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[15:00] <bac> #startmeeting
[15:00] <MootBot> Meeting started at 09:00. The chair is bac.
[15:00] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[15:01] <bac> Hi, welcome to the Launchpad Reviewers Meeting serving Europe and the Americas.  Who is here?
[15:01] <rockstar> me
[15:01] <noodles775> me too
[15:01] <abentley> also me
[15:02] <deryck> me
[15:02] <henninge> me
[15:02] <allenap> me
[15:02] <bigjools> me
[15:02] <bac> sinzui, EdwinGrubbs: ping
[15:02] <bigjools> or should I say, moi aussi
[15:02] <EdwinGrubbs> me
[15:02] <sinzui> me
[15:03] <bac> danilos: ping
[15:03] <bac> Registry Team is here!
[15:03] <adeuring> me
[15:03] <intellectronica> me
[15:03] <bac> gary_poster: ping
[15:03] <gary_poster> bac: me
[15:03] <bac> flacoste: ping
[15:03] <flacoste> me
[15:04] <bac> TLs ping your peeps
[15:04] <mars> me
[15:04] <henninge> bac: I did ping my TL
[15:04] <salgado> me
[15:04] <henninge> ;)
[15:04] <bac> [topic] agenda
[15:04] <MootBot> New Topic:  agenda
[15:04] <bigjools> soyuz here
[15:04] <al-maisan> me
[15:05] <bac> * Roll call
[15:05] <bac>  * Agenda
[15:05] <bac>  * Outstanding actions
[15:05] <bac>  * New topics
[15:05] <bac>    * YUI namespacing for lp specific items should start with lp (rockstar)
[15:05] <bac>  * Peanut gallery
[15:05] <bac> [topic] outstanding actions
[15:05] <MootBot> New Topic:  outstanding actions
[15:05] <bac> [topic] * gary_poster to do timing tests for try/except, examine current usage of check_permission, and we'll discuss again 3-Mar.
[15:05] <MootBot> New Topic:  * gary_poster to do timing tests for try/except, examine current usage of check_permission, and we'll discuss again 3-Mar.
[15:05] <bac> any progress gary_poster?
[15:06] <gary_poster> let's take it off the list, and I'll ping when I do it
[15:06] <gary_poster> that would be a no :-)
[15:06] <bac> gary_poster: ok.
[15:06] <bac> [topic] * salgado to update the wiki page to encourage reviews with sufficient context.
[15:06] <MootBot> New Topic:  * salgado to update the wiki page to encourage reviews with sufficient context.
[15:07] <salgado> oh, crap.  haven't done it yet
[15:07] <salgado> sorry
[15:07] <bac> np.  i keep meaning to harass people with items on mondays but i keep forgetting.
[15:07] <bac> [topic] bigjools to start ML discussion about community reviewers and committers.  (done 24-Feb)
[15:07] <MootBot> New Topic:  bigjools to start ML discussion about community reviewers and committers.  (done 24-Feb)
[15:07] <bac> thanks bigjools -- you're our star today
[15:08] <bigjools> I don't suck!
[15:08] <bigjools> next action on you to talk to legal?
[15:08] <bac> and on a related note:
[15:08] <bac> [topic] * bac to seek opinion of IS and Legal wrt community reviewers and committers. (due 10-Mar).
[15:08] <MootBot> New Topic:  * bac to seek opinion of IS and Legal wrt community reviewers and committers. (due 10-Mar).
[15:08] <bac> i agreed to do this task yesterday but haven't gotten to it yet.
[15:09] <danilos> bac, do you want it to be an action or a topic?
[15:09] <bac> martin pool made the reasonable request that we/I write a statement on the wiki about the fact we're looking into the issue in the interim
[15:10] <bac> [action] bac to update wiki re: interim status of community reviewers and committers
[15:10] <MootBot> ACTION received:  bac to update wiki re: interim status of community reviewers and committers
[15:10] <bac> danilos: i use -topic- for old items and -action- for new ones.  not that it matters much as mootbot is mostly useless
[15:11] <bac> new stuff
[15:11] <bac> [topic]  YUI namespacing for lp specific items should start with lp (rockstar)
[15:11] <MootBot> New Topic:   YUI namespacing for lp specific items should start with lp (rockstar)
[15:11] <bac> rockstar has sacrificed his morning bike ride to be with us today
[15:12] <rockstar> Yes, but I would half-assed the ride anyway.
