Size: 3544
Comment: Stacking on db-devel.
Size: 3527
Comment: New ec2 usage.
Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
Line 68: | Line 68: |
~/launchpad/lp-dev-utils/ --headless -s '[r=kermit][ui=none] Fix the frobnob.' -b launchpad=db-devel --pqm-submit-location=bzr+ssh:// | utilities/ec2 test --headless -s '[r=kermit][ui=none] Fix the frobnob.' -b launchpad=db-devel --pqm-submit-location=bzr+ssh:// |
Working with db-devel
As the standard rocketfuel and ec2test scripts work on devel, some care must be taken when developing against db-devel. This is a guide for all who have only used rocketfuel-scripts so far.
Alternative trunk
Create an alternative trunk directory called db-devel next to your trunk directory in your repository (e.g. ~/launchpad/lp-branches).
bzr branch lp:~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/db-devel db-devel
Set the public location for this branch in ~/.bazaar/locations.conf
[<your-home-dir>/launchpad/lp-branches/db-devel] public_branch = bzr+ssh://
Now you can use this to create new branches of db-devel in lp-branches:
bzr branch db-devel my-db-devel-branch
You can update db-devel by pulling in changes.
cd db-devel bzr pull
You can merge changes from db-devel into your branch.
cd my-db-devel-branch bzr merge ../db-devel bzr commit -m"Merge db-devel."
To run code in your branch, you need to link the external source code. Normally rocketfuel-branch would do that for you.
cd my-db-devel-branch utilities/link-external-sourcecode ../../lp-sourcedeps/
Note: Should we make it a habit to prefix these branches' names with "db-" so we never forget? —jtv
You should still run rocketfuel-get regularly because it updates lp-sourcedeps and the links in all your branches (including your db-devel branches).
Pushing to Launchpad
You can push to Launchpad as usual and it will currently actually stack on devel, so this should work even better than pushing to devel.
Creating a merge proposal
It is very important to get the merge target right when creating a merge proposal, otherwise your reviewer will see a much larger patch than what you thought you were submitting.
When creating a merge proposal through the UI make sure to pick db-devel. This is fairly easy.
Using bzr send is recommended. You can simply pass your local db-devel branch as the submit-branch to the lpsend command because you set up its public location earlier.
cd my-db-devel-branch bzr lpsend ../db-devel/
Note: It is a good idea to mention that you want to merge into db-devel in the cover letter because it is not very conspicuous to the reviewer otherwise.
Running ec2test
Using (sorry, still internal) works as desrcibed but you need to add one or two options to it. The -b option defines the public branch you are working on and the --pqm-submit-location defines where you want pqm to merge your branch into. The latter is only needed if you also supply the -s option with a submit message for pqm. This is a full call.
cd my-db-devel-branch utilities/ec2 test --headless -s '[r=kermit][ui=none] Fix the frobnob.' -b launchpad=db-devel --pqm-submit-location=bzr+ssh://
To my knowledge, the lp: address scheme cannot be used here.
Submitting to PQM
Lastly, if you need to submit to pqm without going through ec2test (why ever? ;), you can use pqm-submit and pass in db-devel as the --submit-branch.
cd my-db-devel-branch bzr pqm-submit -m '[r=kermit][ui=none] Fix the frobnob.' --submit-branch=bzr+ssh://