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Changes proposed to Series, Milestones and Releases


Series, Milestones and Releases provide a very powerful set of tools to manage projects, and we want to evolve it so it's a bit easier for new users to use them, even while not completely understanding how they work.



See proposals and format

Example Projects


Launchpad is the example of a typical Web-based project, which doesn't have tarball releases, always develops on trunk, and doesn't spawn off into series or point releases.

o-- 2.1.12
o-- 2.1.11
o-- 2.1.10


Loggerhead is the example of a small open source project, which doesn't plan ahead, and releases a couple of times a year "whenever it's ready". Releases are used when the actual release is done, version numbers are unknown because they match whatever bzr has at the moment, bugs are targeted to series/milestones, although, exceptionally, it does point releases for major regressions detected after release.

o-- 1.10
|\-- 1.6 -- 1.6.1
o-- 1.0


Bazaar is the example of a medium size project, which has monthly releases scheduled. Version numbers are predictable so series and final release milestone are created ahead of time, although the milestones in between are unknown (can have many betas or release candidates).

|\-- 1.10rc1 -- 1.10
|\-- 1.9rc1 -- 1.9 -- 1.9.1
|\-- 1.8b1 -- 1.8rc1 -- 1.8rc2 -- 1.8
|\-- 1.7rc1 -- 1.7 -- 1.7.1rc1 -- 1.7.1


Python is the example of a project with multiple active series in parallel, version numbers are predictable so series and final release milestone are created ahead of time, but, like Bazaar, the milestones in between are unknown.

/                                     \
|                                      \
|\-- 2.5b1 -- 2.5rc1 -- 2.5             |
|                                       |\-- 3.0b1 -- 3.0b2 -- 3.0rc1 -- 3.0
|\-- 2.6rc1 -- 2.6rc2 -- 2.6            |
|                                       |\-- 3.1rc1

Linux Kernel

The Linux Kernel is the example of a project that always has one active series, version numbers are predictable, but, like the rest, the milestones in between are unknown. It is different in the sense that it's trunk is always called whatever the next version number is. Arguably, this is the case for the rest as well, but is worth considering for special-casing. Needs review, it looks like the kernel develops 2 versions in parallel, odd and even-ending versions. See release dates in:


Ubuntu is the example for a big project which always has one active series, version numbers are predictable, and (in general) all it's milestones are known beforehand. The development focus is always it's current series. There are 3 ways of representing this:

Option 1:

o-- 8.10
o-- 8.10rc
o-- 8.10beta
o-- 8.10alpha2
o-- 8.10alpha1
o-- 8.04
o-- 8.04rc
o-- 8.04beta
o-- 8.04alpha2
o-- 8.04alpha1

Option 2:

        o-- 8.10
        o-- 8.10rc
        o-- 8.10beta
        o-- 8.10alpha2
        o-- 8.10alpha1
    o-- 8.04
    o-- 8.04rc
    o-- 8.04beta
    o-- 8.04alpha2
    o-- 8.04alpha1
o-- 7.10
o-- 7.10rc
o-- 7.10beta
o-- 7.10alpha2
o-- 7.10alpha1

Option 3:

|\-- 8.10alpha1 -- 8.10alpha2 -- 8.10beta -- 8.10rc -- 8.10
|\-- 8.04alpha1 -- 8.04alpha2 -- 8.04beta -- 8.04rc -- 8.04
|\-- 7.10alpha1 -- 7.10alpha2 -- 7.10beta -- 7.10rc -- 7.10

Use Cases

Project (registry)

Changes proposed


Changes proposed


Changes proposed


Changes proposed


Unresolved issues

VersionThreeDotO/Registry/Series (last edited 2009-01-12 13:50:17 by beuno)