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Revision 2 as of 2008-11-24 22:58:58

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User Stories Delivered

Make API Cacheable

Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.1.9

As a web service client,
I get a Last-Modified date with each representation I request. I can use that data later on to make conditional GET, PUT, or PATCH requests.
We do this because conditional GET saves bandwidth and often time, and conditional PUT/PATCH prevents clients from overwriting each others' work.


Make API Cacheable - client side

Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.1.9

As a launchpadlib user,
ll GET requests I send have their Last-Modified headers stored for later. Subsequent GET or PATCH requests are made conditional using the stored value.

YUI Integration

Story Points: 1
Delivered: 2.1.10

As a Launchpad developer, I want to be able to use YUI from a page template, so that I can do cool UI.


JavaScript Testing

Story Points: 5
Delivered: 2.1.10

As a Launchpad developer, I want to write a tests for my Javascript, be able to run it locally from the command line; so that I can detect regressions in Javascript code.


API JS Access

Story Points: 5
Delivered: 2.1.10

As a Launchpad developer, I want to be able to use the Launchpad web service API from JavaScript, so that I can use the standard API to manipulate the content from the UI.


Initial API JavaScript Library

Story Points: 8
Delivered: 2.1.10

As a Launchpad developer, I want a JS library available that allow me to easily make API call to the Launchpad web service, so that I can access the Launchpad object model without having to write custom XHR request and interpret the resulting JSON.


Zope 3.4 Upgrade

Story Points: 8
Delivered: 2.1.10

As a Launchpad developer, I want to have zope 3.4 available in my tree, so that I can take advantage of the latest changes in it.


Login-freshness OpenID extension

Story Points: 3
Delivered: 2.1.11

As a Relaying Party,
I want to specify the maximum time since the user entered his password on the Launchpad OpenID Provider,
so that I can minimize the possibility of somebody just reusing an already authenticated session.