- thumper and mwhudson have questions about the lplib testing implementation and are going to take it to the ML.
14:02] <bac> #startmeeting [14:02] <MootBot> Meeting started at 09:02. The chair is bac. [14:02] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [14:02] <bac> sorry i'm late [14:02] <bac> welcome to the LP Reviewers meeting. who is here today? [14:02] <gary_poster> me! me! me! [14:02] <bac> hi gary_poster! [14:02] <gary_poster> hi :-) [14:03] <gary_poster> leonardr, mars, salgado reviewer's mtg [14:03] <salgado> me [14:03] <leonardr> me [14:03] <mars> me [14:03] <EdwinGrubbs> Me [14:03] <deryck> me [14:03] * gmb , allenap and abel are sprinting [14:03] <bac> gmb: thanks [14:03] <bac> danilos, bigjools: ping [14:04] <bac> sinzui: ping [14:04] <sinzui> me [14:04] <danilos> bac, sorry, sprinting [14:04] <bac> danilos: ok [14:04] <danilos> (along with the rest of translations team) [14:05] <bac> abentley: ping [14:05] <abentley> me [14:05] <bac> flacoste: hi [14:05] <bac> [topic] agenda [14:05] <MootBot> New Topic: agenda [14:05] <bac> * Roll call [14:05] <bac> * Agenda [14:05] <bac> * Outstanding actions [14:05] <bac> * New topics [14:05] <bac> * Peanut gallery [14:05] <flacoste> hi bac [14:06] <bac> sorry for the confusion over the time. going forward it is at 1400UTC and i believe is correct on our google calendar [14:06] <bac> [topic] outstanding actions [14:06] <MootBot> New Topic: outstanding actions [14:06] <bac> [topic] * rockstar to update bugs to reflect new naming convention and will update the style guide [14:06] <MootBot> New Topic: * rockstar to update bugs to reflect new naming convention and will update the style guide [14:07] <bac> is rockstar here? [14:07] <bac> i'll check with him in the ASIAPAC meeting [14:07] <bac> [topic] * bac to update wiki re: interim status of community reviewers and committers [14:07] <MootBot> New Topic: * bac to update wiki re: interim status of community reviewers and committers [14:07] <bac> i have not done this. :( [14:07] <bac> i did talk to andrewsinclair yesterday but he deferred any opinion to amanda [14:08] <bac> i've been trying to talk to her on IRC but haven't been successful [14:08] <bac> so, i'll keep this item around [14:08] <bac> and, for some very welcome news [14:08] <bac> [topic] * leonardr to create an example for automated lplib tests in the launchpad tree. (revisit 24-Mar). [14:08] <MootBot> New Topic: * leonardr to create an example for automated lplib tests in the launchpad tree. (revisit 24-Mar). [14:09] <leonardr> hello [14:09] <leonardr> i just landed the branch that demonstrates this [14:09] <leonardr> take a look in lib/canonical/launchpad/pagetests/webservice/launchpadlib.txt [14:09] <bigjools> me [14:09] <leonardr> there's a Launchpad object available as 'launchpad' [14:10] <leonardr> so you can just do this: [14:10] <leonardr> >>> print [14:10] <leonardr> salgado [14:10] <bac> leonardr: is it easy to get a non-salgado person or an anonymous one? [14:11] <leonardr> bac: you'd have to set it up in, similar to anon_browser and anon_webservice [14:11] <leonardr> anonymous access would be easy. i don't know about non-salgado access, because i don't know if there are oauth credentials set up for non-salgado users [14:11] <noodles775> me [14:11] <bac> ok. i think it's be useful, especially since we have had problems getting some collections for anonymous access [14:12] <leonardr> yeah, anonymous is easy [14:12] <bac> thanks a lot leonardr for setting this up. it'll help close a big gap in our testing. [14:13] <leonardr> sure [14:13] <sinzui> I would like to move webservice/* tests out of stories. but I do not know where to. [14:13] <bigjools> I fear for the performance but that's a separate topic for another day [14:14] * sinzui wonders is interfaces/tests is better, or api/tests [14:15] <bac> we have no new items on the agenda [14:15] <bac> [topic] peanuts [14:15] <MootBot> New Topic: peanuts [14:15] <bac> any one have a discussion topic? [14:16] <bac> going once... [14:16] <bac> twice... [14:16] <bac> oh, i do! [14:16] <bac> thanks to abentley for the reminder about +activereviews. please do your part to land or change the status of those festering branches. [14:16] <noodles775> heh [14:17] <bac> thanks for coming everyone. have a good day. [14:17] <bac> #endmeeting [14:17] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 09:17.
[21:31] <bac> thumper, mwhudson, rockstar : ping [21:31] <thumper> hi [21:31] <bac> hey y'all around for a quick meeting? [21:32] <mwhudson> bac: hi [21:32] <thumper> yep [21:32] <bac> mwhudson: you'll be please i found a 'flood control' setting on my irc client that was not set up right. hope to not repeat the flooding. [21:33] <bac> the big news from today's AMEU meeting came from leonard [21:33] <bac> he just landed a branch that has an example of how to write launchpadlib tests that get run in our test suite [21:33] <bac> that's something we've been needing for a good long time [21:34] <mwhudson> ah cool [21:34] <bac> "take a look in lib/canonical/launchpad/pagetests/webservice/launchpadlib.txt" [21:34] <bac> there is a 'launchpad' object that is connected as salgado [21:35] <thumper> that location makes me sad [21:35] * rockstar i here [21:35] * thumper wishes for lp/services/webservice/doc or something [21:35] <bac> thumper: yeah, sinzui was asking for a better place to put webservice tests [21:35] <bac> hi rockstar [21:36] <rockstar> thumper, the type of test is what makes me sad [21:36] <bac> leonard said it would be trivial to have a lp object for anonymous testing. he didn't commit to doing it right away so it's open. [21:36] <bac> and bigjools is sad that the tests will probably be slow [21:36] <thumper> we'll make sure it works in unit tests well :) [21:36] <bac> we sure are a gloomy lot [21:36] <rockstar> thumper, yes, yes we will. [21:36] <rockstar> bac, :) [21:37] <bac> hey rockstar you have an outstanding action item...the details of which i cannot remember. do you? [21:37] <rockstar> bac, yes, and they are done. [21:37] <thumper> this is what makes me more sad: "pre-authenticated with salgado's permissions" [21:37] <thumper> why do we insist on continuing with sample data tests? [21:37] <bac> cool, rockstar. remind us of what you did [21:37] <rockstar> bac, basically, I needed to change the Javascript coding standards for the new module names. [21:37] <mwhudson> particularly given that salgado is an admin in the sample data!! [21:38] <bac> ah, right. did you file a bunch of bugs? [21:38] <thumper> :(( [21:38] <rockstar> ^^ sad and fat? [21:38] <thumper> rockstar: just really sad [21:38] <bac> thumper would you like to voice your sadness on the ML? [21:39] <thumper> sure [21:39] <rockstar> bac, also, launchpad-ui-reviewers is a good team to use to remind yourself to go find a ui reviewer. [21:39] <bac> it's not ideal but i'm glad we've gotten something we can automate [21:39] <rockstar> No one on the team is going to just pick up the requested review, so it's solely up to the reviewee to go find a specific person on the team. [21:40] <bac> ok [21:40] <rockstar> bac, can I suggest one thing? [21:40] <bac> rockstar: so it's only nominally better than looking at a wiki page [21:40] <bac> sure [21:41] <rockstar> bac, so, I have found that the general attitude of the on call reviewer has kinda started feeling like review lackey recently. [21:41] <rockstar> People just come into #launchpad-reviews, pop themselves on the queue, and then disappear. [21:42] <bac> rockstar: well, if you don't agree to it beforehand they are supposed to stick around [21:42] <bac> and you're free to drop their review if they aren't going to be around for interaction [21:42] <rockstar> I think a nice reminder that it's the submitter's responsibility to get a review and not the reviewer's job to just figure it out. [21:42] <bac> it's a good thing to bring up [21:43] <rockstar> bac, yes, I know that. Community contributions tend to have this issue more than anyone else, but I think a gentle reminder might be helpful. [21:43] <bac> ok [21:43] <bac> rockstar: i'll send out an email to lp-dev [21:43] <rockstar> Last week I came into my review day and saw that 9 people were on a queue that had no OCR. [21:44] <bac> rockstar: and i've found people in the queue with no MP in +activereviews [21:44] <bac> it's anarchy! [21:44] <rockstar> bac, yeah, it's gotten a little messy. Just a reminder of the social contracts would be helpful. [21:44] <bac> good idea. [21:45] <bac> any other topics? [21:45] <bac> ok, thanks for coming. see you next week. [21:45] <thumper> nope [21:45] <thumper> thanks bac [21:45] <rockstar> Thanks bac!