cprov's last day
30-09-2009 10:00:03 > barry: #startmeeting 30-09-2009 10:00:04 < MootBot: Meeting started at 09:00. The chair is barry. 30-09-2009 10:00:04 < MootBot: Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] 30-09-2009 10:00:19 > barry: hello everybody and welcome to this week's ameu reviewers meeting. who's here today? 30-09-2009 10:00:21 < jtv: me 30-09-2009 10:00:22 < gmb: me 30-09-2009 10:00:23 < noodles775: me 30-09-2009 10:00:24 < bac: me 30-09-2009 10:00:26 < henninge: me 30-09-2009 10:00:32 < jtv: hi barry! 30-09-2009 10:00:40 > barry: jtv: hi! 30-09-2009 10:00:50 < cprov: me 30-09-2009 10:01:03 > barry: i know a number of folks are at the tl meeting and won't be joining us 30-09-2009 10:01:30 < adeuring: me 30-09-2009 10:01:44 -!- intellectronica! has joined #launchpad-meeting 30-09-2009 10:01:51 < intellectronica: me 30-09-2009 10:02:00 > barry: abentley leonardr EdwinGrubbs ping 30-09-2009 10:02:13 < abentley: me 30-09-2009 10:02:13 < leonardr: me 30-09-2009 10:02:20 > barry: allenap: ping? 30-09-2009 10:02:26 < allenap: me 30-09-2009 10:02:28 < allenap: Sorry. 30-09-2009 10:02:41 > barry: it's a light day today so this might go quickly 30-09-2009 10:02:44 > barry: [TOPIC] agenda 30-09-2009 10:02:45 < MootBot: New Topic: agenda 30-09-2009 10:03:00 > barry: == Agenda == 30-09-2009 10:03:00 > barry: 30-09-2009 10:03:00 > barry: * Roll call 30-09-2009 10:03:00 > barry: * Action items 30-09-2009 10:03:03 > barry: * UI review call update 30-09-2009 10:03:06 > barry: * Peanut gallery (anything not on the agenda) 30-09-2009 10:03:09 > barry: 30-09-2009 10:03:12 > barry: 30-09-2009 10:03:19 > barry: [TOPIC] action items 30-09-2009 10:03:20 < MootBot: New Topic: action items 30-09-2009 10:03:26 > barry: * gary_poster and barry will transfer review guidelines from the old wiki and old old wiki to the new wiki 30-09-2009 10:03:41 > barry: not done, though i will try to get with gary to work on this now that 3.0 is out 30-09-2009 10:03:49 > barry: * cprov to update guidelines to clarify how code sensitive to env changes should be written 30-09-2009 10:04:39 < cprov: jeez, I haven't done that. 30-09-2009 10:04:57 > barry: cprov: still up for it? 30-09-2009 10:05:12 < cprov: barry: I have to, right ? :) 30-09-2009 10:05:17 -!- gmb!n=gmb@canonical/launchpad/gmb has quit [Remote closed the connection] 30-09-2009 10:05:23 < cprov: I will do that right now. 30-09-2009 10:05:24 -!- gmb! has joined #launchpad-meeting 30-09-2009 10:05:28 < noodles775: (cprov's last day today ;) ). 30-09-2009 10:05:40 < intellectronica: oh wow 30-09-2009 10:05:41 > barry: cprov: ! ;( 30-09-2009 10:05:57 > barry: cprov: you're not allowed to leave 30-09-2009 10:06:21 < intellectronica: ... until you update the wiki ;) 30-09-2009 10:06:26 > barry: :D 30-09-2009 10:06:32 < cprov: aha 30-09-2009 10:06:41 > barry: cprov: good luck man and stay in touch! 30-09-2009 10:06:59 < intellectronica: cprov: what barry said 30-09-2009 10:06:59 < EdwinGrubbs: me 30-09-2009 10:07:03 < cprov: barry: thank you, I will be around. 30-09-2009 10:07:33 > barry: cprov: and thanks for updating the wiki 30-09-2009 10:07:34 > barry: [TOPIC] ui review call update 30-09-2009 10:07:35 < MootBot: New Topic: ui review call update 30-09-2009 10:07:44 > barry: intellectronica: was there a call this week? i was out 30-09-2009 10:07:46 < intellectronica: there was no ui call 30-09-2009 10:07:56 > barry: [TOPIC] peanut gallery 30-09-2009 10:07:57 < MootBot: New Topic: peanut gallery 30-09-2009 10:08:05 > barry: that's all i have today then. anything from y'all? 30-09-2009 10:08:53 < jtv: deafening silence 30-09-2009 10:09:04 > barry: 5...4...3...2...1 30-09-2009 10:09:12 > barry: we're done. enjoy week 0 everybody 30-09-2009 10:09:14 > barry: #endmeeting