Diff for "Contributions"

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Differences between revisions 132 and 134 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 132 as of 2010-03-02 09:50:14
Size: 104268
Editor: kfogel
Revision 134 as of 2010-03-06 17:00:12
Size: 106223
Editor: kfogel
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 13: Line 13:
 1. [[#william_grant|William Grant <me {_AT_} williamgrant.id.au>]] ''(37 top-level landings)''
 1. [[#adi_roiban|Adi Roiban <adi {_AT_} roiban.ro>]] ''(19 top-level landings)''
 1. [[#max_bowsher|Max Bowsher <maxb {_AT_} f2s.com>]] ''(14 top-level landings)''
 1. [[#william_grant|William Grant <me {_AT_} williamgrant.id.au>]] ''(38 top-level landings)''
 1. [[#adi_roiban|Adi Roiban <adi {_AT_} roiban.ro>]] ''(20 top-level landings)''
 1. [[#max_bowsher|Max Bowsher <maxb {_AT_} f2s.com>]] ''(15 top-level landings)''
Line 28: Line 28:
 1. [[#jonathan_davies|Jonathan Davies <jonathan.davies {_AT_} canonical.com>]] ''(15 top-level landings)''  1. [[#jonathan_davies|Jonathan Davies <jonathan.davies {_AT_} canonical.com>]] ''(16 top-level landings)''
Line 50: Line 50:
''37 top-level landings:'' ''38 top-level landings:''
Line 292: Line 292:
 * [[http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/revision/launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20100305150923-ddtftfq4c5oxo9oq|r10428]] -- Fri 2010-03-05 15:09:23 +0000
Merging db-stable
 ''see the [[http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/revision/launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20100305150923-ddtftfq4c5oxo9oq|full revision]] for details (it contains 602 commits)''
Line 376: Line 382:
''19 top-level landings:'' ''20 top-level landings:''
Line 418: Line 424:
 * [[http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/revision/launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20100306165604-e24grqan2n2a2j7s|r10438]] -- Sat 2010-03-06 16:56:04 +0000
[r=bac][ui=none][bug=527728] Export latest_published_component_name
 in the ISourcePackage API.
Line 596: Line 611:
''14 top-level landings:'' ''15 top-level landings:''
Line 670: Line 685:
 * [[http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/revision/launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20100305150923-ddtftfq4c5oxo9oq|r10428]] -- Fri 2010-03-05 15:09:23 +0000
Merging db-stable
 ''see the [[http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/revision/launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20100305150923-ddtftfq4c5oxo9oq|full revision]] for details (it contains 602 commits)''
Line 1053: Line 1074:
''15 top-level landings:'' ''16 top-level landings:''
Line 1064: Line 1085:
 * [[http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/revision/launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20100305150923-ddtftfq4c5oxo9oq|r10428]] -- Fri 2010-03-05 15:09:23 +0000
Merging db-stable
 ''see the [[http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/revision/launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20100305150923-ddtftfq4c5oxo9oq|full revision]] for details (it contains 602 commits)''

This page shows contributions to Launchpad from developers not on the Launchpad team at Canonical.

It only lists changes that have landed in the Launchpad devel tree, so changes that land in db-devel first may take a while to show up (see the trunk explanation for more).

Note for maintainers: this page is updated every 10 minutes by a cron job running as kfogel on devpad (though if there are no new contributions, the page's timestamp won't change). The code that generates this page is utilities/community-contributions.py in the Launchpad tree.


Contributors (from outside Canonical)

  1. William Grant <me {_AT_} williamgrant.id.au> (38 top-level landings)

  2. Adi Roiban <adi {_AT_} roiban.ro> (20 top-level landings)

  3. Max Bowsher <maxb {_AT_} f2s.com> (15 top-level landings)

  4. Jamal Fanaian <jamal.fanaian {_AT_} gmail.com> (10 top-level landings)

  5. Andrea Corbellini <andrea.corbellini {_AT_} beeseek.org> (4 top-level landings)

  6. Nathan Handler <nhandler {_AT_} ubuntu.com> (3 top-level landings)

  7. Markus Korn <thekorn {_AT_} gmx.de> (3 top-level landings)

  8. Simon Olofsson <simon {_AT_} olofsson.de> (2 top-level landings)

  9. Luke Faraone <luke {_AT_} faraone.cc (1 top-level landing)

  10. James Tatum <jtatum {_AT_} gmail.com> (1 top-level landing)

  11. Severin Heiniger <severinheiniger {_AT_} gmail.com> (1 top-level landing)

  12. ubuntu <ubuntu {_AT_} lp-dev> (1 top-level landing)

