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Revision 1 as of 2008-12-17 14:38:52

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Overall Summary

Summary: Exported XPI translation files must include an install.rdf file.

Goal/Deliverables: Generate an appropriate install.rdf file for every XPI file we export, based on the template's install.rdf but with certain customizations that the translation owners can configure.

We will know we have finished when we can produce the install.rdf that should go into any XPI export, so that the full XPI export feature can use it once completed; and the translation owners can configure the metadata specific to the particular translation being exported.

Release Note

XPI-based translations now let you configure some metadata that will go into the translation's install.rdf when you export them.

The metadata consists of a language-pack name (freely translatable), and a language-pack id. Be careful with the id: it should be unique, and not change unless absolutely necessary.


The install.rdf file contains essential metadata for an XPI archive.

Use cases


User Interface

Translation supervisors must be able to configure the metadata, even if we can make good initial guesses.

Rather than add XPI-specific UI or database extensions, we treat install.rdf as a (partially) translatable resource inside the XPI archive, similar to the DTD and properties files it contains. The translation team or supervisor can edit the language-pack id and language-pack name as regular translatable strings.

The language pack id would have a msgid like "" and a context like "install.rdf." The name would be "" in the same context. The items will receive descriptive comments.


Code Changes



Unresolved issues

CategoryProposal CategoryTemplate