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This page is about Launchpad's continuous integration system. More details can be found in CategoryCategory.

Tarmac Merge Machinery

Operator's Guide

Developer Notes

How do I fix a bug in Launchpad's Tarmac?

We maintain a fork of the Tarmac project for our own use at lp:~launchpad/tarmac/lp-tarmac. You will have to modify the fork if you want to make changes to Tarmac or our in-house Tarmac bundle-merge command.

To patch and deploy the Tarmac sources:

  1. bzr branch lp:~launchpad/tarmac/lp-tarmac

  2. Make your changes
  3. Push your changes back to lp:~launchpad/tarmac/lp-tarmac

    • Note: pushing code like this is risky - we should find a better way to handle code updates.

  4. A packaging recipe will automatically build a new tarmac package in the Launchpad team PPA. (This takes around 90 minutes to complete.)

  5. Ask a LOSA to deploy the new package to sapote. They will modify the version string and deploy it using their own tools. (Again, takes around 90 minutes.)

  6. If you have not already done so, clean up your changes and as them to be merged into Tarmac project mainline.

How do I modify Tarmac's commit message checking plugin?

The commit message checking plugin lives outside of the tarmac package itself, in a branch at lp:~launchpad/launchpad-foundations/tarmac-lpcommit-plugin. The plugin has to be modified and installed separately from the Tarmac source code.

To patch and deploy the plugin:

  1. bzr branch lp:~launchpad/launchpad-foundations/tarmac-lpcommit-plugin

  2. Make your changes
  3. Push your changes back to lp:~launchpad/launchpad-foundations/tarmac-lpcommit-plugin

  4. Ask a LOSA to copy the lpcommit.py file from lp:~launchpad/launchpad-foundations/tarmac-lpcommit-plugin into ~/.config/tarmac/plugins on sapote.
