Diff for "Contributions"

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Differences between revisions 100 and 102 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 100 as of 2010-01-20 23:00:17
Size: 328008
Editor: kfogel
Revision 102 as of 2010-01-21 03:00:13
Size: 330298
Editor: kfogel
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 10: Line 10:
 1. [[#adi_roiban|Adi Roiban <adi {_AT_} roiban.ro>]] ''(14 top-level landings)''  1. [[#adi_roiban|Adi Roiban <adi {_AT_} roiban.ro>]] ''(15 top-level landings)''
Line 17: Line 17:
 1. [[#jamal_fanaian|Jamal Fanaian <jamal.fanaian {_AT_} gmail.com>]] ''(2 top-level landings)''
Line 22: Line 23:
 1. [[#jamal_fanaian|Jamal Fanaian <jamal.fanaian {_AT_} gmail.com>]] ''(1 top-level landing)''
Line 1340: Line 1340:
''14 top-level landings:'' ''15 top-level landings:''
Line 1382: Line 1382:
 * [[http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/revision/launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20100121025420-up1u3c5l2jg1euhi|r10207]] -- Thu 2010-01-21 02:54:20 +0000
 507498] Remove 'name' field from POTemplate edit view. On
 POTemplateSubset url traversal,
 check permission on POFile. Remove EditPOTemplateSubset from
Line 2393: Line 2409:
== Jamal Fanaian <jamal.fanaian {_AT_} gmail.com> ==

''2 top-level landings:''

 * [[http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/revision/launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20100120233841-ixi4ha3iozflhghv|r10204]] -- Wed 2010-01-20 23:38:41 +0000
 106924] Changed the confirmation message when defining a new bug tag
 to 'The tag "[tagname]" hasn't been used by [targetname]
 before. (Create the new tag)'. to remove redundancy.
 * [[http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/revision/launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20100119103036-p8qz96jau29cz1jx|r10193]] -- Tue 2010-01-19 10:30:36 +0000
[r=henninge][ui=none][bug=253525] Renamed 'changesfile' throughout
 various pages in soyuz to 'sources.changes' since it is not a
 word. Updated tests that referenced the term 'changesfile'.
 Landed by henninge.
Line 2654: Line 2701:
== Jamal Fanaian <jamal.fanaian {_AT_} gmail.com> ==

''1 top-level landing:''

 * [[http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/revision/launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20100119103036-p8qz96jau29cz1jx|r10193]] -- Tue 2010-01-19 10:30:36 +0000
[r=henninge][ui=none][bug=253525] Renamed 'changesfile' throughout
 various pages in soyuz to 'sources.changes' since it is not a
 word. Updated tests that referenced the term 'changesfile'.
 Landed by henninge.

This page shows contributions to Launchpad from outside Canonical. It only lists changes that have landed in the Launchpad devel tree, so changes that land in db-devel first may take a while to show up (see the trunk explanation for more).

Note for maintainers: this page is updated every 10 minutes by a cron job running as kfogel on devpad (though if there are no new contributions, the page's timestamp won't change). The code that generates this page is utilities/community-contributions.py in the Launchpad tree.


  1. William Grant <me {_AT_} williamgrant.id.au> (34 top-level landings)

  2. Adi Roiban <adi {_AT_} roiban.ro> (15 top-level landings)

  3. Max Bowsher <maxb {_AT_} f2s.com> (9 top-level landings)

  4. Andrea Corbellini <andrea.corbellini {_AT_} beeseek.org> (3 top-level landings)

  5. Nathan Handler <nhandler {_AT_} ubuntu.com> (3 top-level landings)

  6. Jamal Fanaian <jfanaian {_AT_} gmail.com> (3 top-level landings)

  7. Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer {_AT_} samba.org> (2 top-level landings)

  8. Simon Olofsson <simon {_AT_} olofsson.de> (2 top-level landings)

  9. Jamal Fanaian <jamal.fanaian {_AT_} gmail.com> (2 top-level landings)

  10. Steve Kowalik <stevenk {_AT_} ubuntu.com> (1 top-level landing)

  11. LaMont Jones <lamont {_AT_} debian.org> (1 top-level landing)

  12. Jamal Fanaian <jamal {_AT_} jfvm1> (1 top-level landing)

  13. Luke Faraone <luke {_AT_} faraone.cc (1 top-level landing)

  14. James Tatum <jtatum {_AT_} gmail.com> (1 top-level landing)

  15. Severin Heiniger <severinheiniger {_AT_} gmail.com> (1 top-level landing)

  16. Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow {_AT_} fbihome.de> (1 top-level landing)

  17. Martin Pool <mbp {_AT_} sourcefrog.net> (1 top-level landing)

  18. Markus Korn <thekorn {_AT_} gmx.de> (1 top-level landing)

  19. LaMont Jones <lamont {_AT_} rover3> (1 top-level landing)


William Grant <me {_AT_} williamgrant.id.au>

34 top-level landings:

Adi Roiban <adi {_AT_} roiban.ro>

15 top-level landings:

Max Bowsher <maxb {_AT_} f2s.com>

9 top-level landings:

Andrea Corbellini <andrea.corbellini {_AT_} beeseek.org>

3 top-level landings:

Nathan Handler <nhandler {_AT_} ubuntu.com>

3 top-level landings:

  • r9945 -- Thu 2009-11-26 02:00:44 +0000

    [r=julian-edwards][ui=none][bug=151113] The signature in blueprint
            notifications is no longer indented. The '--' separator also
            now contains a trailing space to allow mail clients to
            correctly identify it as a signature. Fixes bug 151113:
            Notification footer has unnecessary leading spaces

    Commits: 9886.2.2 9886.2.1

  • r9882 -- Sun 2009-11-15 01:51:45 +0000

    [r=sinzui][ui=none][bug 231168] Fix the blueprint subscription

    Commits: 9677.2.1

  • r9669 -- Fri 2009-10-09 16:44:36 +0100

    [r=mwhudson][ui=none][bug=296469] The description for the review_type
            field on Merge Proposals used to be the same on all pages with
            this field. Now,
            each page that has a review_type field overrides the description,
            allowing Launchpad to display descriptions that are more appropriate
            for the page that they are being displayed on.

