Diff for "VersionThreeDotO/Registry/StoryCards"

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Differences between revisions 6 and 29 (spanning 23 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2008-11-25 22:28:20
Size: 19531
Editor: sinzui
Revision 29 as of 2009-07-30 21:23:24
Size: 28390
Editor: beuno
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 9: Line 9:
= Registry epics and their stories = = Registry sagas and their stories =
Line 15: Line 15:
== Epic: Project management == == Saga: Project management ==
Line 28: Line 28:
=== Project Aliases ===

As a Launchpad Administrator,<<BR>>
I want to be able to give aliases to project,<<BR>>
so that project can be renamed more easily and that multiple projects for the same project known under several names aren't registered.

  '''Story Points:''' 5 <<BR>>
  '''Released:''' 2.1.12* <<BR>>
      * Having more than one name redirect to the canonical url; pgsql and
      postgres => postgresql
      * [[https://launchpad.canonical.com/PillarAlias]]
=== SFTP uploads for releases ===

     As a project driver,
     I want upload large files reliably,
     so that I don't need to make repeated attempts because HTTP is unreliable.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 20
 :: Notes
    * Work around problems with HTTP posts of large files.

=== Merging projects ===

     As a Registry Administrator,
     I want want to merge a duplicate project with the real project,
     so that there is a single definitive location for an upstream project.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 13
 :: '''bug:''' https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/110237
 :: Notes
    * Being able to merge two separate projects, see bug 135026 and bug 131933.
    * This may depend upon project-aliases. An alias may be wanted to preserve
     the duplicate project name.
    * What information, if any should be preserved from the duplicate?
     * The real project should not be changed
     * By replacing the duplicate project with the real project, bugs,
       questions, blueprints, code, packages, etc will be assigned to the
       true project.
Line 47: Line 70:
As a LP administrator, <<BR>>
I want to make sure that newly created projects are not visible on the home page and searches until I approve them;<<BR>>
so that I can prevent bogus projects from appearing on LP

'''Story Points:''' 8 <<BR>>
As a LP administrator,
I want to make sure that newly created projects are not visible on the home page and searches until I approve them,
so that I can prevent bogus projects from appearing on LP

'''Story Points:''' 8
Line 65: Line 91:
=== Placement product registration ===

As a Launchpad user<<BR>>
I want to be able to quickly register a new project which I'm not the owner of and know little about;<<BR>>
so that I can send bug reports upstream

  '''Story Points:''' 8 <<BR>>
=== Placeholder product registration ===

     As a Launchpad user
     I want to be able to quickly register a new project which I'm not the owner of and know little about,
     so that I can send bug reports upstream

 :: '''Story Points:''' 8
 :: Notes
Line 76: Line 105:
    * See [[https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+spec/drive-thru-product-creation|drive-thru-product-creation]]

=== Link teams and people to projects for informational purposes ===

As a user, <<BR>>
I want know a project's goals and how it is organised, <<BR>>
so that I can get involved.

  '''Story Points:''' 3 <<BR>>
  '''bug:''' [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/179561|Not obvious how to get involved with a project]] <<BR>>
    * See [[https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+spec/drive-thru-product-creation|drive-thru-product-creation]]

=== Link PPAs to projects ===

     As a project owner,
     I want to mark a PPA as the official repo,
     so that users can easily get the official packages.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 5
 :: Notes
    * Allow an upstream project to say "this is my official PPA"
    * Deliverables:
      * A schema change linking the project to the PPA.
      * Display the widget in the edit project page.
      * Display the "Official PPA:" label with a link to the +archive page.
    * The challenge is creating a vocabulary of PPAs associated with himself
    and the teams he is a member of.
      * There is already a PPAVocabulary in vocabularies/dbobject.py
      * Barry suggests adding a widget to every PPA that has a list of all
        the projects the person is a admin of. This does not seem natural
        since the I could browse Launchpad to any projects PPA and claim
        that it supplies my project's official packages.

=== Project teams and people ===

     As a user,
     I want to know the people and teams associated with a project
     so that I can get involved.
 :: '''Story Points:''' 3
 :: '''bug:''' [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/179561|Not obvious how to get involved with a project]]
 :: Notes
Line 91: Line 149:
   story. Allow owners to create teams to play roles in the project
      story. Allow owners to create teams to play roles in the project
Line 98: Line 156:
        * [View the project organisation]         * [View the project organization]
Line 108: Line 166:
As a Launchpad user interested in a particular downloadable file,<<BR>>
I can see how many times the file has been downloaded over its lifetime;<<BR>>
so that I can judge the popularity of the file.

  '''Story Points:''' 5 <<BR>>
     As a Launchpad user interested in a particular downloadable file,
     I want to see how many times the file has been downloaded over its lifetime,
     so that I can judge the popularity of the file.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 5
 :: Notes
Line 122: Line 183:
== Epic: Project Planning ==
=== Wiki project description ===

    As a project owner,
    I want use wiki markup to format my project description,
    so that my project page is formatted and readable.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 8
 :: Notes
    * Just the project description; this is a very visible specific field
      that we can get feedback on before doing a wide implementation.
    * We need a flag in the model to indicate the markup's content-type.
      * The content-type must be sent in the API JSON to explicit handling.
    * We need to choose the markup parser; this may be the hardest part.
    * Use a TALES formatter for the description.
    * The UI must let the use select the format of the parser.

