Diff for "Soyuz/HowToUseSoyuzLocally"

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Differences between revisions 49 and 53 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 49 as of 2010-03-16 10:28:52
Size: 6215
Editor: jtv
Revision 53 as of 2010-06-09 23:13:48
Size: 4362
Editor: wgrant
Comment: Shuffle the initial setup stuff around a bit.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Setting up a local Soyuz =
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= Initial setup =
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 * Once you've set up your test database, run {{{utilities/soyuz-sampledata-setup.py -e you@example.com}}} (where ''you@example.com'' should be an email address you own and have a GPG key for). This prepares more suitable sample data in the {{{launchpad_dev}}} database. If you get a "duplicate key" error, {{{make schema}}} and run again.

After this, your sample data will include a realistic sampling of Ubuntu releases, and you'll have a user called "ppa-user" with password "test" and using your own email address. You'll be able to log in with your own email address, and sign things for this user with your own GPG key. The user is an Ubuntero and a member of {{{ubuntu-team}}}.
 * Once you've set up your test database, run {{{utilities/soyuz-sampledata-setup.py -e you@example.com}}} (where ''you@example.com'' should be an email address you own and have a GPG key for). This prepares more suitable sample data in the {{{launchpad_dev}}} database, including recent Ubuntu series. If you get a "duplicate key" error, {{{make schema}}} and run again.
 * `make run` (or if you also want to use codehosting, `make run_codehosting`—some services may fail to start up because you already started them, but it shouldn't be a problem).
 * Open https://launchpad.dev/~ppa-user/+archive/test-ppa in a browser to get to your pre-made testing PPA. Log in with your own email adddress and password ''test''. This user has your GPG key associated, has signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, and is a member {{{ubuntu-team}}} (conferring upload rights to the primary archive).
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= Configure an account and PPA =

 * `make run` (or if you also want to use codehosting, `make run_codehosting`—some services may fail to start up because you already started them, but it shouldn't be a problem).
 * Open https://launchpad.dev/~ppa-user/+archive/test-ppa in a browser to get to your pre-made testing PPA. Log in with your own email adddress and password ''test''.

= Set up the PPA =
== Extra PPA dependencies ==
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  * Might need to add `--umask=022` to `twistd` args in `/etc/init.d/launchpad-buildd`, or `pkg-create-dbgsym` fails obscurely.
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Please note a "builder" and a "chroot" are not the same thing, nor are they "associated" in any way. The logic is as follows:
 * PPAs require builders (a machine where to build packages)
 * The builder may be virtualized (for instance, launchpad.net uses Xen-virtualized builders) or the same machine where Launchpad (meaning "your launchpad.dev") is running, which is what this page details. Using the very same machine where Launchpad.dev is running limits the architectures you can build for: if you are running on i386, you can't build for PowerPC, for instace.
 * A builder needs to setup a bootstrap (what you get with debootstrap) Linux. That bootstrap is what you get in the chroot tarballs mentioned above.
 * When you upload a package and tell Launchpad to process it (see below for this), the builder will pick the chroot it needs (for instance, karmic i386), uncompress it and start building the package.
 * In summary, there are two lists: a list of builders and a list of chroots.
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 * `scripts/process-upload.py /var/tmp/poppy # Accept the source upload.`  * `scripts/process-upload.py /var/tmp/poppy -C absolutely-anything # Accept the source upload.`
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= Notes =

== Errors importing key to local zeca ==
If you are getting [[http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/386801/|an error]] when importing your key to zeca and you are running Lucid, and [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/pygpgme/+bug/452194|bug 452194]] is not fixed, you will need to:
 1. Grab the [[http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/386803/|one line]] patch.,
 1. Apply it (patch -p0 sourcecode/pygpgme/src/pygpgme-context.c < pygpgme.patch)
 1. make compile and then restart your local development zeca as well as the web app.

You're going to run Soyuz in a branch you create for the purpose. To get the whole experience, you'll also be installing the slave-side launchpad-buildd package on your system.

Initial setup

  • Run utilities/start-dev-soyuz.sh to ensure that some Soyuz-related services are running. Some of these may already be running, in which case you'll get some failures that are probably harmless. Note: these services eat lots of memory.

  • Once you've set up your test database, run utilities/soyuz-sampledata-setup.py -e you@example.com (where you@example.com should be an email address you own and have a GPG key for). This prepares more suitable sample data in the launchpad_dev database, including recent Ubuntu series. If you get a "duplicate key" error, make schema and run again.

  • make run (or if you also want to use codehosting, make run_codehosting—some services may fail to start up because you already started them, but it shouldn't be a problem).

  • Open https://launchpad.dev/~ppa-user/+archive/test-ppa in a browser to get to your pre-made testing PPA. Log in with your own email adddress and password test. This user has your GPG key associated, has signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, and is a member ubuntu-team (conferring upload rights to the primary archive).

Extra PPA dependencies

The testing PPA has an external dependency on Lucid. If that's not enough, or not what you want:

deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu %(series)s main restricted universe multiverse

Configure a buildd

This assumes a local install of the launchpad-buildd package. A less intrusive setup using chroot is under TryOutBuildSlave.

  • cd lib/canonical/buildd

  • debian/rules package

  • dpkg-buildpackage -b

  • sudo dpkg -i ../launchpad-buildd_*_all.deb

  • sudo apt-get -f install

  • Make it work.
    • Edit /etc/launchpad-buildd/default and make sure ntphost points to an existing NTP server. You can check the NTP server pool to find one near you.

  • Get an Ubuntu buildd chroot from Launchpad

wget -O - -q https://edge.launchpad.net/api/devel/ubuntu/lucid/i386/chroot_url | xargs wget

Upload a source to the PPA

  • Run scripts/process-upload.py /var/tmp/poppy (creates hierarchy)

  • Add to ~/.dput.cf:

fqdn = ppa.launchpad.dev:2121
method = ftp
incoming = %(lpdev)s
login = anonymous
  • Find a source package some_source with a changes file some_source.changes

  • dput -u lpdev:~ppa-user/test-ppa/ubuntu some_source.changes

  • scripts/process-upload.py /var/tmp/poppy -C absolutely-anything # Accept the source upload.

  • If this is your first time running soyuz locally, you'll also need to publish ubuntu: scripts/publish-distro.py -C

  • Within five seconds of upload acceptance, the buildd should start building. Wait until it is complete.
  • scripts/process-accepted.py --ppa ubuntu # Create publishings for the binaries.

  • scripts/publish-distro.py --ppa # Publish the source and binaries.

    • Note that private archive builds will not be dispatched until their source is published.

Dealing with the primary archive

  • dput lpdev:ubuntu some_source.changes

  • scripts/process-upload.py /var/tmp/poppy

  • Watch the output -- the upload might end up in NEW.
    • If it does, go to the queue and accept it.
  • Your builder should now be busy. Once it finishes, the binaries might go into NEW. Accept them if required.
  • scripts/process-accepted.py ubuntu

  • scripts/publish-distro.py

    • The first time, add -C to ensure a full publication of the archive.

Soyuz/HowToUseSoyuzLocally (last edited 2022-12-10 08:09:22 by jugmac00)