Diff for "Translations/Specs/ReportingAPI"

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Differences between revisions 4 and 18 (spanning 14 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2010-02-22 15:25:09
Size: 3469
Editor: dpm
Revision 18 as of 2010-05-20 13:51:14
Size: 8340
Editor: adiroiban
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Launchpad Translations API = = Launchpad Translations Reporting API =
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Development of a Launchpad Translations API. This Launchpad enhancement proposal discusses extending the functionality of Launchpad Translations by developing an API which will expose the necessary interfaces to allow read access to translations-related data from Launchpad through [[https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib|launchpadlib]] for reporting purposes.
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This Launchpad enhancement proposal discusses extending the functionality of Launchpad Translations by allowing read and write access to translations-related data from Launchpad through launchpadlib. '''On Launchpad:''' https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/translations-reporting-api
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'''On Launchpad:''' https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/api == User stories ==
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'''As the ''' $PERSON<<BR>>
'''I want ''' $FEATURE<<BR>>
'''so that ''' $BENEFIT<<BR>>
'''As an ''' Ubuntu Translations Coordinator<<BR>>
'''I want ''' to be able to report on the status of Ubuntu translations at the distro level (only default installation source packages)<<BR>>
'''so that ''' I can present the data to the community in a way they can see the real status of translation, track their work, set translation goals, and in short, improve the translation coverage in all languages<<BR>>
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''Consider clarifying the feature by describing what it is not?'' '''As an ''' OEM Engineer <<BR>>
'''I want ''' to be able to create an automated report on the translation coverage of a set of source packages in a given set of languages<<BR>>
'''so that ''' I can inform a customer and assess whether additional translation work is required before shipping

'''As an ''' Ubuntu translator<<BR>>
'''I want ''' to be able to obtain translations data in an automated way<<BR>>
'''so that ''' I can present and use the data in alternative ways that will help my team better organize translation work
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''Why are we doing this now?'' Due to other higher priority development work, the Translations component has been lacking a full API for quite some time now.
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''What value does this give our users? Which users?'' The need of an API arises now from the necessity of [[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-lucid-improving-translation-status-reporting|better reporting the status of Ubuntu translations]]. The main benefit accessing data through launchpadlib can provide to Ubuntu is on the statistics reporting side: currently the main access point to translating Ubuntu is at http://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu. This view offers statistics to ''all'' translatable packages in the `main` and `restricted` repositories, regardless of distribution. While complete, it does not provide information on how well translated Ubuntu is as a distribution. This information can be very useful to Ubuntu translators in assessing what needs to be translated and on which packages they should concentrate their work. This can also be used to track progress, set up goals, and in short, as an aid to building community around translations. In the same way, this can be useful for commercial customers to assess translation coverage when evaluating to ship Ubuntu in a given language.

As the current focus of Launchpad development is on upstream integration, and as there is no planned UI work in that area, an API appears to be the most adequate way to allow accessing the Launchpad Translations data and present it in alternative ways to suit the stakeholders' needs.
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 * Ubuntu Desktop Team: [[https://launchpad.net/~arnegoetje|Arne Goetje]]
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(David: as the drafter of this proposal, I'm regularly in touch with all of the stakeholders)
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The new behaviour must provide a way to access translations data from Launchpad, either in read (or depending on the value) or write mode through launchpadlib, without the need for an admin to query the database. The new behaviour must provide a way to access translations data from Launchpad, either in read (or depending on the value) or write mode through launchpadlib, without the need for an admin to query the database directly.
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It must not provide a way to circumvent any security privileges built in the layers above (e.g. Launchpad UI) It must not provide any additional functionality or a way to circumvent any security privileges built in the layers above (e.g. Launchpad UI)
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The API can be initially subdivided in several areas, which will be exposed separately below. This section will be used to list every separate aspect of reporting, with '''DATA''' lists as the proposals for the data to be exposed.
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=== Reporting === === Languages ===
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==== Languages ====