  13. Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow {_AT_} fbihome.de> (1 top-level landing)

Contributors (from Canonical, but outside the Launchpad team)

  1. Jonathan Davies <jonathan.davies {_AT_} canonical.com> (16 top-level landings)

  2. James Westby <james.westby {_AT_} canonical.com> (5 top-level landings)

  3. Brian Murray <brian {_AT_} canonical.com> (4 top-level landings)

  4. LaMont Jones <lamont {_AT_} debian.org> (2 top-level landings)

  5. Anthony Lenton <antoniolenton {_AT_} gmail.com> (1 top-level landing)

  6. Cody A.W. Somerville <cody.somerville {_AT_} canonical.com> (1 top-level landing)

  7. Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach {_AT_} canonical.com> (1 top-level landing)

  8. Łukasz Czyżykowski <lukasz.czyzykowski {_AT_} canonical.com> (1 top-level landing)

  9. Kees Cook <kees {_AT_} outflux.net> (1 top-level landing)

  10. Michael Vogt <michael.vogt {_AT_} ubuntu.com> (1 top-level landing)

  11. Dustin Kirkland <kirkland {_AT_} canonical.com> (1 top-level landing)

  12. Steve Kowalik <stevenk {_AT_} ubuntu.com> (1 top-level landing)


Contributions (from outside Canonical)

William Grant <me {_AT_} williamgrant.id.au>

38 top-level landings:

  • r9966 -- Fri 2009-12-04 22:43:51 +0000

    Merging db-stable

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 368 commits)

  • r9847 -- Mon 2009-11-09 15:22:56 +0000

    [r=bigjools][ui=None] Rename the SourcePackageFormat enum to
            SourcePackageType. Landed on behalf of wgrant.

    Commits: 9838.1.1

  • r9845 -- Mon 2009-11-09 13:01:13 +0000

    [r=abel][ui=none] Rename firefox-0.9.2.orig.tar.gz to
            as the former does not comply with anything. (landed on behalf of
            William Grant)

    Commits: 9826.6.1

  • r9844 -- Mon 2009-11-09 12:41:57 +0000

    [r=abel][ui=none] 'make harness' shouldn't execute script.zcml
            execute_zcml_for_script does that. (landed on behalf of William Grant)

    Commits: 9826.5.1

  • r9831 -- Fri 2009-11-06 15:49:48 +0000

    Merging db-stable

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 234 commits)

  • r9784 -- Tue 2009-10-27 13:19:44 +0000

    [r=intellectronica][ui=none] Add IArchive.debug_archive,
            pointing to the corresponding debug archive. (patch provided by

    Commits: 9658.1.4 9658.1.3 9658.1.2 9658.1.1

  • r9670 -- Fri 2009-10-09 17:03:02 +0100

    [r=bigjools][ui=None][bug=433739] Landing on behalf of wgrant. Ensure
            that debug archives have a separate URL in IArchive.archive_url.

    Commits: 9538.3.2 9538.3.1

  • r9542 -- Sun 2009-09-20 15:27:37 +0100

    [r=gmb][ui=none][bug=433385] Unbreak access to unclaimed profiles
            with hidden email addresses (landed on behalf of wgrant).

    Commits: 9538.2.2 9538.2.1

  • r9531 -- Sat 2009-09-19 03:35:46 +0100

    [r=rockstar][ui=None] (bug 432832) fix update-sourcecode in the case
            that optional branches are inaccessible (Landed on behalf of
            William Grant)

    Commits: 9527.1.1

  • r9416 -- Fri 2009-09-11 17:44:49 +0100

    [r=abel][ui=none] Factor the non-LFA-specific bits out of the parser
            script itself. (landed on behalf of William Grant)

    Commits: 9399.3.2 9399.3.1

  • r9386 -- Wed 2009-09-09 21:39:27 +0100

    [r=allenap][ui=none][bug=392515] Interface declarations to expose
            structural subscriptions via the web API. Landed on behalf of wgrant.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 25 commits)

  • r9371 -- Tue 2009-09-08 23:40:46 +0100

    [r=gary][ui=none] (wgrant) Move structural subscription security to
            the model, rather than the view.