=== Project access stats ===

     As a project owner,
     I want to know the total monthly visitors to any page of my project,
     so that I can make an informed decision on whether to continue this project, adjust the assigned resources, or discontinue it.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 13
 :: Notes
      * HPLIP wants to know the sum of all hits.
      * See the [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/private/launchpad/2008-November/033943.html|Stu & Curtis: per project webstats]] discussion for some insight.
      * We can setup stats.launchpad.net that is hosted from an analytics package available in the Ubuntu repos.
        * Must arrange for logs to be sent to log parser
        * Must skin the site to look like Launchpad.
        * Use the openid mod to hide private information.
      * We should not undertake this if we are not satisfied with a package available in the Ubuntu repos.

=== Manage project announcements through the webservice API ===

     As a webservice client,
     I want to be able to manage my project announcements through the webservice API
     so that I can use my preferred tools.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 3
 :: Notes

== Saga: Project Planning ==
Line 138: Line 259:
=== Making releases from milestones ===

     As a project maintainer,
     I want to mark a milestone as "released",
     so that the release can be done (and end-users can download files, look at the changelog, etc).

 :: '''Story Points:''' 3
 :: Notes
     * Record the relationship.
     * [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/174468|Bug 174468: Solving the release/milestone split]]

Line 141: Line 279:
As a project maintainer,<<BR>>
I want to branch the trunk series;,<<BR>>
so that I can make a stable release and create further point releases in the future.

'''Story Points:''' 3 <<BR>>
As a project maintainer,
I want to branch the trunk series;,
so that I can make a stable release and create further point releases in the future.

'''Story Points:''' 3
Line 180: Line 321:
As a project administrator, <<BR>>
I can change which series a particular release belongs to; <<BR>>
I can move a release from trunk to one of my existing series, or fix misclassifications.

'''Story Points:''' 1 <<BR>>
As a project administrator,
I want to change which series a particular release belongs to,
     so that
I can move a release from trunk to one of my existing series, or fix misclassifications.

'''Story Points:''' 1
Line 190: Line 334:
== Epic: Messaging ==
=== Delete package link to distro series ===

    As a chr
    I would like to delete package links to distro series
    so that false packages are not created.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 2
 :: Notes
    * This is a CHR/LOSA issue

=== Packaging link population ===

     As a upstream project tracker,
     I want product release packages automatically linked to distribution sourcepackges,
     so that I do not need search the tarball releases and do it myself.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 20
 :: Notes
    * Use our tarball imports to detect packaging links and modified orig.tar.gzs
      * Soyuz receives source packages via the upload path
      * Soyuz unpacks those source packages and for "normal" packages, inside them are .orig.tar.gzs
      * Our productreleasefinder script -- when it works -- pulls in tarballs and creates series and releases based on their filenames.
      * Some of those tarballs will be identical to a package's orig
        * When they are, add a packaging link between that series and the sourcepackage's series.
      * However, where does the "detect modified org.tar.gz" come in to the equation? If the orig.tar.gz changes, that means there's a new upstream release generally.

=== Delete series ===

    As a project driver,
    I would like to delete an accidental series,
    so that my error is not permanent

 :: '''Story Points:''' 3
 :: Notes
    * This is a CHR/LOSA issue
    * You cannot delete a series if it has milestone (but you can delete them first).

== Saga: Users and Teams ==

Refinements and features that improve users and teams.

=== Members contacting members ===

     As a launchpad team member,
     I want to contact all the launchpad team members,
     to inform them of an important event.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 2
 :: Notes
      * All members get the email, so the teams mailing list will not be
      * Link title must state who is being conacted (the whole team)
      * Update the headers and footers of the message

=== Non-members contacting team admin ===

     As a user,
     I want to contact the fnord team,
     to as a question about what they do.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 2
 :: Notes
      * The email goes to the team admin who can choose to reply or
      delegate the reply to another team member.
      * by restricting who gets the email we are:
        * Reducing the opportunity to send send spam.
        * Reducing the opportunity to leak a membership in a private
        membership teams.
      * Link title must state who is being conacted (the whole team)
      * Update the headers and footers of the message

=== Suspend users via the UI ===

     As a launchpad admin,
     I want to disable an account from the UI,
     to reduce the risk of mistakes and save time.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 2
 :: Notes
    * Fixes https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/49676
    [Disable account from the user's page]
    * The SQL query already exists to deactivate
    * Do we need a reverse query to reactivate a user...I think not.
    * Add the operation to the user's profile page or the edit page.

=== Delete team contact address ===

    As a chr
    I want to delete the team's contact email address
    because another person or team needs it.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 3
 :: Notes
    * This is a CHR/LOSA issue

=== Personal Subscription Page ===

     As a LP user,
     I want to have a single page with all my email subscriptions (lists, bugs, answers, branches, etc.) with a link to the appropriate unsubscription page,
     so that I can individually manage (start and stop) each email source

 :: '''Story Points:''' 20
 :: Notes
    * Displaying team subscription.