Retrieve the list of all languages available in Launchpad.
Retrieving the list of all languages available in Launchpad. For each language the following data would be required:
Line 46: Line 53:
  * Language code
* Language name in English
  * Language state (visible or not)
  * Plural forms (optional, for checking language support)
Text direction (optional)
 * Language code
* Language name in English
 * Language state (visible or not)
 * Number of contributors
 * ''
Plural forms'' [optional, for checking language support]
 * ''
Text direction'' [optional]
 * ''The rest of the data at https://translations.launchpad.net/+languages/$LANG'' [optional]
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It would be nice to some other data presented on language page https://translations.launchpad.net/+languages/ro , but this is a good start It would be also desirable to have the ability of querying a single language as well.
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It would be nice to be able to query just a specific language. === PO Templates ===
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==== PO Templates ====
Retrieve the list of all templates available for a series in Launchpad.
For each template the following data would be required:
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 * template name in Launchpad
 * priority
 * length
 * date last updated
 * domain name
 * iscurrent (active or not)
 * source package
 * is in lang pack
 * the list of POFiles associated with this POTemplate
 * in how many languages it is translates (nice to have)
 * Template name in Launchpad
 * Priority
 * Length
 * Date last updated
 * Domain name
 * Iscurrent (active or not)
 * Source package associated
 * Source package component (option - to avoid a new query on source package)
 * Is it used in language packs
 * The list of POFiles associated with this POTemplate
 * ''In which languages there is a translation available'' [optional]
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It would be nice to be able to query a template from a series, based on the Launchpad template name. It would also be nice to be able to query a template from a series, based on the Launchpad template name.
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==== PO Files ====
Retrieve the list of all PO files for a template in a series.
=== PO Files ===
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The list should contain:
 * language code
 * when the translation was last updated
 * number of translated messages
 * number of unreviewed messages
 * number of changed messages
 * who was the last translator
For each PO File the following data will be exposed.

 * Language code
 * Length
 * Number of translated messages
 * Number of unreviewed messages
 * Number of changed messages
 * When the translation was last updated
 * Who the last translator was

=== Source Package ===
We already have a few exported attributes for source package, but to help in identifying translations moved to univers we also need to know the component for this sourcepackage (https://api.launchpad.net/+apidoc/#source_package)
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=== Import queue === '''DATA:'''
 * Component name (ie: main or universe)
 * List of all associated PO Templates
 * Translation statistics for each language - per template and per all templates
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=== Translation === === Series (distribution and product) ===

 * List of all associated PO Templates
 * Translation statistics for each language
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''What are the workflows for this feature?''
''Provide mockups for each workflow.''
 * [[../../ApiDevelopment|Previous discussion on the API development]]
 * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/525371/comments/1|Danilo's thoughts on structuring the work]] for the reporting part:
  1. '''Exposing API for single ''PO file'' statistics''' - a shared interface IRosettaStats will need to be exported through API, so all the other objects which are based on it will get the same API as well.
  1. '''Devising a good API for a single ''PO template'' '''
   * Other than the simple properties, the most interesting bit here is how to get statistics for a bunch PO files attached to a template. If you don't do anything but just export a single method to list out all the PO files, you'll be doing one API call for each of the languages for a PO template and that's going to be very slow. Eg. to get full status export for Ubuntu out of LP you'd need to do some ~400k API calls.
   * A much better solution to that is to provide a method which gives you all related PO file statistics: e.g. `getPOFilesWithStatistics()` which returns tuples of form (`POFile`, `translated_count`, `changed_count`, `unreviewed_count`, `untranslated_count`) directly. FWIW, I'd keep this a separate step as well.
  1. '''IPOTemplateS(ubs)et API''' - as the final step, I'd do an export of `IPOTemplateS(ubs)et` APIs for all the different objects that have them. As another part of this step, you'd probably want to do the similar to above and provide a getPOFilesWithStatistics(language) method on them.
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'''''You do not have to get the mockups and workflows right at this point. In fact, it is better to have several alternatives, delaying deciding on the final set of workflows until the last responsible moment.''''' The idea behind this workflow is simply to use a gradual approach, which will be easier to get right and get landed, without ending up with a too large a branch to review or follow.
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''How will we know when we are done?'' Although the intention is to propose a full API, the two main success criteria are the implementation of API functions for reporting and the imports queue, so we will know that we are done when we can report on the status of Ubuntu translations at a distro level (i.e. on a given set of packages, for all Launchpad languages) by having sourced the data trough launchpadlib.
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''How will we measure how well we have done?'' The success can be measured in how seamlessly this data can be obtained and in whether all requirements in terms of exposed data have been implemented.
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 * [[../ApiDevelopment|Previous discussion on the API development]]

Launchpad Translations Reporting API

This Launchpad enhancement proposal discusses extending the functionality of Launchpad Translations by developing an API which will expose the necessary interfaces to allow read access to translations-related data from Launchpad through launchpadlib for reporting purposes.

On Launchpad: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/translations-reporting-api

User stories

As an Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
I want to be able to report on the status of Ubuntu translations at the distro level (only default installation source packages)
so that I can present the data to the community in a way they can see the real status of translation, track their work, set translation goals, and in short, improve the translation coverage in all languages

As an OEM Engineer
I want to be able to create an automated report on the translation coverage of a set of source packages in a given set of languages
so that I can inform a customer and assess whether additional translation work is required before shipping

As an Ubuntu translator
I want to be able to obtain translations data in an automated way
so that I can present and use the data in alternative ways that will help my team better organize translation work


Due to other higher priority development work, the Translations component has been lacking a full API for quite some time now.