    Commits: 9369.1.1 9206.4.4 9206.4.3 9206.4.2 9206.4.1

  • r9293 -- Tue 2009-09-01 10:39:20 +0100

    [r=abentley][ui=none] (wgrant) Refactor the librarian apache log
            parser so pieces can be reused for PPA download counts.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 13 commits)

  • r9272 -- Mon 2009-08-31 13:39:27 +0100

    [r=jml][ui=none] (wgrant) Fix bug in MockLogger where format strings
            without args would raise errors. Also add unit tests for MockLogger.

    Commits: 9264.1.5 9264.1.4 9264.1.3 9264.1.2 9264.1.1

  • r9242 -- Thu 2009-08-27 08:58:37 +0100

    [r=jtv][ui=none][bug=297458] For wgrant: export bug nominations.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 32 commits)

  • r9236 -- Wed 2009-08-26 13:26:17 +0100

    [r=gmb][ui=none] Traversals and URLs have been added to
            IStructuralSubscriptions. This is part of the work towards
            exporting structural subscriptions via the webservice. (Landed
            on behalf of wgrant)

    Commits: 9206.1.8 9206.1.7 9206.1.6 9206.1.5 9206.1.4 9206.2.2 9206.2.1

  • r9222 -- Tue 2009-08-25 07:25:40 +0100

    [r=sinzui][ui=none] (wgrant) Inherit interfaces from
            rather than declaring implementation in model classes.

    Commits: 9206.1.3 9206.1.2 9206.1.1

  • r9208 -- Sat 2009-08-22 17:01:03 +0100

    [r=allenap][ui=none][bug=415165] Restrict changes to
            IBugTask.milestone via the web-service API in the same way as
            they are via the web UI. (Landed on behalf of wgrant.)

    Commits: 9119.3.6 9119.3.5 9119.3.4 9119.3.3 9119.3.2 9119.3.1

  • r9202 -- Fri 2009-08-21 23:12:06 +0100

    [r=cprov][ui=none] Extending zeca to allow keys to be found via keyid
            (additionally to complete fingerprint) and also some
            adjustements to make it more suitable for semi-production environment.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 11 commits)

  • r9178 -- Thu 2009-08-20 13:50:42 +0100

    [r=intellectronica][ui=none][bug=415219][bug=415220] Submitted by
            William Grant <me@williamgrant.id.au>: Display the correct user
            icon next to a subscriber and the correct action icon when
            mixing team and person subscription for the same user.

    Commits: 9171.1.5 9171.1.4 9171.1.3 9171.1.2 9171.1.1

  • r9154 -- Wed 2009-08-19 15:16:21 +0100

    [r=gmb][ui=rs][bug=415229][js] Fix the inline unsubscription JS so
            that it doesn't break due to the URL format being different
            from what it expects (landed on behalf of wgrant).

    Commits: 9119.2.4

  • r9140 -- Tue 2009-08-18 12:41:50 +0100

    [r=henninge][ui=none][bug=415166] On behalf of wgrant: Fix AJAX bug

    Commits: 9119.2.3 9119.2.2 9119.2.1

  • r9109 -- Thu 2009-08-13 13:38:55 +0100

    [r=noodles][ui=none] Submitting wgrant's fixes that enable two more
            tests to pass on Karmic.

    Commits: 9102.3.2 9102.3.1

  • r9080 -- Sat 2009-08-08 07:45:42 +0100

    [r=cprov][ui=none][bug-385129] Exporting PPA dependencies information
            as webservices.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 22 commits)

  • r9054 -- Thu 2009-08-06 07:06:02 +0100

    [r=thumper][ui=none][bug=409164] Fixes the IAnnouncement and IHasAnnouncements methods to comply with the style guide (wgrant)

    Commits: 9041.1.2 9041.1.1

  • r8994 -- Wed 2009-07-29 09:42:49 +0100

    [r=bigjools][ui=None] Some rocketfuel-setup enhancements from wgrant
            to make setting up a local Soyuz a bit easier.