=== ShipIt person/account separation ===

    As a Ubuntu CD requester,
    I want my account separated from Launchpad,
    so that I do not need to register or use launchpad.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 8
 :: Notes
    * This relates to the single-signon separation from launchpad.
    * Account requires a token (name or id) to create the transparent part
      of the openid identifier URI.
    * Move account creation into the OpenID server.
    * Make ShipIt and openid consumer

== Saga: Messaging ==
Line 208: Line 516:
=== Personal Subscription Page ===

As a LP user,<<BR>>
I want to have a single page with all my email subscriptions (lists, bugs, answers, branches, etc.) with a link to the appropriate unsubscription page;<<BR>>
so that I can individually manage (start and stop) each email source

  '''Story Points:''' 20 <<BR>>
    * Displaying team subscription.
=== Edit comments ===

    As a CHR,
    I would like to hide or redact comments so that,
    so that spam and private information is not visible

 :: '''Story Points:''' 2
 :: Notes
    * This is a CHR/LOSA issue

=== Default mailing list subscription behaviour ===

    As a direct team member,
    I want to be automatically subscribed to team mailing lists,
    so that I am always in contact with the teams I choose to join.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 3
 :: Notes
    * Solves the contact team members problem by making it an exception
      to opt out.
    * One can argue that any team with a list is a communications team,
      not a permissions team, so everyone should get the list.
    * Either intrroduce a checkbox or two buttons that join and may
      subscribe at the same time.
    * The UI must make mailing lists prominant. Which teams have them and
      is the user subscribed.

=== Muted Subscriptions ===

    As a user,
    I want to tell Launchpad to nmot send me emails,
    so that my inbox is filled with messages that I wll not at upon.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 3
 :: Notes
    * Subscriptions are CC-like emails. The user still receives emails
      for artifacts that they own, like projects, questions. This relates to
      * bug structural subscriptions
      * team membership-based emails
      * Answer Contacts
    * This does not necessarilly mean mailing lists (see the vacation story).
    * User initiated email always work. Launchpad emails (often created via
      a notifcation) will not be sent.
    * The send mail function could do the filtering--it checks the user
      and aborts the send if the person is mutted.
    * Brad and Edwin think this story would be 5 point if new templates
      are needed instead reusing the +editemail form.
    * The model change will make Mailing list vacation easier to do.

=== Vacation ===

     As a LP user,
     I want to tell LP that I'm going on "vacation" until a specified date,
     so that LP will stop sending me non-urgent emails during that time.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 8
 :: '''bug:''' [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/407126|support for holidays and the like]]
 :: Notes
Line 224: Line 602:
As a Launchpad user, <<BR>>
I want to be able to subscribe to a list even if I'm not a member of the team,<<BR>>
so that I passively follow discussion of projects I'm interested in.

'''Story Points:''' 2 <<BR>>
'''bug:''' [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/194126|Let people lurk on mailing lists]] <<BR>>
As a Launchpad user,
I want to be able to subscribe to a list even if I'm not a member of the team,
so that I passively follow discussion of projects I'm interested in.

'''Story Points:''' 2
'''bug:''' [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/194126|Let people lurk on mailing lists]]
Line 239: Line 620:
As a non-subscriber to a list,<<BR>>
I want to receive follow-ups messages to threads that I posted on;<<BR>>
so that I can follow the discussion.

  '''Story Points:''' 8 <<BR>>
As a non-subscriber to a list,
     I want to receive follow-ups messages to threads that I posted on,
     so that I can follow the discussion.

'''Story Points:''' 8
 :: Notes
Line 250: Line 634:
=== Vacation ===

As a LP user,<<BR>>
I want to tell LP that I'm going on "vacation" until a specified date; <<BR>>
so that LP will stop sending me non-urgent emails during that time.<<BR>>

  '''Story Points:''' 8 <<BR>>

Line 265: Line 637:
As a Launchpad user,<<BR>>
I want to subscribe to a feed containing all the latest mailing list
messages; <<BR>>
so that I follow the list through my feed reader.

'''Story Points:''' 8 <<BR>>
As a Launchpad user,
I want to subscribe to a feed containing all the latest mailing list messages,
so that I follow the list through my feed reader.

'''Story Points:''' 8
Line 281: Line 655:
As a user, <<BR>>
I want know how much traffic a list gets per month, <<BR>>
so that I know how much mail I am committing to read.

  '''Story Points:''' 5 <<BR>>
As a user,
     I want know how much traffic a list gets per month,
    so that I know how much mail I am committing to read.

'''Story Points:''' 5
 :: Notes
Line 304: Line 681:
As a Launchpad user,<<BR>>
I want to access an IMAP folder containing a mailing list archive; <<BR>>
so that I can read, search, and reply to mailing list messages.

'''Story Points:''' 5 <<BR>>
As a Launchpad user,
I want to access an IMAP folder containing a mailing list archive,
so that I can read, search, and reply to mailing list messages.

'''Story Points:''' 5
Line 319: Line 699:
As mailing list user,<<BR>>
I want each mailing list message to contain a link to the archived
so that I can view the thread on the web.

'''Story Points:''' 0.5 <<BR>>
As mailing list user,
I want each mailing list message to contain a link to the archived message,
so that I can view the thread on the web.

'''Story Points:''' 0.5
Line 333: Line 715:
As a project owner,<<BR>>
I want to run the mailing list on my own server, but get the membership info  from Launchpad from the LP API;<<BR>>
so that I can customize the list to my liking.

