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Revision 2 as of 2009-02-06 10:37:31

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Improve handling of import queue template entries


According to user feedback, the current workflow to review templates on the import queue is not very efficient. Especially the need to switch between the queue listing and the form for the individual entries is slowing down work, as well as the need to copy-and-paste strings to define template names and translation domains.

Anticipated imporvement are:

Changed workflow

The workflow should be changed to include more states for the queue entries. These new states represent the findings of the auto-approval script when it was not able to approve an entry.

Also, the Approved state should be available fromt he queue listing for entries in those states so that the reviewer does not have to go through the form if the suggested values are correct.

Template name extraction

A central point of the changed workflow is the extraction of template names and translation domains from the filenames of the the template files.