[15:12] <deryck> he'd only get hit by a car anyway ;)
[15:12] <deryck> hi rockstar
[15:12] <bigjools> step away from the car deryck
[15:12] <deryck> heh
[15:12] <rockstar> So the current rule in YUI namespacing for launchpad is to start with the app it's being used on.
[15:12] <danilos> rockstar, good morning, I'd be +1 on your suggestion
[15:12] <danilos> (not that I heard it fully :)
[15:13] <rockstar> I think that's a little inconsistent with the way we precede lazr-js widgets with lazr.
[15:13] <rockstar> So I propose that javascript namespaces start with lp.
[15:14] <mars> rockstar, do you have an example of the old way, and the new way?
[15:14] <rockstar> That way, if/when we start using third party widgets (yes please), there's no confusion which ones, are lp specific.
[15:14] <intellectronica> +1
[15:14] <intellectronica> what about existing code?
[15:14] <rockstar> mars, no, unless you count what we have as the old way, and what I have sitting in a branch as the new way.
[15:15] <rockstar> intellectronica, I assume we migrate as we can.  There are already open bugs that EdwinGrubbs filed because namespaces are wrong is some places already.
[15:15] <bac> it's a lovely suggestion rockstar.  i wish you'd made it about a month ago...  :)
[15:15] <rockstar> I should also mention that I'm in the process of doing away with lib/canonical/launchpad/javascript.
[15:15] <bac> EdwinGrubbs: how many of those bugs have been done?
[15:17] <intellectronica> rockstar: you rock
[15:17] <EdwinGrubbs> bac: I know that I did the one for the registry. I don't know about any of the other ones except that rockstar worked on one which I reviewed, so the inconsistencies between the ways we completed it are fortunately being brought to the meeting.
[15:17] <intellectronica> star
[15:17] <rockstar> bac, we talked about this change at the lazr-js sprint, but apparently it got changed before it made it to the reviewers.
[15:17] <bac> any other thoughts?
[15:18] <rockstar> I'd be happy to help other teams get their javascript in order.
[15:18] <bigjools> yes please :)
[15:18] <bac> rockstar: thanks
[15:18] <rockstar> (specifically the teams that have no javascript)
[15:18] <rockstar> :)
[15:18] <noodles775> lol
[15:18] <bigjools> lol
[15:18] <bac> so, it looks like we're in favor of the change.
[15:19] <bac> thanks for the idea and bringing it up rockstar
[15:19] <deryck> I'm +1 and we still have the other renaming for bugs to do anyway.
[15:19] <rockstar> deryck, I'll just comment on your bugs with the new change.
[15:19] <deryck> rockstar, excellent, thanks!
[15:20] <bac> rockstar: can i get you to update he existing bugs EdwinGrubbs opened and open new ones for the apps that have already been converted?
[15:20] <rockstar> bac, yeah,  I committed to that at the UI meeting when I first proposed this.
[15:21] <rockstar> Also, updating the style guide.
[15:21] <bac> [action] rockstar to update bugs to reflect new naming convention and will update the style guide
[15:21] <MootBot> ACTION received:  rockstar to update bugs to reflect new naming convention and will update the style guide
[15:21] <bac> [topic] peanuts
[15:21] <MootBot> New Topic:  peanuts
[15:21] <bac> anything to discuss that wasn't on the agenda?
[15:21] <noodles775> New reviewer to join me for Thurs Euro?
[15:21] <noodles775> Now with al-maisan leaving soon, I'll be all on my own again :)
[15:22] <noodles775> (leaving launchpad that is)
[15:22] <abentley> Do we have a ui-reviewers team?
[15:22] <rockstar> noodles775, do you really get busy on Thursday in Euro?
[15:22] <noodles775> The last two weeks yes, pretty much my whole day (handing a queue to you), but the week before was only one, so it varies.
[15:23] <mars> abentley, we are discussing about how to graduate more UI reviewers.  Curtis is practically ready to graduate, he just hasn't assumed the crown yet :)
[15:23] <bac> noodles775: most slots only have single-person coverage
[15:23] <noodles775> bac: just checked, yeah right, only Monday and Weds have 2. OK.
[15:23] <abentley> mars, that seems only tangentially related to my question.
[15:24] <bac>
[15:24] <bigjools> noodles775: jelmer wants to start reviewing and he might collar to be a mentor
[15:24] <noodles775> Sounds great!
[15:24] <bigjools> collar you, that is
[15:24] <bac> abentley: UI reviewers are marked under the "specialties" column on the wiki i posted
[15:25] <bac> abentley: other than that no real team
[15:25] <mars> abentley, then the answer is no: we do not have a team
[15:25] <mars> abentley, the list of reviewers ann process can be found here:
[15:25] <abentley> bac, mars: I would like to be able to request a ui review from the ui-reviewers team.