The need of an API arises now from the necessity of better reporting the status of Ubuntu translations. The main benefit accessing data through launchpadlib can provide to Ubuntu is on the statistics reporting side: currently the main access point to translating Ubuntu is at http://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu. This view offers statistics to all translatable packages in the main and restricted repositories, regardless of distribution. While complete, it does not provide information on how well translated Ubuntu is as a distribution. This information can be very useful to Ubuntu translators in assessing what needs to be translated and on which packages they should concentrate their work. This can also be used to track progress, set up goals, and in short, as an aid to building community around translations. In the same way, this can be useful for commercial customers to assess translation coverage when evaluating to ship Ubuntu in a given language.

As the current focus of Launchpad development is on upstream integration, and as there is no planned UI work in that area, an API appears to be the most adequate way to allow accessing the Launchpad Translations data and present it in alternative ways to suit the stakeholders' needs.


(David: as the drafter of this proposal, I'm regularly in touch with all of the stakeholders)


The new behaviour must provide a way to access translations data from Launchpad, either in read (or depending on the value) or write mode through launchpadlib, without the need for an admin to query the database directly.

It must not provide any additional functionality or a way to circumvent any security privileges built in the layers above (e.g. Launchpad UI)


This section will be used to list every separate aspect of reporting, with DATA lists as the proposals for the data to be exposed.


Retrieving the list of all languages available in Launchpad. For each language the following data would be required:


  • Language code
  • Language name in English
  • Language state (visible or not)
  • Number of contributors
  • Plural forms [optional, for checking language support]

  • Text direction [optional]

  • The rest of the data at https://translations.launchpad.net/+languages/$LANG [optional]

It would be also desirable to have the ability of querying a single language as well.

PO Templates

For each template the following data would be required:


  • Template name in Launchpad
  • Priority
  • Length
  • Date last updated
  • Domain name
  • Iscurrent (active or not)
  • Source package associated
  • Source package component (option - to avoid a new query on source package)
  • Is it used in language packs
  • The list of POFiles associated with this POTemplate
  • In which languages there is a translation available [optional]

It would also be nice to be able to query a template from a series, based on the Launchpad template name.

PO Files

For each PO File the following data will be exposed.


  • Language code
  • Length
  • Number of translated messages
  • Number of unreviewed messages
  • Number of changed messages
  • When the translation was last updated
  • Who the last translator was

Source Package

We already have a few exported attributes for source package, but to help in identifying translations moved to univers we also need to know the component for this sourcepackage (https://api.launchpad.net/+apidoc/#source_package)


  • Component name (ie: main or universe)
  • List of all associated PO Templates
  • Translation statistics for each language - per template and per all templates

Series (distribution and product)


  • List of all associated PO Templates
  • Translation statistics for each language


  • Previous discussion on the API development

  • Danilo's thoughts on structuring the work for the reporting part:

    1. Exposing API for single PO file statistics - a shared interface IRosettaStats will need to be exported through API, so all the other objects which are based on it will get the same API as well.

    2. Devising a good API for a single PO template

      • Other than the simple properties, the most interesting bit here is how to get statistics for a bunch PO files attached to a template. If you don't do anything but just export a single method to list out all the PO files, you'll be doing one API call for each of the languages for a PO template and that's going to be very slow. Eg. to get full status export for Ubuntu out of LP you'd need to do some ~400k API calls.
      • A much better solution to that is to provide a method which gives you all related PO file statistics: e.g. getPOFilesWithStatistics() which returns tuples of form (POFile, translated_count, changed_count, unreviewed_count, untranslated_count) directly. FWIW, I'd keep this a separate step as well.

    3. IPOTemplateS(ubs)et API - as the final step, I'd do an export of IPOTemplateS(ubs)et APIs for all the different objects that have them. As another part of this step, you'd probably want to do the similar to above and provide a getPOFilesWithStatistics(language) method on them.

The idea behind this workflow is simply to use a gradual approach, which will be easier to get right and get landed, without ending up with a too large a branch to review or follow.


Although the intention is to propose a full API, the two main success criteria are the implementation of API functions for reporting and the imports queue, so we will know that we are done when we can report on the status of Ubuntu translations at a distro level (i.e. on a given set of packages, for all Launchpad languages) by having sourced the data trough launchpadlib.

The success can be measured in how seamlessly this data can be obtained and in whether all requirements in terms of exposed data have been implemented.


Translations/Specs/ReportingAPI (last edited 2011-02-22 15:34:23 by dpm)