'''Story Points:''' 13 <<BR>>
As a project owner,
I want to run the mailing list on my own server, but get the membership info from Launchpad from the LP API,
so that I can customize the list to my liking.

'''Story Points:''' 13
Line 350: Line 735:
== Epic: Privacy == == Saga: Privacy ==
Line 360: Line 745:
=== Hide team names ===

     As an owner of a private team,
     I want non-members to see my team name as <undisclosed> when my team is listed,
     so that non-members cannot deduce that my team exists, or what my team is doing.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 8
 :: Notes
    * This helps OEM.
    * Fixes https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/294719
    [OOPS when trying to subscribe a private team to a bug]
    * This looks like an expensive SQL operation like private bugs.
      * Consider updating Launch``Bag or some other omnipresent object
      to have a lazy cache of all private teams and project that the
      principle has access to.
    * The name attribute must return None, to prevent leakage.
    * Kawalski, give me options:
      A. Change name and displayname on the model to perform a permissions
      A. Use an adapter on every request layer that redefines the name
      and the displayname to do the security check

=== Hide team ===

     As the owner of a private team,
     I want non-members to get a 404 status when they access team pages,
     so that non-members cannot deduce my team exists, and what my team is doing.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 5
 :: Notes
    * This helps OEM.
    * Relates to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/298152:
    [We should have a very visible indication for private projects]
    * We want to present the team name as blacklisted if someone tries
    to register it. Consider using a new prefix for private teams and
    * We want to raise a NotFoundError during traversal when the user
    does not have permission to access the person (or project):
    Navigation._publishTraverse looks like the place to do this.

Line 363: Line 798:
As a field engineer,<<BR>>
I want a private project that is completely invisible to unauthorized people;<<BR>>
so that our OEM project can operate without any data leakage.<<BR>>

'''Story Points:''' 20 <<BR>>
As a field engineer,
I want a private project that is completely invisible to unauthorized people,
so that our OEM project can operate without any data leakage.

'''Story Points:''' ?
Line 372: Line 810:

== Epic: Branded Launchpad (bugs.foo.org) ==

As a project owner, <<BR>>
I want my project pages to appear at lp.mydomain.org;<<BR>>
so that my user can go to one domain and find everything they need
to contribute to my project.

  '''Story Points:''' 100 <<BR>>
    * JoeyStanford: The full requirement is "private projects with private bugs maintained by a private team"


=== Create private mailing lists on public teams ===

     As a field engineer,
     I want a private mailing that is completely invisible to unauthorized people,
     so that our OEM visible but restricted team can communicate without any data leakage.

 :: '''Story Points:''' ?
 :: Notes
    * Leaking of the mailing list name may be acceptable as long as only subscribers may post and the archives are not leaked.


== Saga: Branded Launchpad (bugs.foo.org) ==

     As a project owner,
     I want my project pages to appear at lp.mydomain.org,
     so that my user can go to one domain and find everything they need to contribute to my project.

 :: '''Story Points:''' 100
 :: Notes
Line 403: Line 863:
== Epic: Project management ==

=== Project access stats ===

As a project owner, <<BR>>
I want to know the total monthly visitors to any page of my project (i.e. the sum of all hits), <<BR>>
so that I can make an informed decision on whether to continue this project, adjust the assigned resources, or discontinue it.

  '''Story Points:''' ?? <<BR>>
      * HPLIP wants to know this.
      * See the [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/private/launchpad/2008-November/033943.html|Stu & Curtis: per project webstats]] discussion for some insight.

=== SFTP uploads for releases ===

As a project driver, <<BR>>
I want upload large files reliably; <<BR>>
so that I don't need to make repeated attempts because HTTP is unreliable.

  '''Story Points:''' ?? <<BR>>
    * Work around problems with HTTP posts of large files.

=== Merging projects ===

As a Registry Administrator,<<BR>>
I want want to merge a duplicate project with the real project; <<BR>>
so that there is a single definitive location for an upstream project.

  '''Story Points:''' ?? <<BR>>
  '''bug:'''https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/110237 <<BR>>
    * Being able to merge two separate projects, see bug 135026 and bug 131933.
    * This may depend upon project-aliases. An alias may be wanted to preserve
     the duplicate project name.
    * What information, if any should be preserved from the duplicate?
     * The real project should not be changed
     * By replacing the duplicate project with the real project, bugs,
       questions, blueprints, code, packages, etc will be assigned to the
       true project.

=== Link PPAs to projects ===

As a project owner, <<BR>>
I want to mark a PPA as the official repo; <<BR>>
so that users can easily get the official packages.

  '''Story Points:''' ?? <<BR>>
    * Allow an upstream project to say "this is my official PPA"

=== Manage project announcements through the webservice API ===

As a webservice client, <<BR>>
I want to be able to manage my project announcements through the webservice API <<BR>>
so that I can use my preferred tools.

  '''Story Points:''' ?? <<BR>>

=== Start the project registration process ===

As a project owner, <<BR>>
I want to register a project from starting from the front page, <<BR>>
So that I can easily start using launchpad.

