Diff for "Wishes/Faster"

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Differences between revisions 3 and 4
Revision 3 as of 2009-09-02 17:43:12
Size: 834
Editor: kfogel
Revision 4 as of 2009-09-02 17:53:13
Size: 902
Editor: kfogel
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 1: Line 1:
''(See the [[Wishes|Wishes]] page for what this is all about.)''

(See the Wishes page for what this is all about.)

Franczen Attila <franczena {_AT_} gmail.com>

- faster load of the page: it really annoys me, that it is this slow.

Andrew SB <a.starr.b {_AT_} gmail.com>

1. Performance. It seems like there has been some progress here, but
since you all rock I know you can do even better. ;-) Three random bug

<!-- at least 84 queries issued in 3.12 seconds -->
<!-- Launchpad 2.2.6 (r8327) -->

<!-- at least 82 queries issued in 4.32 seconds -->
<!-- Launchpad 2.2.6 (r8327) -->

<!-- at least 71 queries issued in 4.16 seconds -->
<!-- Launchpad 2.2.6 (r8327) -->

Michael Hudson <michael.hudson {_AT_} canonical.com>

2) Better performance.

Maris Fogels <maris.fogels {_AT_} canonical.com>

  * I wish the site was much, much faster.

Wishes/Faster (last edited 2009-09-02 17:53:13 by kfogel)