[15:26] <mars> ah, interesting idea
[15:26] <abentley> Its non-existence makes that hard :-)
[15:26] <bac> abentley: ok, so you're talking about a team in launchpad for use in merge proposals.
[15:26] <abentley> bac, yes.
[15:26] <bac> abentley: so the answer is "not now" but it seems easy enough to do
[15:26] <abentley> bac, having a team might overlap with that wiki page.
[15:27] <abentley> But it might also be a nice way to find a ui reviewer.
[15:27] <bac> abentley: would you like to coordinate getting that team established?
[15:27] <rockstar> abentley, I'm your ui reviewer.  Never forget that.  :)
[15:27] <abentley> rockstar, :-)
[15:27] <abentley> bac, sure.
[15:27] <mars> abentley, we can discuss it at the next UI call, if you wish
[15:28] <abentley> mars, okay.
[15:28] <bac> [action] mars to discuss UI reviewers team on UI call
[15:28] <MootBot> ACTION received:  mars to discuss UI reviewers team on UI call
[15:28] <bac> any other topics?
[15:29] <bac> ok, thanks for coming everyone.
[15:29] <rockstar> Why would we need to discuss making a UI reviewers team?  Couldn't we just JFDI?
[15:29] <bac> #endmeeting
[15:29] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 09:29.


[21:31] <MootBot> Meeting started at 15:31. The chair is bac.
[21:31] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[21:31] <bac> hi michael
[21:32] <rockstar> hi
[21:32] <bac> hi rockstar
[21:32] <rockstar> bac, I guess I'm doing double duty today.  :)
[21:32] <bac> a twofer
[21:32] <bac> rockstar: heck you should just lead the meeting
[21:32] <rockstar> bac, :)
[21:33] <bac> the only excitement from this morning was rockstar's proposal for changing (again -- :) ) the JS naming conventions
[21:33] <rockstar> bac, in my defense, this was what was originally intended.  :)
[21:33] <bac> rockstar: you want to summarize your idea?
[21:33] <rockstar> Okay, so basically all YUI namespacing for lp specific modules now starts with lp.
[21:34] <rockstar> So for the code team, our modules would be namespaced as "lp.code.whatever"
[21:34] <rockstar> The code team has more specifics to the namespace, but those aren't lp wide.
[21:34] <bac> the previous new convention had just been "code.whatever", right?
[21:35] <bac> there wasn't much discussion since everyone thought it was a reasonable idea
[21:36] <bac> abentley brought up the idea of creating a launchpad-ui-reviewers team in LP for use in assigning a reviewer in a MP
[21:36] <mwhudson> both those things make sense to me
[21:37] <bac> mars was going to bring it up on the UI reviewers call.  after the meeting ended there was some discussion about whether it made sense or not, but i couldn't hang around for the outcome
[21:37] <bac> i guess we'll learn more next week
[21:38] <rockstar> (the outcome is that we're going to talk about creating a team instead of JFDI'ing  :)
[21:38] <bac> and from the mailing list discussion about community involvement in reviews and landing i took the assignment to check with legal and IS as to whether it is feasible or not from a corporate standpoint
[21:39] <bac> rockstar: yeah, it seemed a bit wankish but i guess there is no need to create a team if in the end it's not going to be useful
[21:40] <bac> so, that was basically all we discussed.  nothing too controversial.
[21:40] <bac> either of you have anything to talk about?
[21:40] <mwhudson> i thought rob's mail on the the community reviewer thread expressed my position pretty well
[21:41] <bac> hey, i have a question.  i see in merge proposals the "reviewed version" is being set of us.  was that a recent fix?
[21:41] <mwhudson> bac: yes
[21:41] <bac> mwhudson: cool
[21:42]  * bac tries to remember what exactly rob's point was
[21:43] <mwhudson> well, partly that it was a strange limit to try to hold, given that there is plenty of community in ubuntu-core-dev
[21:43] <mwhudson> but i didn't really want to restart the discussion here :)
[21:43] <bac> no, thanks for that
[21:44] <bac> well, that's all i've got
[21:44] <mwhudson> me too
[21:44] <bac> thanks for coming.
[21:44] <bac> #endmeeting
[21:44] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 15:44.

ReviewerMeeting20100303 (last edited 2010-03-09 23:16:26 by bac)