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Slogan for public consumption: Go go Golden Horde!

Slogan when we feel tired: Go go Yellow Banana Slugs!

Current project is LEP/ParallelTesting .

Daily call checklist

Panel requests

Unsticking panel checklist

Pair programming observer checklist

Weekly review call checklist

Topics for next

<hallyn> 1. if /bin/running-in-container is present (precise and above, always), run it and check for 0 return value * mfraz74 (mfraser@ has joined #ubuntu-server <hallyn> 2. else, if lxc-is-container is not present, assume lxcguest is not installed and you're not in a container (or are in trimmed container) <hallyn> 3. else, run lxc-is-container, if 0, you're in a container, if 1 you're not

(also see ?)

Writing a LEP checklist

Starting a project checklist

Depending on another developer or team checklist--someone new or with past delivery problems

jml also pointed out this checklist from Covey's Seven Habits.... You need to establish these things up-front:

  1. Desired results [spend time here, include "when"]
  2. Guidelines [what I'd call constraints]
  3. Resources available [money, team, people]
  4. Accountability [what measures, how often]
  5. Consequences [natural ones & incentives]

We should also try to incorporate these ideas.