  '''Story Points:''' ?? <<BR>>

== Epic: Project planning ==

=== Packaging link population ===

As a upstream project tracker,<<BR>>
I want product release packages automatically linked to distribution sourcepackges; <<BR>>
so that I do not need search the tarball releases and do it myself.

  '''Story Points:''' ?? <<BR>>
    * Use our tarball imports to detect packaging links and modified orig.tar.gzs
      * Soyuz receives source packages via the upload path
      * Soyuz unpacks those source packages and for "normal" packages, inside them are .orig.tar.gzs
      * Our productreleasefinder script -- when it works -- pulls in tarballs and creates series and releases based on their filenames.
      * Some of those tarballs will be identical to a package's orig
        * When they are, add a packaging link between that series and the sourcepackage's series.
      * However, where does the "detect modified org.tar.gz" come in to the equation? If the orig.tar.gz changes, that means there's a new upstream release generally.
== Project management ==
=== Project goals and community ===

     As a user,
     I want know a project's goals and how it is organised,
     so that I can get involved.
 :: '''Story Points:'''
 :: Notes
Line 517: Line 882:
== Epic: Privacy ==

== Private teams ==

As a field engineer, <<BR>>
I want to create a private team where no one can see anything except
the team name and the team owner but no members can be known; it
should be a restricted team by default; members of a private team
can see the membership list, but no one else can; <<BR>>
so that commercial projects can have teams without exposing their

  '''Story Points:''' ?? <<BR>>
    * Being able to hide the existence of a team, while still allowing it to be used

== Epic: Project management ==

== Saga: Project management ==
Line 545: Line 891:
As a Launchpad project owner, <<BR>>
I want to be able to easily register my new project which, <<BR>>
so that I can quickly invite others to participate

'''Story Points:''' ?? <<BR>>
As a Launchpad project owner,
I want to be able to easily register my new project which,
so that I can quickly invite others to participate

'''Story Points:''' ??
Line 552: Line 901:
    * [[https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+spec/product-registration-workflow|product-registration-workflow]]

== Epic Messaging ==
    * [[https://launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+spec/product-registration-workflow|product-registration-workflow]]

== Saga Messaging ==
Line 562: Line 911:
As a Launchpad user, <<BR>> <<BR>>
I want to subscribe to all messages in all mailing lists that match my search terms, <<BR>>
So that I can be informed about conversations happening on a topic of interest.

tory points:''' ?? <<BR>>
As a Launchpad user,        I want to subscribe to all messages in all mailing lists that match my search terms,
     so that I can be informed about conversations happening on a topic of interest.

 :: '''
Story Points:''' ??

This section contains the story cards for the Launchpad Registry. Completed stories are moved to the VersionThreeDotO/Registry/StoryCardsArchive

Registry sagas and their stories

These stories are understood and have been estimated.

Saga: Project management

Creating and maintaining a project is too hard. It is not clear how to create and organise a project as the owner wants. It is not possible to see that the project is setup as the owner intends.

Unneeded data can be removed from the models to reduce th clutter of information. Project creation should be easier and faster by adopting common patterns to organise a project. The roles teams play in a project must be obvious to new contributors as well as project officials.

SFTP uploads for releases

     As a project driver,
     I want upload large files reliably,
     so that I don't need to make repeated attempts because HTTP is unreliable.

Story Points: 20

  • Work around problems with HTTP posts of large files.

Merging projects

     As a Registry Administrator,
     I want want to merge a duplicate project with the real project,
     so that there is a single definitive location for an upstream project.

Story Points: 13

bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/110237

  • Being able to merge two separate projects, see bug 135026 and bug 131933.
  • This may depend upon project-aliases. An alias may be wanted to preserve
    • the duplicate project name.
  • What information, if any should be preserved from the duplicate?
    • The real project should not be changed
    • By replacing the duplicate project with the real project, bugs,
      • questions, blueprints, code, packages, etc will be assigned to the true project.

Project creation and disclosure

     As a LP administrator, 
     I want to make sure that newly created projects are not visible on the home page and searches until I approve them,
     so that I can prevent bogus projects from appearing on LP

Story Points: 8

  • Change project active flag to a status flag
    • Will probably want to rename PillarName.active to PillarName.status as well

  • UI notification when the project is in the NEW state
  • Add 'no-index' meta tag for new project pages
  • Every place that filters on ACTIVE must also filter on NEW
  • Change projects/+review-licenses to support new project review. This will include a rename of the page.
  • User can use the project right away.

Placeholder product registration

     As a Launchpad user
     I want to be able to quickly register a new project which I'm not the owner of and know little about,
     so that I can send bug reports upstream

Story Points: 8

  • Collect the minimum information to create a project.
  • Indicate that the project is a place holder that can be claimed.
  • See drive-thru-product-creation

     As a project owner, 
     I want to mark a PPA as the official repo,
     so that users can easily get the official packages.

Story Points: 5

  • Allow an upstream project to say "this is my official PPA"
  • Deliverables:
    • A schema change linking the project to the PPA.
    • Display the widget in the edit project page.
    • Display the "Official PPA:" label with a link to the +archive page.
  • The challenge is creating a vocabulary of PPAs associated with himself and the teams he is a member of.
    • There is already a PPAVocabulary in vocabularies/dbobject.py
    • Barry suggests adding a widget to every PPA that has a list of all
      • the projects the person is a admin of. This does not seem natural since the I could browse Launchpad to any projects PPA and claim that it supplies my project's official packages.

