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Revision 1 as of 2009-09-03 16:57:39

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Series language pages

DistroSeriesLanguage and ProductSeriesLanguage pages have several common properties:

  1. They display a list of all POFiles in a particular context (i.e. DistroSeries or ProductSeries) for a single language.

  2. Their contexts implement IHasTranslationTemplates and IRosettaStats

We should:

  1. Migrate them to 3.0 templates
  2. Introduce IHasTranslationFiles interface and abstract implementation which works well for both, make DSL and PSL use that
  3. Introduce cross-batch sorting into these (sort over multiple batches if there's more than meets the eye)
  4. Implement the same interfaces/templates for source packages
  5. Implement the same interfaces/templates for projects