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Revision 6 as of 2010-08-03 14:39:39

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Re-Uploading a Package

Here's how to re-upload an existing package to Soyuz on dogfood.

First, make sure you have this in your ~/

fqdn =
method = ftp
incoming = ubuntu/
login = anonymous
allow_unsigned_uploads = 0

On your local machine, run:

apt-get source <package>  # (Or obtain in some other way)
cd <package-dir>
dch -i

That last command will prompt you to edit the debian changelog. It creates a new entry for you, which is what tells the system that the package has changed and needs re-processing.

Make sure that the name and email address in the new entry exactly match a name and email address in your GPG key, or you'll get a debsign error.


debuild -S
cd ..
dput dogfood <package>.changes

Now, on dogfood:

sudo -u launchpad -i <<EOF
/srv/ -vv -C insecure ../../ubuntu-queue