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Soyuz User Stories

This section contains the story cards for the Launchpad Soyuz team. Completed stories are moved to the VersionThreeDotO/Soyuz/StoryCardsArchive. Priorities are found on the main page.

Multiple PPAs per user

Story Points: xxx

UI for build dependency work

Story Points: 5

API manipulation of PPAs

Story Points: 13


Package Sync Reviews

Story Points: 13


Complete Private PPAs

Story Points: 20

Slave Scanner Next Generation

Story Points: xxx

Support for handling debug symbol uploads in virtual buildds

Story Points: 8

API/UI to unembargo security package

Story Points: 8

Soyuz Distribution Script

Story Points: 3

Licensing Metadata support

Story Points: 2

Support PDiff

Story Points: XXX

Support build and publication of ddebs

Story Points: 8

Pooling of builders

Story Points: 3

Any architecture builders

Story Points: 13

PPA diffs against Ubuntu

Story Points: 5

Multi-series support in package uploads

Story Points: 8

Show complete changelogs

Story Points: 5

Show available PPA packages on Ubuntu package pages

Story Points: 5

Show a PPA 'heat' page

Story Points: 5

Soyuz Instant Messenger Buddy

Story Points: XXX

Karma for uploads

Story Points: 2

Third party email notification of PPA uploads

Story Points: 3


Allow arbitrary people to upload to a PPA

Story Points: 3


Allow external PPA dependencies

Story Points: 3


Allow partner component package uploads to PPAs

Story Points: 0.5


Gnome help lang packs

Story Points: 5


Package set ACL

Story Points: XXX

Story Points: XXX

Story Points: XXX

Story Points: XXX

Story Points: XXX

Story Points: XXX

Story Points: XXX

Story Points: XXX

Story Points: XXX

Story Points: XXX

Story Points: XXX

Database schema related resources

  1. The database schema patch

  2. Example queries

  3. The play data

Changes and updates

  1. The flag that authorizes a specialist group of developers to upload to a package set without being subject to review is now called explicit and is an attribute of the ArchivePermission table.

  2. The ArchivePermission.explicit flag is ignored for component and sourcepackagename level permissions.

Pertinent comments by cjwatson

  1. there will be exactly one package set with generalist members, and that package set will be equal to the entire Ubuntu archive.
  2. what we probably actually want here is a set of generalist permissions attached to Ubuntu, and some number of package sets with specialist permissions attached to them.
  3. if package X is a member of package sets A, B, C, and D where C and D are exclusive, then the set of valid uploaders is the union of those with permission to upload to C or D.
  4. if package X is a member of package sets A, B, C, and D, none of which are exclusive, then the set of valid uploaders is the union of the generalists with permission to upload to Ubuntu as a whole together with those with permission to upload to any of A, B, C, or D.
  5. package sets probably need to contain both source and binary packages in order to work properly, although upload permissions would only be calculated based on source packages.
  6. the most general solution would be that each package set would have two sets of permissions associated with it: "may upload unconditionally" and "may upload subject to review".
  7. re. package set hierarchies:
    • question: Once a package set R is created and owned by a person or team T: what packages are they allowed to add to R? What other (nested) package sets may be added to R?
    • answer: They may add whatever packages they like. I do not expect that they would be able to create further package sets freely, or indeed that they would need to do this very often.
  8. re. "specialized" package sets:
    • question: What are the rules in a case where package sets P and Q e.g. have a shared package X and now Q is to be made exclusive but the owners of P and Q differ?
    • answer: Exclusive sets win, by definition; the TB will mediate if necessary.

VersionThreeDotO/Soyuz/StoryCards (last edited 2009-06-23 18:42:58 by julian-edwards)