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This section contains the story cards for the Launchpad Registry. Completed stories are moved to the VersionThreeDotO/Registry/StoryCardsArchive

Registry epics and their stories

These stories are understood and have been estimated.

Epic: Project management

Creating and maintaining a project is too hard. It is not clear how to create and organise a project as the owner wants. It is not possible to see that the project is setup as the owner intends.

Unneeded data can be removed from the models to reduce th clutter of information. Project creation should be easier and faster by adopting common patterns to organise a project. The roles teams play in a project must be obvious to new contributors as well as project officials.

SFTP uploads for releases

As a project driver,
I want upload large files reliably;
so that I don't need to make repeated attempts because HTTP is unreliable.

Merging projects

As a Registry Administrator,
I want want to merge a duplicate project with the real project;
so that there is a single definitive location for an upstream project.

Project creation and disclosure

As a LP administrator,
I want to make sure that newly created projects are not visible on the home page and searches until I approve them;
so that I can prevent bogus projects from appearing on LP

Placeholder product registration

As a Launchpad user
I want to be able to quickly register a new project which I'm not the owner of and know little about;
so that I can send bug reports upstream

As a project owner,
I want to mark a PPA as the official repo;
so that users can easily get the official packages.

As a user,
I want know a project's goals and how it is organised,
so that I can get involved.

File releases download counters

As a Launchpad user interested in a particular downloadable file,
I can see how many times the file has been downloaded over its lifetime;
so that I can judge the popularity of the file.

Epic: Project Planning

Project planing is a mess. Projects are not using series, milestones and release consistently. Even well planned projects have made mistakes, in part because the information is poorly presented.

The model of series, milestones, and releases must be fixed so that their relationship is clear. Launchpad must use the objects consistently even when offering users features that allow them to do several operations in a single step. A timeline or diagram is needed to present the project's plan. The timeline should be interactive so that the driver of the project can see what he id doing and has done.

Branching series

As a project maintainer,
I want to branch the trunk series;,
so that I can make a stable release and create further point releases in the future.

      - Trunk (* branch into a new series)

      - Trunk (* branch into a new series)
         - 1.3 (* branch into a new series)

      Wee Project
      - Trunk

      - Trunk (currently at 3.X)
         - 1.X
         - 2.X

      The Linux Kernel
      - Trunk
         - 2.2
         - 2.4
         - 2.6
            - 2.6.20
            - 2.6.21

Moving releases from one series to another

As a project administrator,
I can change which series a particular release belongs to;
so I can move a release from trunk to one of my existing series, or fix misclassifications.

As a upstream project tracker,
I want product release packages automatically linked to distribution sourcepackges;
so that I do not need search the tarball releases and do it myself.

Epic: Messaging

Launchpad can be a better tool for communication between users and teams. Launchpad must reconcile the desire for privacy (hidden email addresses) with the need to send messages. Users are often confused as why they receive emails from launchpad, nor do they know how to manage them. The value that mailing lists provide is in part undermined by the fact that teams convey privileges--users cannot subscribe to lists for teams that they are no members of.

Launchpad needs a feature that allows a user to see and manage his email subscriptions. Users need a means to contact each other, even when their email addresses are hidden. Decouple the requirement to be a member of a team so that users can read emails. Community members with a good standing should be permitted to post to anything on Launchpad.

Members contacting members

As a launchpad team member, I want to contact all the launchpad team members, to inform them of an important event.

Non-members contacting team admin

As a user, I want to contact the fnord team, To as a question about what they do.

Personal Subscription Page

As a LP user,
I want to have a single page with all my email subscriptions (lists, bugs, answers, branches, etc.) with a link to the appropriate unsubscription page;
so that I can individually manage (start and stop) each email source

Let people lurk on mailing lists

As a Launchpad user,
I want to be able to subscribe to a list even if I'm not a member of the team,
so that I passively follow discussion of projects I'm interested in.

Nosy mailing list threads

As a non-subscriber to a list,
I want to receive follow-ups messages to threads that I posted on;
so that I can follow the discussion.


As a LP user,
I want to tell LP that I'm going on "vacation" until a specified date;
so that LP will stop sending me non-urgent emails during that time.

Mailing List Feeds

As a Launchpad user,
I want to subscribe to a feed containing all the latest mailing list messages;
so that I follow the list through my feed reader.

Visibility of mailing list traffic to Launchpad

As a user,
I want know how much traffic a list gets per month,
so that I know how much mail I am committing to read.

IMAP Archive

As a Launchpad user,
I want to access an IMAP folder containing a mailing list archive;
so that I can read, search, and reply to mailing list messages.

Persistent mailing list archive urls

As mailing list user,
I want each mailing list message to contain a link to the archived message;
so that I can view the thread on the web.

Remotely hosted mailing lists

As a project owner,
I want to run the mailing list on my own server, but get the membership info from Launchpad from the LP API;
so that I can customize the list to my liking.

Epic: Privacy

Users cannot work in teams or projects privately. While membership in a team can be hidden the team, and its activities cannot. It is not possible to hide a project from unprivileged users. Commercial and private groups cannot project their data on Launchpad.

Launchpad must allow users to work in private so that teams and projects can work without exposing their data and or activities to other users.

Create private projects

As a field engineer,
I want a private project that is completely invisible to unauthorized people;
so that our OEM project can operate without any data leakage.

Epic: Branded Launchpad (

As a project owner,
I want my project pages to appear at;
so that my user can go to one domain and find everything they need to contribute to my project.

Needs estimating

These stories will be estimated in the weekly planning meeting.

Epic: Project management

Project access stats

As a project owner,
I want to know the total monthly visitors to any page of my project (i.e. the sum of all hits),
so that I can make an informed decision on whether to continue this project, adjust the assigned resources, or discontinue it.

Manage project announcements through the webservice API

As a webservice client,
I want to be able to manage my project announcements through the webservice API
so that I can use my preferred tools.

Start the project registration process

As a project owner,
I want to register a project from starting from the front page,
So that I can easily start using launchpad.

Needs definition

These stories are incomplete, not understood, and cannot be estimated.

Epic: Privacy

Private teams

As a field engineer,
I want to create a private team where no one can see anything except the team name and the team owner but no members can be known; it should be a restricted team by default; members of a private team can see the membership list, but no one else can;
so that commercial projects can have teams without exposing their membership.

Epic: Project management

Guided product registration

As a Launchpad project owner,
I want to be able to easily register my new project which,
so that I can quickly invite others to participate

Epic Messaging

Subscribe to all messages in all mailing lists by topic

As a Launchpad user,

I want to subscribe to all messages in all mailing lists that match my search terms,
So that I can be informed about conversations happening on a topic of interest.