Diff for "Projects/WorkItems"

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Differences between revisions 1 and 10 (spanning 9 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2012-02-13 16:01:42
Size: 1597
Comment: Work in progress
Revision 10 as of 2012-05-21 16:49:43
Size: 2401
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= How to use this template =

''This template is for tracking what's going on with your project, especially a Launchpad feature under development. Use it to let you, your squad, the Product team and the rest of the Launchpad dev community know what's going on with your project.''

 * ''Create it for your project, generally a Launchpad feature under development that has at least one LEP''
 * ''Add it to [[Projects]]''
 * ''Fill in the italic bits and the $VARIABLE bits''
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See also [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?field.tag=$PROJECT|$PROJECT bug tag]] See also [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?field.tag=work-item-tracker|work-item-tracker bug tag]]
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'''Current week:''' 2<<BR>>
'''Next [[PolicyandProcess/FeatureDevelopmentCheckpoint|checkpoint]]:''' 2012-02-22
'''Current week:''' 17<<BR>>
'''Next [[PolicyandProcess/FeatureDevelopmentCheckpoint|checkpoint]]:''' 2012-05-30<<BR>>
'''Blueprint:''': https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-infrastructure-misc/+spec/linaro-infra-misc-eng-views-pilot
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Coming shortly.  * Provide a UI to natively support work items on blueprints.
 * Provide Launchpad API access to read an individual blueprint's work items.
 * Team and individual views showing which work items are targeted to which milestones.
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''If needed, especially if multiple LEPs''  * Reproduce status.*.* in Launchpad.
 * API call to provide all work items for a project.
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== Blockers ==

== Special actions ==

 * Huw to review and expand on Salgado's sketch for the team overview page.
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''Whatever you need to keep track of deliverables. An example, including some common ones is included below. Deliverables often correspond to a group of user stories or a single user story''
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|| Signed off LEPs || mrevell || 2012-02-15 || Drafting ||
|| Signed off LEPs || || || This project page serving as mini-LEP ||
|| Work items text box in production || salgado || 2012-03-07 || DONE ||
|| Team and individual work items view || salgado, mattias || 2012-03-07 || DONE ||
|| Bugs and improvements || danilo, james || 2012-05-31 || INPROGRESS ||
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== Actions for next checkpoint ==

 * ACTION: [mrevell] Provide text for a help pop-up to go alongside the work items text box.
 * ACTION: [james] Graph for the top of the engineering view mock-up. Wants to repurpose the timeline. Will demo at Linaro Connect.
 * ACTION: [james] "Expand all" button
 * ACTION: [james] create a page to show what has been done on the project so far
 * ACTION: [mrevell] call with Huw and James for multi-milestone work items display
 * ACTION: [mrevell] check what metadata Ubuntu want for work items other than headline and acceptance
 * ACTION: [james] Remove "Work items" text from inside the work items text box
 * ACTION: [mrevell] find best way to track this page as a blueprint with work items
 * ACTION: [danilo] Kill feedback requests on blueprints
 * ACTION: [mrevell] speak to Kate about migrating past blueprints: do Ubuntu want it?
 * ACTION: [matsubara] QA "upcoming view" page, probably after next checkpoint
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''Any random stuff related to the project.''  * [[Projects/WorkItems/Checkpoint-2012-02-22]]
 * [[Projects/WorkItems/Checkpoint-2012-05-16]]
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''Consider also adding:'' === Mock-ups ===
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 * ''Link to user testing sessions''
 * ''Link to exploratory testing''
 * ''Link to mockups''


Work Items

See also work-item-tracker bug tag

Started: 2012-01-30
Current week: 17
Next checkpoint: 2012-05-30
Blueprint:: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-infrastructure-misc/+spec/linaro-infra-misc-eng-views-pilot


  • Provide a UI to natively support work items on blueprints.
  • Provide Launchpad API access to read an individual blueprint's work items.
  • Team and individual views showing which work items are targeted to which milestones.

Out of scope

  • Reproduce status.*.* in Launchpad.
  • API call to provide all work items for a project.




Expected date


Signed off LEPs

This project page serving as mini-LEP

Work items text box in production




Team and individual work items view

salgado, mattias



Bugs and improvements

danilo, james



Feature documentation

Blog post

Actions for next checkpoint

  • ACTION: [mrevell] Provide text for a help pop-up to go alongside the work items text box.
  • ACTION: [james] Graph for the top of the engineering view mock-up. Wants to repurpose the timeline. Will demo at Linaro Connect.
  • ACTION: [james] "Expand all" button
  • ACTION: [james] create a page to show what has been done on the project so far
  • ACTION: [mrevell] call with Huw and James for multi-milestone work items display
  • ACTION: [mrevell] check what metadata Ubuntu want for work items other than headline and acceptance
  • ACTION: [james] Remove "Work items" text from inside the work items text box
  • ACTION: [mrevell] find best way to track this page as a blueprint with work items
  • ACTION: [danilo] Kill feedback requests on blueprints
  • ACTION: [mrevell] speak to Kate about migrating past blueprints: do Ubuntu want it?
  • ACTION: [matsubara] QA "upcoming view" page, probably after next checkpoint





Projects/WorkItems (last edited 2012-06-14 15:13:12 by flacoste)