    Commits: 8971.11.6 8971.11.5 8971.11.4 8971.11.3 8971.11.2 8971.11.1

  • r8976 -- Tue 2009-07-28 21:39:25 +0100

    [r=gmb][ui=none][bug=253788] Members of a team with
            verbose_bugnotifications=True will no longer receive verbose
            bug notifications if they don't want them. (Landed on behalf of

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 13 commits)

  • r10428 -- Fri 2010-03-05 15:09:23 +0000

    Merging db-stable

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 602 commits)

  • r10417 -- Sat 2010-02-27 15:06:35 +0000

    [r=bigjools][ui=None][bug=521849] Export DistroArchSeries chroot URLs
            on the webservice.

    Commits: 10414.1.1 10351.1.5 10351.1.4 10351.1.3 10351.1.2 10351.1.1

  • r10255 -- Wed 2010-02-03 10:17:45 +0000

    [r=al-maisan][ui=none] Enable building from recipe in the builder.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 52 commits)

  • r10225 -- Thu 2010-01-28 23:26:44 +0000

    Merging db-stable

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 755 commits)

  • r10174 -- Fri 2010-01-15 02:54:45 +0000

    [r=bigjools][ui=none][bug=506239] Generalises handling of build
            collection. Also fixed spurious test that was assuming order on
            an unordered resultset.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 50 commits)

  • r10139 -- Mon 2010-01-11 22:57:27 +0000

    [r=gary][ui=None][bug=505657] Revert changes to tachandler.py that
            made it import from lp.services. That file is used on the
            buildd slaves which don't have LP code available.

    Commits: 10137.2.2 10137.2.1

  • r10134 -- Sun 2010-01-10 22:45:36 +0000

    [rs=bigjools][ui=None] Land buildd 53 from Lamont.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 25 commits)

  • r10083 -- Wed 2009-12-23 06:56:38 +0000

    [r=abentley][ui=none] Rename the test suite's ddeb to match the
            naming scheme found on real packages.

    Commits: 9658.2.4 9658.2.3 9658.2.2 9658.2.1

  • r10058 -- Fri 2009-12-18 14:38:02 +0000

    [r=henninge][ui=none] Set the buildd-manager upload processor and
            archivepublisher URL in the dev configs,
            and add Apache config for the latter.

    Commits: 10053.1.3 10053.1.2 10053.1.1

  • r10055 -- Fri 2009-12-18 07:41:28 +0000

    Merging db-stable

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 164 commits)

  • r10048 -- Sat 2009-12-12 04:19:11 +0000

    [r=bigjools][ui=None] Final branch from wgrant to add Debian source
            format 3.0 packaging support.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 57 commits)

Adi Roiban <adi {_AT_} roiban.ro>

20 top-level landings:

Max Bowsher <maxb {_AT_} f2s.com>

15 top-level landings:

  • r9888 -- Tue 2009-11-17 02:33:27 +0000

    python2.5 multi-merge

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 105 commits)

  • r9818 -- Fri 2009-10-30 21:05:20 +0000

    [r=abel][ui=none] Remove stray reference to sourcecode lazr-js
            (landed on behalf of Max Bowsher)

    Commits: 9807.1.1

  • r9474 -- Wed 2009-09-16 19:54:14 +0100

    [r=jml, allenap,
            mwhudson][ui=none] (maxb) Make our test case subclass work on Python
            2.4 and 2.5.

    Commits: 9328.6.7 9328.6.6 9328.6.5 9328.6.4 9328.6.3 9328.6.2 9328.6.1

  • r9427 -- Mon 2009-09-14 09:05:24 +0100

    [r=mwhudson][ui=none] Run debuild with --no-conf so that it ignores
            local config files which may change its behaviour in unexpected ways

    Commits: 9425.1.1

  • r9424 -- Sat 2009-09-12 06:19:15 +0100

    [r=jml][ui=none] (maxb) Remove the dependency on the timing module,
            which is not in Python 2.5.

