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Code Concepts

In order to fully understand the lp.code modules, it helps to have an understanding of a number of core concepts.

Registry objects are those Launchpad-wide objects that are shared between the different Launchpad applications. The registry objects that lp.code modules are associated with are:

There are a few major concepts in lp.code to do with branches:


The branch object in Launchpad refers to a real Bazaar branch.

A branch has an owner. The owner can be either an individual or a team. The owner defines who can write to the branch.

A branch also has a target. There are three current targets:

You almost never need to know about these objects though, since they are !IBranchTarget adapters: IBranchTarget(person), IBranchTarget(product), IBranchTarget(source_package).

A branch also has a name.

Together the owner, target and name make the unique_name of the branch.

Merge proposal

A merge proposal (BranchMergeProposal) is used to record information around the process of merging one branch into another.

In situations where feature branches are used, it is normal for each feature branch to have a merge proposal for the main trunk branch. In these cases the feature branch is the source_branch, and the trunk is the target_branch.

The code review process happens around a merge proposal. People can review and comment on the proposal, and proposals can be approved (or rejected) to land on the target branch.


A namespace is (usually?) an owner and a target.

A namespace has exactly one branch collection associated with it. In some sense, it is a branch collection. (is-a could mean inheritance or adaptation).

A namespace is, conceptually, everything up to the last part of a branch's unique name.

There's no hierarchy of branches beneath a namespace.

A branch belongs to exactly one namespace.

  target :: IBranchTarget
  getBranches() :: [IBranch]
  createBranch(*args) :: IBranch


Target is the most nebulous of these concepts. A target is a thing a branch is a branch *of*, or perhaps a thing a branch lives on. A product is a target, a source package is a target, a person's +junk area is a target. A project (i.e. a collection of products) is not a target.

Each branch has exactly one target.

A target is not a namespace (in general). A +junk target is, at some level, a namespace, but other targets are not (only because +junk is associated with a person).

A target has a collection naturally associated with it: the collection of all branches with that target. Does this mean a target is, in some sense, a collection? Probably not.

  context :: (registry object)
  collection :: IBranchCollection
  default_stacked_on_branch :: IBranch
  default_merge_target :: IBranch
  getNamespace(person) :: IBranchNamespace
  -- implemented by BranchTarget only.


A collection has no semantic value beyond being a collection. It need not be tied to a specific registry object, namespace or target. "All branches" is a special, well-known branch collection. A collection is simply a clear API for "a bunch of branches". A collection is the preferred way of talking about a bunch of branches in our code-base.

   - implemented using getBranches,
   - merge proposals where the source branch is in getBranches()
  # separately,
  # a bunch of filter methods.

Code/Concepts (last edited 2011-06-21 10:30:17 by jml)