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Handling Launchpad branches via tarmac running on Canonistack

Using tarmac to handle the landing of Launchpad branches is quite easy, with only a minimal amount of configuration. Getting it to run on a Canonical Openstack (a.k.a. canonistack) instance is pretty easy, thanks to the work of James Westby.

Tarmac configuration

Configuring tarmac is pretty straightforward. The user it will run under (tarmac in our case) creates a file ~/.config/tarmac/tarmac.conf that references the project or branch to be monitored in Launchpad and the various options for landing. Here is an example for the lpsetup project:

log_file = /var/log/tarmac.log

tree_dir = /home/tarmac/repos/lpsetup/trunk
commit_message_template = [r=<approved_by_nicks>][bug=<bugs_fixed>] <commit_message> (<author_nick>)
verify_command =  find . -name "*.py" | grep -v | xargs pocketlint && nosetests
rejected_branch_status = Work in progress
voting_criteria = Approve >= 1, Disapprove == 0

The first stanza [Tarmac] sets up global options for the running of the tarmac program. In this case we just specify where we want the log file to go.

The name in subsequent stanzas is the URL for the branch to be monitored. In our case [lp:lpsetup], we can use the shorthand to specify the development focus branch for the project. You can use any reference understood by bzr. Inside the stanza you simply specify the different options you want. The tarmac introduction document lists most of the options available. Tarmac also has a plugin framework that allows you to extend its functionality.

To run tarmac you'd use tarmac merge --debug until you're happy with your configuration. Look out for:

Fabric + Puppet + Canonistack + Tarmac

James Westby put together some really nice puppet scripts for handling most of the tarmac configuration and getting it up and running on a canonistack instance. His sanitized branch is at lp:~james-w/+junk/tarmac-puppet and the README is fantastic.

I've created a customized branch for yellow's initial needs and put it in a private branch at lp:~yellow/lp-tarmac-configs/tarmac-puppet. Most of the customization is in tarmac.pp though I did make minor changes to to specify a precise instance due to some problems with the ssh-import-id command on lucid.

Deployment strategy

Currently the moving parts are fabric is used to spin up a canonistack instance and then uses puppet to deploy tarmac.


  1. To start up a canonistack instance you'll need to follow the directions at You can stop after the Create a key pair step.

  2. source ~/.canonistack/novarc

You'll also need to install fabric on your local machine as it is used to create the canonistack instance and deploy puppet:

  1. sudo apt-get update

  2. sudo apt-get install fabric

Running it

To start a canonistack instance running tarmac from scratch you'd do the following:

  1. bzr branch lp:~yellow/lp-tarmac-configs/tarmac-puppet

  2. cd tarmac-puppet

  3. fab create

And you'll see something like:

/home/bac/tarmac/tarmac-puppet> fab create
[localhost] local: euca-run-instances -k $NOVA_USERNAME -t m1.small ami-000000be --user-data-file
Waiting for the i-00003262 instance to start
[localhost] local: euca-describe-instances i-00003262
[localhost] local: euca-describe-instances i-00003262
Waiting 30s to be really sure the connection can be established
Copying files to the instance
[localhost] local: scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no *
Run puppet on the instance
[localhost] local: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no sudo puppet apply tarmac.pp --templatedir=.
[localhost] local: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no sudo puppet apply tarmac.pp --templatedir=.
[localhost] local: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no sudo puppet apply tarmac.pp --templatedir=.
[localhost] local: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no sudo puppet apply tarmac.pp --templatedir=.
[localhost] local: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no sudo puppet apply tarmac.pp --templatedir=.
Tarmac deployed

At this point, you should be able to ssh in as tarmac:

% ssh tarmac@

The log file will be in /home/tarmac/.config/tarmac/tarmac.log. The cron job is set to run every minute and debug logging is turned on.

Everyone in the yellow squad has ssh access as the tarmac user.

If fab create does not successfully deploy tarmac after just a minute or so, you should kill it and ssh to the instance but as the ubuntu user not the tarmac user. You can try running puppet by hand by mimicking the command above in the puppet deploy:

% sudo puppet apply tarmac.pp --templatedir=.

Detriments to this approach

  1. If additional testing is required beyond what can be done via the verify_command option, such as running Jenkins, then using canonistack may be underpowered and running in the Canonical QA Lab might make more sense.

  2. Rumor has it canonistack instance have been known to just disappear. This rumor needs to be debunked or substantiated and understood.

Further work

  1. See about getting a fixed IP address for the canonistack instance, or
  2. Come up with a way of communicating the IP address to the team.
  3. Figure out how to share management of the instance so that other team members can terminate and restart it as needed.
  4. Ownership of this process and the customized branch needs to be transferred to the larger Launchpad team when ready. This page should move away from the yellow namespace.