    Commits: 9328.5.3 9328.5.2 9328.5.1

  • r9410 -- Fri 2009-09-11 14:36:25 +0100

    [r=abel][ui=none] Make UnicodeCSVReader work with Python 2.5. (landed
            on behalf of Max Bowsher

    Commits: 9328.4.1

  • r9407 -- Fri 2009-09-11 12:14:03 +0100

    [r=jml][ui=none] (maxb) Python 2.5 warnings API has changed,
            so change the way we monkey-patch.

    Commits: 9328.3.1

  • r9403 -- Fri 2009-09-11 11:03:30 +0100

    [r=jml][ui=none] (maxb) Fix cElementTree imports for Python 2.5

    Commits: 9328.2.1

  • r9401 -- Fri 2009-09-11 10:28:15 +0100

    [r=jml][ui=none] (maxb) Avoid spurious failure of buildmailman.py
            with Python 2.5

    Commits: 9328.1.2 9328.1.1

  • r10428 -- Fri 2010-03-05 15:09:23 +0000

    Merging db-stable

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 602 commits)

  • r10369 -- Tue 2010-02-23 07:00:06 +0000

    [r=mwhudson][ui=none] Fix the argument names of importfascist to
            match those of the default __import__,
            as those are actually part of the interface when called by keyword

    Commits: 10365.1.1

  • r10358 -- Mon 2010-02-22 04:10:52 +0000

    [r=salgado][ui=none][bug=497731] Keep the Python dist-packages
            directory off the bzr plugin path,
            thus fixing testsuite failures when incompatible bzr plugins are
            installed there.

    Commits: 10341.1.3 10341.1.2 10341.1.1

  • r10306 -- Thu 2010-02-11 20:58:48 +0000

    [r=gmb][ui=none] Switch from using sha and md5 to hashlib. Also use
            hashlib.sha256 instead of the python-apt implementation.

    Commits: 10293.1.2 10293.1.1

  • r10289 -- Mon 2010-02-08 16:11:48 +0000

    [r=salgado][ui=none] Accept and propagate a 'level' parameter in
            importfascist. (New feature in Python 2.5,
            helps compatibility with 2.6)

    Commits: 10269.3.1

  • r10277 -- Fri 2010-02-05 14:07:41 +0000

    [r=jml][ui=none] Fix some small bugs in update-sourcecode

    Commits: 10271.1.3 10271.1.2 10271.1.1

Jamal Fanaian <jamal.fanaian {_AT_} gmail.com>

10 top-level landings:

  • r9520 -- Fri 2009-09-18 16:13:27 +0100

    [r=salgado][ui=none][bug=127489] Fix the bug by hardcoding the sort
            order of the columns

    Commits: 9019.3.7 9019.3.6 9019.3.5 9019.3.4 9019.3.3 9019.3.2 9019.3.1 9013.7.1

  • r9048 -- Wed 2009-08-05 15:22:12 +0100

    [r=salgado][ui=rs][bug=337582] Renamed the sort option in the branch
            list page from 'by registrant' to 'by owner'

    Commits: 9013.4.2 9013.4.1

  • r9020 -- Mon 2009-08-03 09:13:56 +0100

    [r=abel][ui=none][bug=126509] Updated heading for 'Most frequently
            reported bugs' in bugtarget-filebug to follow proper
            capitalization style (landed on behalf of Jamal Fanaian)

    Commits: 9013.1.3 9013.1.2 9013.1.1

  • r10293 -- Mon 2010-02-08 20:09:22 +0000

            lp:~jamalta/launchpad/515761-anonymrelease API access to these
            interfaces. Fixed misspelling of 'permission' attribute for
            ViewProductSeries. Fixed security problem in test
            xx-product-package-pages with ubuntupkg. (for jamalta)

    Commits: 10248.2.8 10248.2.7 10248.2.6 10248.2.5 10248.2.4 10248.2.3 10248.2.2 10248.2.1

  • r10285 -- Sat 2010-02-06 00:03:00 +0000

    [r=salgado][ui=none] Created name map for community-contributions to
            merge people using different names/email addresses.