Project teams and people

     As a user, 
     I want to know the people and teams associated with a project
     so that I can get involved.

Story Points: 3

bug: Not obvious how to get involved with a project

  • This story depends upon the [Start the project registration process] story. Allow owners to create teams to play roles in the project hierarchy.
  • A page that lists the teams associated with a project and the roles they play
    • Each team is linked so that the user can join the page.
    • Does each team need description or statement of purpose?
  • There are two kinds of links to this page:
    • [View the project organization]
    • [Join the project]
  • If a graphic presentation is needed for the team org chart more story points are required.

File releases download counters

     As a Launchpad user interested in a particular downloadable file,
     I want to see how many times the file has been downloaded over its lifetime,
     so that I can judge the popularity of the file.

Story Points: 5

  • Done using a script that processes the access log.
  • Could be done by by updating the database on every GET. But supposedly the latter technique has been tried before and ran into performance problems.
  • Should the database update be done within Launchpad or within the librarian? (The earlier attempt did it within the librarian.)

Wiki project description

    As a project owner,
    I want use wiki markup to format my project description,
    so that my project page is formatted and readable.

Story Points: 8

  • Just the project description; this is a very visible specific field
    • that we can get feedback on before doing a wide implementation.
  • We need a flag in the model to indicate the markup's content-type.
    • The content-type must be sent in the API JSON to explicit handling.
  • We need to choose the markup parser; this may be the hardest part.
  • Use a TALES formatter for the description.
  • The UI must let the use select the format of the parser.

Project access stats

     As a project owner, 
     I want to know the total monthly visitors to any page of my project,
     so that I can make an informed decision on whether to continue this project, adjust the assigned resources, or discontinue it.

Story Points: 13

  • HPLIP wants to know the sum of all hits.
  • See the Stu & Curtis: per project webstats discussion for some insight.

  • We can setup stats.launchpad.net that is hosted from an analytics package available in the Ubuntu repos.
    • Must arrange for logs to be sent to log parser
    • Must skin the site to look like Launchpad.
    • Use the openid mod to hide private information.
  • We should not undertake this if we are not satisfied with a package available in the Ubuntu repos.

Manage project announcements through the webservice API

     As a webservice client, 
     I want to be able to manage my project announcements through the webservice API 
     so that I can use my preferred tools.

Story Points: 3


Saga: Project Planning

Project planing is a mess. Projects are not using series, milestones and release consistently. Even well planned projects have made mistakes, in part because the information is poorly presented.

The model of series, milestones, and releases must be fixed so that their relationship is clear. Launchpad must use the objects consistently even when offering users features that allow them to do several operations in a single step. A timeline or diagram is needed to present the project's plan. The timeline should be interactive so that the driver of the project can see what he id doing and has done.

Making releases from milestones

     As a project maintainer,
     I want to mark a milestone as "released",
     so that the release can be done (and end-users can download files, look at the changelog, etc).

Story Points: 3


Branching series

     As a project maintainer,
     I want to branch the trunk series;,
     so that I can make a stable release and create further point releases in the future.

Story Points: 3

  • Create a series.
  • Save the series from which it was created.
  • Provide any visual indication that the series was branched from another.
  • Text mockup:

      - Trunk (* branch into a new series)

      - Trunk (* branch into a new series)
         - 1.3 (* branch into a new series)

      Wee Project
      - Trunk

      - Trunk (currently at 3.X)
         - 1.X
         - 2.X

      The Linux Kernel
      - Trunk
         - 2.2
         - 2.4
         - 2.6
            - 2.6.20
            - 2.6.21

Moving releases from one series to another

     As a project administrator, 
     I want to change which series a particular release belongs to,
     so that I can move a release from trunk to one of my existing series, or fix  misclassifications.

Story Points: 1

  • This cannot be done until after milestones can be turned into releases; milestones will be the only provider of series information.

    As a chr
    I would like to delete package links to distro series
    so that false packages are not created.

Story Points: 2

  • This is a CHR/LOSA issue

     As a upstream project tracker,
     I want product release packages automatically linked to distribution sourcepackges,
     so that I do not need search the tarball releases and do it myself.

Story Points: 20

  • Use our tarball imports to detect packaging links and modified orig.tar.gzs
    • Soyuz receives source packages via the upload path
    • Soyuz unpacks those source packages and for "normal" packages, inside them are .orig.tar.gzs
    • Our productreleasefinder script -- when it works -- pulls in tarballs and creates series and releases based on their filenames.
    • Some of those tarballs will be identical to a package's orig
      • When they are, add a packaging link between that series and the sourcepackage's series.
    • However, where does the "detect modified org.tar.gz" come in to the equation? If the orig.tar.gz changes, that means there's a new upstream release generally.

Delete series

    As a project driver,
    I would like to delete an accidental series,
    so that my error is not permanent

Story Points: 3

  • This is a CHR/LOSA issue
  • You cannot delete a series if it has milestone (but you can delete them first).

Saga: Users and Teams

Refinements and features that improve users and teams.

Members contacting members

     As a launchpad team member,
     I want to contact all the launchpad team members,
     to inform them of an important event.

