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Revision 5 as of 2009-07-27 08:31:06

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The issue: serving two audiences

As far as I understand, the current PPA index page has evolved from an initial requirement serve developers and packagers - whose main PPA needs are focused on building and testing packages.

Over time, we have seen a gradual shift to also serve the needs of PPA users - people who just want to use the software provided by a PPA.

As a result, the PPA index page has become quite complicated - trying to provide simple instructions for adding the PPA to your system, indicating the current status of builds, filtering and paginating through packages and links to functionality to copy packages etc., all on the one interface.

Part of the problem is that, even though the url of the page (+ppa/ppa_name) represents a singular object - a personal archive, due to the needs of the initial developer base, we have pulled information that should really have been at +ppa/ppa_name/packages up into the ppa index page.

The current PPA page

Re-design ideas

1. Simplify PPA page by providing separate packages URL

One idea is to simplify the PPA page so that it describes the singular PPA, summarising its most popular packages and most recently uploaded packages etc.:


As the owner or uploader or admin, you will also see two additional portlets on the above page for "Build summary status" and "Repository disk usage".

Option 1: To smooth the transition, we could keep the list of source packages at the bottom of the page, but any interaction with it (ie. filtering or paginating) will then use the +ppa/ppa_name/packages url to handle the request.

Identified issues for discussion

2. Add your redesign idea here!