    Commits: 10281.1.2 10281.1.1

  • r10242 -- Mon 2010-02-01 19:46:09 +0000

    [r=allenap][ui=none][bug=118609] Fixed action menu link to "Related
            Bugs" that only exists on the bugs subdomain.

    Commits: 10224.8.2 10224.8.1

  • r10218 -- Fri 2010-01-22 17:31:10 +0000

    [r=bigjools][ui=None][bug=509791] sources.changes is now referred to
            as 'changes file' everywhere. Branch contributed by jamalta.

    Commits: 10180.2.6

  • r10213 -- Thu 2010-01-21 16:30:19 +0000

    [r=bac][ui=none][bug=498643] Changed the Destination PPA options to
            read 'PPA Name (username/ppa)' in copy packages page to help
            distinguish between similarly named PPAs.

    Commits: 10201.3.3 10189.2.5 10201.3.2 10201.3.1 10189.2.4 10189.2.3 10189.2.2 10189.2.1

  • r10204 -- Wed 2010-01-20 23:38:41 +0000

            106924] Changed the confirmation message when defining a new bug tag
            to 'The tag "[tagname]" hasn't been used by [targetname]
            before. (Create the new tag)'. to remove redundancy.

    Commits: 10201.1.2 10201.1.1 10194.1.2 10194.1.1

  • r10193 -- Tue 2010-01-19 10:30:36 +0000

    [r=henninge][ui=none][bug=253525] Renamed 'changesfile' throughout
            various pages in soyuz to 'sources.changes' since it is not a
            word. Updated tests that referenced the term 'changesfile'.
            Landed by henninge.

    Commits: 10180.2.5 10180.2.4 10180.2.3 10180.2.2 10180.2.1

Andrea Corbellini <andrea.corbellini {_AT_} beeseek.org>

4 top-level landings:

  • r9571 -- Fri 2009-09-25 21:26:19 +0100

    Merging db-stable

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 423 commits)

  • r9057 -- Thu 2009-08-06 15:36:45 +0100

    [r=rockstar][ui=none][bug=406523] Andrea Corbellini's branch to
            generalize 'bug_attachment_size' to 'attachment_size'

    Commits: 9004.1.6 9004.1.5 9004.1.4 9004.1.3 9004.1.2 9004.1.1

  • r8996 -- Wed 2009-07-29 10:18:54 +0100

    [r=abel][ui=none] When the whiteboard of a blueprint is edited,
            show the differences in the e-mail,
            not just the new whiteboard. (landed on behalf of Andrea Corbellini)

    Commits: 8971.13.4 8971.13.3 8971.13.2 8971.13.1

  • r10327 -- Wed 2010-02-17 12:43:37 +0000

    [r=abentlry][ui=none][bug=411007] Fix by Andrea Corbellinin
            <andrea-bs@ubuntu.com> Link from +tour/bugs to
            Bugs/EmailInterface on the help wiki.

    Commits: 10228.1.1

Nathan Handler <nhandler {_AT_} ubuntu.com>

3 top-level landings:

  • r9945 -- Thu 2009-11-26 02:00:44 +0000

    [r=julian-edwards][ui=none][bug=151113] The signature in blueprint
            notifications is no longer indented. The '--' separator also
            now contains a trailing space to allow mail clients to
            correctly identify it as a signature. Fixes bug 151113:
            Notification footer has unnecessary leading spaces

    Commits: 9886.2.2 9886.2.1

  • r9882 -- Sun 2009-11-15 01:51:45 +0000

    [r=sinzui][ui=none][bug 231168] Fix the blueprint subscription

    Commits: 9677.2.1

  • r9669 -- Fri 2009-10-09 16:44:36 +0100

    [r=mwhudson][ui=none][bug=296469] The description for the review_type
            field on Merge Proposals used to be the same on all pages with
            this field. Now,
            each page that has a review_type field overrides the description,
            allowing Launchpad to display descriptions that are more appropriate
            for the page that they are being displayed on.

