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This is a means for users to communicate with other users about software. It is not specifically a means of communication with Ubuntu developers.

User stories

Ubuntu Single Sign-On Process

Launchpad registry

* Single signon to review automatically giving user a LP account

* Do we need web ui in LP to input reviews via LP?

* Model work to support R&R in LP for an almost pure desktop experience (user doesn't know LP exists) * UI work in LP to manage R&R in the LP web ui * Expand the existing concept of PersonalStanding to R&R?

* Since users will abuse R&R to report bugs, maybe we can expose to the driver a "turn this review into a bug report" (or link, or dup it, etc). * quickly bug# (via jdo, this is the awesomeness) * Architectural ideas

* Radical idea: this data doesn't live in LP. LP is a client of it

* R&R database are static (i.e. the same for everybody asking about the same app/language/distro)

* I want to see my reviews immediately but I can't see yours for 3 hours can be solved on the client (again, couchdb fits in nicely)

* Pretty safe bet that this will be huge * A user can only review once? Supercede?

* Couch farm to aggregate as necessary to handle load, but LP sees one thing (the root of the tree) * Notifications - we need to think about it

* We happen to be the magic conduit for users to be talking to other users * Reviewing the reviews - not for Lucid

What a review contains

Sending the data from Ubuntu Software Center

Getting the data into Ubuntu Software Center

Other issues

What the Launchpad team needs

What the Ubuntu Software Center engineers need

Further work

Discussion topics

• what to allow

• where allow changes?

• do we need a new LP page or can/should we re-use ? • data needs to be per-binary package, per-distro release (per arch?) • how should s-c get the read-only data?

• offline capability? for cdrom only media ?

SoftwareCenter/RatingsAndReviewsGobbySession (last edited 2009-11-20 19:13:34 by edwin-grubbs)