's why I had him remove them.
12-08-2009 18:39:58 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: and the page_title is the html title for the page
12-08-2009 18:39:58 -!- gary_poster! has quit []
12-08-2009 18:40:19 < * rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar will let thumper talk about
12-08-2009 18:40:24 > barry: well, another way to think about it is that when they /are/ just attributes they won't have docstrings
12-08-2009 18:41:01 > barry: i think we can play those by ear.  i.e. let the dev and reviewer decide
12-08-2009 18:41:05 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: I'm +1 on not having docstrings for label and page_title properties
12-08-2009 18:41:27 > barry: i wouldn't say they /can't/ but i agree they don't need to
12-08-2009 18:41:43 -!- EdwinGrubbs! has joined #launchpad-meeting
12-08-2009 18:41:48 > barry: thumper: tell me about
12-08-2009 18:42:04 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: a new very simple template
12-08-2009 18:42:08 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: new 3.0 style
12-08-2009 18:42:12 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: just renders the form
12-08-2009 18:42:22 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: so the view has page_title, label, and other bits
12-08-2009 18:42:33 > barry: from the object's schema?
12-08-2009 18:42:36 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: refer to the (not py)
12-08-2009 18:42:44 > barry: s/py/pt/
12-08-2009 18:42:46 > barry: ;)
12-08-2009 18:42:48 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: lp/app/templates/
12-08-2009 18:43:20 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: I found there were many similar edit pages in code
12-08-2009 18:43:26 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: and sinzui also had many in registry
12-08-2009 18:43:28 > barry: cool.  i'll add this to the summary so other reviewers are on the lookout for when we can use it
12-08-2009 18:43:33 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: And me in answers.
12-08-2009 18:43:36 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: there are no bugs in no code (or pages)
12-08-2009 18:43:44 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: Yes, so we remove templates.
12-08-2009 18:43:56 > barry: which is always good!
12-08-2009 18:44:39 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: that's all I think
12-08-2009 18:44:41 > barry: [ACTION] reviewers should watch for opportunities to remove custom templates in favor of
12-08-2009 18:44:42 < MootBot!n=MootBot@unaffiliated/mootbot: ACTION received:  reviewers should watch for opportunities to remove custom templates in favor of
12-08-2009 18:45:20 > barry: thumper: thanks.  rockstar or wgrant anything from you?
12-08-2009 18:45:43 > barry: wgrant how have things gone with the branches you've submitted?
12-08-2009 18:45:45 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: barry, maybe I should start coming to the AsiaPac meetings instead of the early morning one for me.  :)
12-08-2009 18:46:16 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: then we could have almost all the code team at one
12-08-2009 18:46:17 > barry: rockstar: they go quicker that's for sure, though this one has already gone longer than the ameu one this morning :)
12-08-2009 18:46:27 > barry: seriously: +1
12-08-2009 18:46:35 > barry: abentley too?
12-08-2009 18:46:47 > barry: it wouldn't be a bad time for him
12-08-2009 18:47:23 < wgrant!n=wgrant@ubuntu/member/wgrant: barry: It has gone pretty well.
12-08-2009 18:47:41 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: Wait, that might not be good.  Next you'll round the code team up in camps and experiment on us.
12-08-2009 18:47:44 < wgrant!n=wgrant@ubuntu/member/wgrant: Although it's sometimes awkward to find Soyuz people around, it's been fairly quick and painless.
12-08-2009 18:48:03 > barry: wgrant: great!  i'm really psyched to see you blazing the trail
12-08-2009 18:48:04 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: nah, abentley will probably still go to the other one
12-08-2009 18:48:11 < wgrant!n=wgrant@ubuntu/member/wgrant: ... although ec2test for contributors would be nice.
12-08-2009 18:48:12 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: this would be too late in his evening
12-08-2009 18:48:18 > barry: wgrant: +1
12-08-2009 18:48:23 < rockstar!n=rockstar@canonical/launchpad/rockstar: wgrant, +1
12-08-2009 18:48:34 > barry: thumper: it's only 6:30pm for us
12-08-2009 18:48:47 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: :)
12-08-2009 18:48:58 > barry: 'sup to him of course
12-08-2009 18:48:59 < thumper!n=quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper: barry: do you have a few minutes for a skype call after this?
12-08-2009 18:49:05 > barry: thumper: i do
12-08-2009 18:49:10 > barry: are we done?
12-08-2009 18:49:25 > barry: 5
12-08-2009 18:49:26 > barry: 4
12-08-2009 18:49:27 > barry: 3
12-08-2009 18:49:29 > barry: 2
12-08-2009 18:49:31 > barry: 1
12-08-2009 18:49:33 > barry: #endmeeting

ReviewerMeeting20090812 (last edited 2009-08-12 23:20:08 by barry)