Story Points: 2

  • All members get the email, so the teams mailing list will not be used
  • Link title must state who is being conacted (the whole team)
  • Update the headers and footers of the message

Non-members contacting team admin

     As a user,
     I want to contact the fnord team,
     to as a question about what they do.

Story Points: 2

  • The email goes to the team admin who can choose to reply or delegate the reply to another team member.
  • by restricting who gets the email we are:
    • Reducing the opportunity to send send spam.
    • Reducing the opportunity to leak a membership in a private membership teams.
  • Link title must state who is being conacted (the whole team)
  • Update the headers and footers of the message

Suspend users via the UI

     As a launchpad admin,
     I want to disable an account from the UI,
     to reduce the risk of mistakes and save time.

Story Points: 2

  • Fixes https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/49676 [Disable account from the user's page]

  • The SQL query already exists to deactivate
  • Do we need a reverse query to reactivate a user...I think not.
  • Add the operation to the user's profile page or the edit page.

Delete team contact address

    As a chr
    I want to delete the team's contact email address
    because another person or team needs it.

Story Points: 3

  • This is a CHR/LOSA issue

Personal Subscription Page

     As a LP user,
     I want to have a single page with all my email subscriptions (lists, bugs,  answers, branches, etc.) with a link to the appropriate unsubscription  page,
     so that I can individually manage (start and stop) each email source

Story Points: 20

  • Displaying team subscription.

ShipIt person/account separation

    As a Ubuntu CD requester,
    I want my account separated from Launchpad,
    so that I do not need to register or use launchpad.

Story Points: 8

  • This relates to the single-signon separation from launchpad.
  • Account requires a token (name or id) to create the transparent part
    • of the openid identifier URI.
  • Move account creation into the OpenID server.
  • Make ShipIt and openid consumer

Saga: Messaging

Launchpad can be a better tool for communication between users and teams. Launchpad must reconcile the desire for privacy (hidden email addresses) with the need to send messages. Users are often confused as why they receive emails from launchpad, nor do they know how to manage them. The value that mailing lists provide is in part undermined by the fact that teams convey privileges--users cannot subscribe to lists for teams that they are no members of.

Launchpad needs a feature that allows a user to see and manage his email subscriptions. Users need a means to contact each other, even when their email addresses are hidden. Decouple the requirement to be a member of a team so that users can read emails. Community members with a good standing should be permitted to post to anything on Launchpad.

Edit comments

    As a CHR,
    I would like to hide or redact comments so that,
    so that spam and private information is not visible

Story Points: 2

  • This is a CHR/LOSA issue

Default mailing list subscription behaviour

    As a direct team member,
    I want to be automatically subscribed to team mailing lists,
    so that I am always in contact with the teams I choose to join.

Story Points: 3

  • Solves the contact team members problem by making it an exception
    • to opt out.
  • One can argue that any team with a list is a communications team,
    • not a permissions team, so everyone should get the list.
  • Either intrroduce a checkbox or two buttons that join and may
    • subscribe at the same time.
  • The UI must make mailing lists prominant. Which teams have them and
    • is the user subscribed.

Muted Subscriptions

    As a user,
    I want to tell Launchpad to nmot send me emails,
    so that my inbox is filled with messages that I wll not at upon.

Story Points: 3

  • Subscriptions are CC-like emails. The user still receives emails
    • for artifacts that they own, like projects, questions. This relates to
    • bug structural subscriptions
    • team membership-based emails
    • Answer Contacts
  • This does not necessarilly mean mailing lists (see the vacation story).
  • User initiated email always work. Launchpad emails (often created via
    • a notifcation) will not be sent.
  • The send mail function could do the filtering--it checks the user
    • and aborts the send if the person is mutted.
  • Brad and Edwin think this story would be 5 point if new templates
    • are needed instead reusing the +editemail form.
  • The model change will make Mailing list vacation easier to do.


     As a LP user,
     I want to tell LP that I'm going on "vacation" until a specified date,
     so that LP will stop sending me non-urgent emails during that time.

Story Points: 8

bug: support for holidays and the like


Let people lurk on mailing lists

     As a Launchpad user, 
     I want to be able to subscribe to a list even if I'm not a member of the team,
     so that I passively follow discussion of projects I'm interested in.

Story Points: 2

bug: Let people lurk on mailing lists

  • Adjust the query and constraints
  • Little bit of u/i change

Nosy mailing list threads

     As a non-subscriber to a list,
     I want to receive follow-ups messages to threads that I posted on,
     so that I can follow the discussion.

Story Points: 8

  • Mailman 2.1 doesn't support really that model yet
  • This may depend on lurking.

Mailing List Feeds

     As a Launchpad user,
     I want to subscribe to a feed containing all the latest mailing list messages,
     so that I follow the list through my feed reader.

Story Points: 8

  • Get the messages out of Mailman or capture metadata for each message
  • Display messages using the Feeds API
  • Figure out what text to display for each message

Visibility of mailing list traffic to Launchpad

     As a user, 
     I want know how much traffic a list gets per month,
     so that I know how much mail I am committing to read.