    Commits: 9656.1.6 9656.1.5 9656.1.4 9656.1.3 9656.1.2 9656.1.1

Jamal Fanaian <jfanaian {_AT_} gmail.com>

3 top-level landings:

  • r9520 -- Fri 2009-09-18 16:13:27 +0100

    [r=salgado][ui=none][bug=127489] Fix the bug by hardcoding the sort
            order of the columns

    Commits: 9019.3.7 9019.3.6 9019.3.5 9019.3.4 9019.3.3 9019.3.2 9019.3.1 9013.7.1

  • r9048 -- Wed 2009-08-05 15:22:12 +0100

    [r=salgado][ui=rs][bug=337582] Renamed the sort option in the branch
            list page from 'by registrant' to 'by owner'

    Commits: 9013.4.2 9013.4.1

  • r9020 -- Mon 2009-08-03 09:13:56 +0100

    [r=abel][ui=none][bug=126509] Updated heading for 'Most frequently
            reported bugs' in bugtarget-filebug to follow proper
            capitalization style (landed on behalf of Jamal Fanaian)

    Commits: 9013.1.3 9013.1.2 9013.1.1

Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer {_AT_} samba.org>

2 top-level landings:

Simon Olofsson <simon {_AT_} olofsson.de>

2 top-level landings:

Jamal Fanaian <jamal.fanaian {_AT_} gmail.com>

2 top-level landings:

  • r10204 -- Wed 2010-01-20 23:38:41 +0000

            106924] Changed the confirmation message when defining a new bug tag
            to 'The tag "[tagname]" hasn't been used by [targetname]
            before. (Create the new tag)'. to remove redundancy.

    Commits: 10201.1.2 10201.1.1 10194.1.2 10194.1.1

  • r10193 -- Tue 2010-01-19 10:30:36 +0000

    [r=henninge][ui=none][bug=253525] Renamed 'changesfile' throughout
            various pages in soyuz to 'sources.changes' since it is not a
            word. Updated tests that referenced the term 'changesfile'.
            Landed by henninge.

    Commits: 10180.2.5 10180.2.4 10180.2.3 10180.2.2 10180.2.1

Steve Kowalik <stevenk {_AT_} ubuntu.com>

1 top-level landing:

LaMont Jones <lamont {_AT_} debian.org>

1 top-level landing:

Jamal Fanaian <jamal {_AT_} jfvm1>

1 top-level landing:

Luke Faraone <luke {_AT_} faraone.cc

1 top-level landing:

  • r10027 -- Fri 2009-12-11 04:06:47 +0000

    [r=Edwin][ui=none][bug=494055] Fix url for the Google Code bug

    Commits: 10007.1.2 10007.1.1

James Tatum <jtatum {_AT_} gmail.com>

1 top-level landing:

  • r9604 -- Wed 2009-09-30 17:49:14 +0100

    [r=intellectronica][ui=none][bug=435320] A patch from James Tatum
            <jtatum@gmail.com> to fix the text in the +branding page.

    Commits: 9599.3.3 9599.3.2 9599.3.1 9572.4.1

Severin Heiniger <severinheiniger {_AT_} gmail.com>

1 top-level landing:

  • r9149 -- Wed 2009-08-19 04:27:53 +0100

    [r=danilo][ui=none][bug=392154] Recognize Launchpad-generated credits
            and do not duplicate them when they are re-imported. Fix by
            Severin Heiniger <https://launchpad.net/~lantash>.

    Commits: 9084.4.6 9084.4.5 9084.4.4 9084.4.3 9084.4.2 9084.4.1

Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow {_AT_} fbihome.de>

1 top-level landing:

  • r9937 -- Tue 2009-11-24 00:43:17 +0000

    [r=sinzui][ui=none][bug 420515] (Landed for Jan-Marek Glogowski) Show
            the current distroseries status in the status widget.

    Commits: 9881.4.3 9881.4.2 9881.4.1 9254.6.1

Martin Pool <mbp {_AT_} sourcefrog.net>

1 top-level landing:

  • r10019 -- Thu 2009-12-10 11:56:09 +0000

    [r=deryck][ui=none] Show progress when updating bzr branches from
            rocketfuel-setup. Landed on behalf of Martin Pool.

    Commits: 9614.1.3 9614.1.2 9614.1.1

Markus Korn <thekorn {_AT_} gmx.de>

1 top-level landing:

  • r10081 -- Tue 2009-12-22 22:49:34 +0000

    [r=intellectronica][ui=none] Patch from Markus Korn to display
            changes to a a bugtask target in the inline activity display on
            the bug page.

    Commits: 10054.17.2 10054.17.1

LaMont Jones <lamont {_AT_} rover3>

1 top-level landing:

Contributions (last edited 2019-09-05 14:21:15 by wgrant)