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Revision 1 as of 2008-11-24 15:45:25

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Overall Summary

Summary: Introduce the concept of a generalised "copy archive". The copy archive will never have direct uploads but will instead have packages copied to it from other archives. The copied packages can originate at any archive in Soyuz; e.g. another PPA, a main distribution archive or even another copy archive.

Copy archives

Package copy operations to destination copy archives:

Goal/Deliverables: Soyuz will have the ability for people to create a new archive, give it a name, and populate it with packages desired. The archive will be tied to a particular distro series.

We will know we have finished when we can create generalised ad-hoc archives, initialise them with a list of packages copied from other archives, and publish them.

Release Note

This section should include a paragraph describing the end-user impact of this change. It is meant to be included in the first part of our release change log.

It is mandatory.


The ability to have generalised ad-hoc archives allows us to support new workflows by the Distro team, such as point releases and snapshots.

Use cases


User Interface



Code Changes

Schema Changes



Unresolved issues

In this section list out any issues which are unresolved and will impact or block the implementation of this spec.
