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Revision 1 as of 2011-08-18 08:49:17

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Loggerhead for LP developers

Loggerhead is a web-based bazaar code browser.

Landing on trunk

Landing on trunk is done directly by committing and pushing to lp:loggerhead, but make sure you:

  1. get a review first
  2. run the test suite before committing your changes (and see that it passes)

Landing changes for Launchpad

For deploying loggerhead to, one has to land changes on lp:~launchpad-pqm/loggerhead/devel through PQM, by eg. using

  bzr pqm-submit --submit-branch lp:~launchpad-pqm/loggerhead/devel

NOTE: do not forget to update utilities/sourcedeps.conf in the LP tree to make Launchpad actually use the newly landed revisions.


After changes land and pass through buildbot, they will soon be available on (do note that only bzr branches are backed with the real bzr data on staging — for testing other branches, push your stuff using bzr push lp://staging/~you/+junk/blah)

FIXME: what about qastaging? clarification needed if loggerhead PQM runs against db-stable Launchpad or stable Launchpad.


To get changes deployed, do... FIXME.