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Revision 6 as of 2009-08-11 15:50:08

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This page discusses some design options for the 3.0 package navigation redesign. Please see SoyuzPackageUI for more information.

Navigation redesign UI

The navigation redesign discussed at SoyuzPackageUI requires us to implement new page designs for the Distribution Source Package page and the Distribution Source Package Release page. The designs attempt to reduce the number of pages scattered around with differing but related pieces of information that should be more easily accessible in a single page load.

Distribution Source Package page

The second iteration of the mockup is shown below. This is in response to lots of feedback (thanks people). In particular, the full changelog is used by many people so I've put it on the side menu for now and will make a new page that contains it. It's possible that I could also make the changelog appear inline using an AJAX call, let me know your thoughts.


Distribution Source Package Release page

The 3rd iteration moves the build success/failure icon to the column headings, and the table entries are now package icons that link to the relevant .deb to download.


Old mockups


The first mockup attempts to fix several things:



This page design attempts to refine the information in the existing page into a more easily-read format, and then brings in more information from other pages grouped with the binary package names.


In this second version, the diffs and publishing history are moved to the side bar:
