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This LEP is informational only. It does not represent a chunk of work that can be completed, but rather a whole programme.

Separate permission, notification and ownership

A clear, powerful permission, notification and ownership system for Launchpad.


In Launchpad right now, for private resources "able to see" and "get told about all changes" are the same thing.

Similarly, for all resources, "total ownership" and "ability to write" are the same thing.

Further, we don't have a consistent approach to these things across resources, nor do we have a clear idea of what "resource" is, nor do we have systems for managing privacy across a whole project.

We need to sort this out.

Clearing all of this up will help our users, who are frequently confused by how to control commit access or bug status change access. It will help them organize their projects better, avoiding the massive proliferation of teams that frequently comes with managing a project on Launchpad.

It will also very much help private projects, that currently struggle to manage visibility and live under a constant worry of data being exposed.




Here's a rough list of the resources that we need to think about when thinking about privacy, permissions etc.




Sorry, but many of these links are themselves private. -- jml [2010-04-22]

Existing privacy implementations in Launchpad

LEP/PermissionsAndNotifications (last edited 2011-05-18 12:33:21 by jml)