Story Points: 5

  • Need a cronscript to generate stats daily, or weekly.
    • Numbers are generated for each mailing list
    • The numbers can be generated from via:
      • Mhonarc's archive
      • Mailman's logs
  • A schema change is needed to store the weekly stats
    • No more than 13 weeks of stats are needed
  • The information can be presented as a portlet/viewlet on the team page.
    • Since users can subscribe to all team mailinglists from their email page, the viewlet is needed there too.

IMAP Archive

     As a Launchpad user,
     I want to access an IMAP folder containing a mailing list archive,
     so that I can read, search, and reply to mailing list messages.

Story Points: 5

  • Anonymous access.
  • Dovecot can serve the MHonarc mbox archive directly
  • UI.

Persistent mailing list archive urls

     As mailing list user,
     I want each mailing list message to contain a link to the archived message,
     so that I can view the thread on the web.

Story Points: 0.5

  • Requires MHonarc supports for those URL.

Remotely hosted mailing lists

     As a project owner,
     I want to run the mailing list on my own server, but get the membership info from Launchpad from the LP API,
     so that I can customize the list to my liking.

Story Points: 13

  • add a 'hosted' flag on IMailingList

  • add an Mailing List API allowing to retrieve the members of the list.
  • Open source queue runner that updates the list using API.
  • All management done through LP.
  • No first post-moderation.
  • Two differences experience for Lists on Page.
  • u/i for posting address and archive link

Saga: Privacy

Users cannot work in teams or projects privately. While membership in a team can be hidden the team, and its activities cannot. It is not possible to hide a project from unprivileged users. Commercial and private groups cannot project their data on Launchpad.

Launchpad must allow users to work in private so that teams and projects can work without exposing their data and or activities to other users.

Hide team names

     As an owner of a private team, 
     I want non-members to see my team name as <undisclosed> when my team is listed,
     so that non-members cannot deduce that my team exists, or what my team is doing.

Story Points: 8

  • This helps OEM.
  • Fixes https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/294719 [OOPS when trying to subscribe a private team to a bug]

  • This looks like an expensive SQL operation like private bugs.
    • Consider updating LaunchBag or some other omnipresent object to have a lazy cache of all private teams and project that the principle has access to.

  • The name attribute must return None, to prevent leakage.
  • Kawalski, give me options:
    1. Change name and displayname on the model to perform a permissions check.
    2. Use an adapter on every request layer that redefines the name and the displayname to do the security check

Hide team

     As the owner of a private team,
     I want non-members to get a 404 status when they access team pages,
     so that non-members cannot deduce my team exists, and what my team is doing.

Story Points: 5

  • This helps OEM.
  • Relates to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/298152: [We should have a very visible indication for private projects]

  • We want to present the team name as blacklisted if someone tries to register it. Consider using a new prefix for private teams and projects.
  • We want to raise a NotFoundError during traversal when the user does not have permission to access the person (or project): Navigation._publishTraverse looks like the place to do this.

Create private projects

     As a field engineer,
     I want a private project that is completely invisible to unauthorized people,
     so that our OEM project can operate without any data leakage.

Story Points: ?

  • Leaking of the project's name may be acceptable.
  • The story points include private teams, which will be broken into separate stories.
    • This needs re-estimation.
  • JoeyStanford: The full requirement is "private projects with private bugs maintained by a private team"

Create private mailing lists on public teams

     As a field engineer,
     I want a private mailing that is completely invisible to unauthorized people,
     so that our OEM visible but restricted team can communicate without any data leakage.

Story Points: ?

  • Leaking of the mailing list name may be acceptable as long as only subscribers may post and the archives are not leaked.

Saga: Branded Launchpad (bugs.foo.org)

     As a project owner, 
     I want my project pages to appear at lp.mydomain.org,
     so that my user can go to one domain and find everything they need to contribute to my project.

Story Points: 100

  • Commercial offering?
  • Moderation?
  • Update the apache config?
  • How do users request the redirect? New UI pages?
  • How do we serve JavaScript files with the two domains?

    • icing will have to be served from any domain.
  • Navigation from inside the project needs to point back to Launchpad itself where appropriate.
  • Branded project -> need for project in URL.

  • Mailing lists: tie in to Exim and MHonArc's Apache
  • User expectations: brand also the skin and integrate with Launchpad.

Needs estimating

These stories will be estimated in the weekly planning meeting.

Project management

Project goals and community

     As a user, 
     I want know a project's goals and how it is organised,
     so that I can get involved.

Story Points:


Needs definition

These stories are incomplete, not understood, and cannot be estimated.

Saga: Project management

Guided product registration

     As a Launchpad project owner, 
     I want to be able to easily register my new project which,
     so that I can quickly invite others to participate

Story Points: ??


Saga Messaging

Subscribe to all messages in all mailing lists by topic

     As a Launchpad user,  
     I want to subscribe to all messages in all mailing lists that match my search terms,
     so that I can be informed about conversations happening on a topic of interest.

Story Points: ??

  • This relates to the concept of Launchpad echelons where a user can subscribe to all message generated in launchpad on a topic
  • This is like the saved topic/search feature offered by news sties
    • Google is an example of such a service.
      • The notification happens via web page or RSS
    • While the user is informed, he does not necessarily have rights to reply.

VersionThreeDotO/Registry/StoryCards (last edited 2009-07-30 21:23:24 by beuno)