    Commits: 9656.1.6 9656.1.5 9656.1.4 9656.1.3 9656.1.2 9656.1.1

Markus Korn <thekorn {_AT_} gmx.de>

3 top-level landings:

  • r10418 -- Sat 2010-02-27 15:46:44 +0000

            intellectronica][ui=none][bug=282178] Person.searchTasks() is now
            exposed in the webservice API. This method queries the tasks
            related to a user. As a side effect of this implementation the
            official_bug_tags attribute was moved away from IHasBugs to
            IHasOfficialBugTags. Landed on behalf of Markus Korn.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 47 commits)

  • r10284 -- Fri 2010-02-05 23:34:09 +0000

    [r=salgado][ui=none][bug=517570] Added tags_combinator field to
            IPersonBugTaskSearch to fix (LP: #517570)

    Commits: 10277.1.2 10277.1.1

  • r10081 -- Tue 2009-12-22 22:49:34 +0000

    [r=intellectronica][ui=none] Patch from Markus Korn to display
            changes to a a bugtask target in the inline activity display on
            the bug page.

    Commits: 10054.17.2 10054.17.1

Simon Olofsson <simon {_AT_} olofsson.de>

2 top-level landings:

  • r9888 -- Tue 2009-11-17 02:33:27 +0000

    python2.5 multi-merge

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 105 commits)

  • r9338 -- Fri 2009-09-04 13:34:59 +0100

    [r=cprov][ui=none] (Simon Olofsson) Fixes: bug 402187:
            rocketfuel-setup can't resume if fails to complete.

    Commits: 9322.4.1

Luke Faraone <luke {_AT_} faraone.cc

1 top-level landing:

  • r10027 -- Fri 2009-12-11 04:06:47 +0000

    [r=Edwin][ui=none][bug=494055] Fix url for the Google Code bug

    Commits: 10007.1.2 10007.1.1

James Tatum <jtatum {_AT_} gmail.com>

1 top-level landing:

  • r9604 -- Wed 2009-09-30 17:49:14 +0100

    [r=intellectronica][ui=none][bug=435320] A patch from James Tatum
            <jtatum@gmail.com> to fix the text in the +branding page.

    Commits: 9599.3.3 9599.3.2 9599.3.1 9572.4.1

Severin Heiniger <severinheiniger {_AT_} gmail.com>

1 top-level landing:

  • r9149 -- Wed 2009-08-19 04:27:53 +0100

    [r=danilo][ui=none][bug=392154] Recognize Launchpad-generated credits
            and do not duplicate them when they are re-imported. Fix by
            Severin Heiniger <https://launchpad.net/~lantash>.

    Commits: 9084.4.6 9084.4.5 9084.4.4 9084.4.3 9084.4.2 9084.4.1

ubuntu <ubuntu {_AT_} lp-dev>

1 top-level landing:

  • r10278 -- Fri 2010-02-05 14:27:11 +0000

    [r=jml][ui=none][bug=308367] Export is_ubuntu_coc_signer for people
            and teams.

    Commits: 10224.14.2 10224.14.1

Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow {_AT_} fbihome.de>

1 top-level landing:

  • r9937 -- Tue 2009-11-24 00:43:17 +0000

    [r=sinzui][ui=none][bug 420515] (Landed for Jan-Marek Glogowski) Show
            the current distroseries status in the status widget.

    Commits: 9881.4.3 9881.4.2 9881.4.1 9254.6.1

Contributions (from Canonical, but outside the Launchpad team)

Jonathan Davies <jonathan.davies {_AT_} canonical.com> (Canonical developer)

16 top-level landings:

  • r9974 -- Sat 2009-12-05 16:16:43 +0000

    [r=bac][ui=none][bug=196703] Corrected mirror registration page to
            reflect reality about who owns a mirror and when it was first

    Commits: 9965.2.2 9965.2.1

  • r10428 -- Fri 2010-03-05 15:09:23 +0000

    Merging db-stable

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 602 commits)

  • r10425 -- Tue 2010-03-02 09:40:55 +0000

    [release-critical=thumper][r=bigjools][ui=none][bug=529909] Changed
            cron.publish-ftpmaster and cron.publish-copy-archives to
            timestamp their trace files instead of just touching them.

