Trying out template generation on dogfood/staging

Right now we have no good test platform for this: staging has no build farm, and dogfood has no codehosting. Expect this page to change a lot as we work and learn. We already have pages about doing this on a development system that may also help.

Internal Soyuz documentation on dealing with dogfood.


For now, we'll have to live with a split test setup:

Known Problems

intltool recognition

It looks like gettext has changed, and our check for intltool branches now also accepts some plain gettext branches. This happens with lp:gawk, which pottery mistakenly recognizes as intltool but doesn't process successfully because there is no GETTEXT_PACKAGE definition.


Suitable branches

Make sure you have a branch that is pottery-compatible. (We call the code that generates templates from code "pottery"). For testing, it should normally not contain any .pot files. Otherwise we'd just end up importing those instead of ones we generated.

All recently generated templates on the production server will be on the import queue for vcs-imports, so that's the best place to look for fully pottery-compatible branches.

According to wgrant, on many branches, editing to set GETTEXT_PACKAGE does the trick. See bug 568355.

You can easily check if a branch will work by generating a template locally. Run the following command from the LP tree in the packages root directory:


It outputs the template files it creates. It uses the same code as the build slave.

Candidate branches:

Once you have a suitable branch, you can copy it to staging's codehosting using "bzr push -d lp:<branch> lp://staging/<branch> --use-existing-dir"


There must be at least one suitable amd64 builder active. "Suitable" would be a virtualized builder for production runs, but here we set our jobs up for running on nonvirtualized ones so we can get at the logs. (It'll also make the tail of the log visible on the builder page).

Testing: Creating jobs

On staging we can test the generation of jobs, though we can't run them there.

Do all this on staging:

Once your branch change is scanned, a triplet of matching records should appear in the staging database: a BranchJob, a Job, and a BuildQueue. They are matched on BranchJob.job,, and BuildQueue.job. In SQL it should be at the top of...

FROM BranchJob
JOIN Job ON = BranchJob.job
JOIN BuildQueue ON BuildQueue.job =
    BranchJob.job_type = 6 AND
    BuildQueue.job_type = 4

It probably has status set to 0 for "not started yet."

Testing: Running jobs

We can create job records directly in the dogfood database, which can't generate the jobs itself but which can dispatch them to its build farm.

Do all this on dogfood:

Now we create the job records. Run:

make -C /srv/ iharness

And in that, run:

>>> import transaction
>>> from lp.code.interfaces.branchlookup import IBranchLookup
>>> from lp.translations.interfaces.translationtemplatesbuild import ITranslationTemplatesBuildSource
>>> branch, _ = getUtility(IBranchLookup).getByLPPath('gconf')  # or some other branch path
>>> _ = getUtility(ITranslationTemplatesBuildSource).create(branch).queueBuild()
>>> transaction.commit()

Keep an eye on where it should appear shortly (and then, after processing, disappear again). Also, if everything works, templates should appear on your productseries' import queue!

Translations/GenerateTemplatesOnTestServers (last edited 2020-09-17 12:48:23 by cjwatson)