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Revision 20 as of 2011-05-29 10:34:04

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A wiki to provide documentation and feature planning for launchpad projects.

Contact: https://launchpad.net/~xaav/+contactuser
On Launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?field.tag=wiki

As a developer of an open source software project
I want a wiki
so that I can provide documentation to my users and plan my features more easily.


Launchpad is meant to offer a complete project solution with code, translations, bugs, a homepage, and feature tracking. Launchpad, in it's current state, is almost complete, but 'almost complete' means more user frustrations and complaints about missing features.

What is the cause of this incompleteness? Try doing the following using only Launchpad:

The above tasks may be possible to do, but are difficult and confusing for users. Consider documentation: Documentation could be stored in blueprints, but formatting would not be present, making difficult for users to read. Also, the blueprints are not designed for storing documentation, they are primarily used for planning documentation. Blueprints may even link to an external website or wiki that contains further specification. Some projects, like this one, don't even use blueprints but instead use a wiki.

Creating a full featured announcement on Launchpad is not preferred. Many projects, like this one choose to link to an external site or wiki, primarily because Launchpad announcements are not designed to contain the fully body of an announcement, but only a teaser. Launchpad announcements contain no formatting, which is fine for their purpose, but this creates a need for external software.

Blueprints depend on an external wiki to track feature specification. They display only a summary of the specification, then link to an external source to display the full specification. Wikis provide a way to collaboratively edit the specification, and share it with others.

Hosting a website on launchpad creates problems with XSS attacks and other security issues. Creating a wiki would eliminate, or greatly reduce this need, because users could place their site content on the wiki.

This list represents only some key advantages to having a wiki; there are many more uses for wikis. Wikis are adaptable because you may fill them with anything you wish, providing collaboration for future projects. Hosting them on Launchpad gives several benefits:


This is a community driven project.

Constraints and Requirements


Nice to have

Must not

Out of scope


May use https://launchpad.net/wikkid

-- RobertCollins - why? wikkid is cool but I don't see how we can say its the right choice until we understand why we're doing this. And I don't understand that yet.

I posted that because the developer of that developed it in hope that he could get a wiki into launchpad; it meets all the requirements, and I don't see the point of recoding something that's already been done.


How will we know when we are done?

When users can easily link questions and related bugs, make announcements without leaving Launchpad, create documentation in the time it takes to register for yet another external site, and use Bazaar to edit wiki files locally.

How will we measure how well we have done?

-- RobertCollins - some possible metrics: user adoption; change rate; Launchpad adopting it for its help and dev wikis?


URL should be http://wiki.launchpad.net/project-name/Wiki_page

We should blacklist the "wiki" name as a series name, to allow the definition of lp:project/wiki to refer to the wiki for a project.

Wikkid was designed from the start to do this. As the primary developer and maintainer of wikkid, I'd love to see it used in Launchpad as it was the initial impetus to get it going -- thumper 2011-05-22 23:49:55

jml is very, very keen to avoid repeating the mistakes we made with Loggerhead:

The following should be moved to the Nice to have/must have section(s) after it has been discussed:

Random stuff that needs to be discussed: