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Audit trail

Audit trail for private resources.

As an adminstrator
I want to be able to see who has accessed private data
so that I can be sure that only authorized people have seen that data


Part of being serious about security is understanding that sometimes mistakes will happen, and we need to do whatever we can to limit the damage of these mistakes. If ever we suspect someone of gaining access to a restricted resource, we need to determine how much the confidentiality and integrity of this resource has been compromised. A key first step is to see who has read from and who has written to the resource.




This is a sub-feature of LEP/PermissionsAndNotifications


A branch containing proprietary code has been accidentally marked as public. The owner of the branch contacts us through email or IRC and asks us to make sure the branch is private and see if anyone has looked at the branch. Someone from Canonical (a LOSA?) performs an action (visits a web page? runs a script?) that gets a log of all the times when someone has accessed that branch. The log includes who accessed it (where known), how (read or write), when (timestamp) and from where (IP address) over the time period requested by the Canonical operator.

The operator examines the log and reports back to the owner on the branch if any unauthorized or suspicious looking activity occurs in the requested time frame.


When we can get access logs on any resource in Launchpad without having to think hard about how to do it. The tough ones will be branches (many methods of access) and projects (so much associated with them).


LEP/AuditTrail (last edited 2011-05-19 04:25:30 by lifeless)