    Commits: 10419.1.3 10419.1.2 10419.1.1

  • r10377 -- Tue 2010-02-23 20:21:44 +0000

    [r=thumper][ui=none][bug=517839] Exported countries and
            DistributionMirror.country's via the API.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 18 commits)

  • r10376 -- Tue 2010-02-23 18:37:51 +0000

    [r=sinzui][ui=none][bug=520469] Declare ViewDistributionMirror in
            security.py so that distribution mirror collections are
            anonymously accessible via the API.

    Commits: 10362.1.2 10362.1.1

  • r10301 -- Wed 2010-02-10 17:58:28 +0000

    [r=gmb][ui=sinzui][bug=519833] Updated distribution mirror pages to
            use v3 styling.

    Commits: 10248.3.5 10248.3.4 10248.3.3 10248.3.2 10248.3.1

  • r10299 -- Wed 2010-02-10 15:21:31 +0000

    [r=henninge][ui=none][bug=518232] Restricted access to distribution
            mirror attributes with lp.Admin and lp.Edit accessible
            interfaces. Landed by henninge.

    Commits: 10285.2.9 10285.2.8 10285.2.7 10285.2.6 10285.2.5 10285.2.4 10285.2.3 10285.2.2 10285.2.1

  • r10283 -- Fri 2010-02-05 23:13:16 +0000

            michael.nelson][ui=none][bug=517020] Various fixes to exported()
            values in the newly exposed distribution_mirror's API.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 23 commits)

  • r10252 -- Wed 2010-02-03 09:18:01 +0000

    [r=gmb][ui=none][bug=515388] Distribution mirrors are now exposed via
            the API.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 14 commits)

  • r10112 -- Tue 2010-01-05 20:29:35 +0000

    [r=abentley][ui=none][bug=499997] In duplicate bug reports,
            link to the main report in the duplicate bug warning box.

    Commits: 10094.2.2 10094.2.1

  • r10088 -- Thu 2009-12-24 03:25:25 +0000

    [r=jtv][ui=none][bug=489363] Added timestamps to our mirror logs and
            added tests to ensure that we are logging text properly.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 13 commits)

  • r10077 -- Tue 2009-12-22 17:22:26 +0000

    [r=abentley][ui=none][bug=176396] After deleting a mirror,
            redirect the user to the +pendingreviewmirrors page instead of the
            distribution page.

    Commits: 10053.2.2 10053.2.1

  • r10073 -- Tue 2009-12-22 13:38:08 +0000

    [r=bac][ui=none] Added tests for UserCannotChangeMembershipSilently,
            to ensure that only Launchpad admins may change membership statuses
            silently. (Landed for jpds)

    Commits: 10063.2.3 10063.2.2 10063.2.1

  • r10063 -- Sat 2009-12-19 06:54:03 +0000

    [r=bac][ui=michael.nelson][bug=450262] Added a "Silently change"
            checkbox to a person's team membership page which, if checked,
            disables email notifications for that change.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 19 commits)

  • r10042 -- Sat 2009-12-12 02:32:13 +0000

    [r=abel][ui=noodles][bug=50580] Added classes to CSS for archive
            mirror status colouring. (landed on behalf of Jonathan Davies)

    Commits: 10014.2.6 10014.2.5 10014.2.4 10014.2.3 10014.2.2 10014.2.1

  • r10013 -- Wed 2009-12-09 14:55:02 +0000

    [r=bac][ui=none][bug=196173] Added mirror whiteboard to +newmirror
            page for private comments,
            and allow mirror admins to view the whiteboards for their mirrors too.

    Commits: 9984.3.8 9984.3.7 9984.3.6 9984.3.5 9984.3.4 9984.3.3 9984.3.2 9984.3.1

James Westby <james.westby {_AT_} canonical.com> (Canonical developer)

5 top-level landings:

  • r9062 -- Thu 2009-08-06 18:55:36 +0100

    [r=jml][ui=rs][bug=116309] (james-w) Linkify changelog-style bug
            numbers in standard forms.

    Commits: 9024.5.3 9024.5.2 9024.5.1

  • r10288 -- Mon 2010-02-08 14:37:50 +0000

    [r=thumper][ui=none][bug=411357] Export a method on IPerson to get
            the reviews they have been requested to do.

    Commits: 10242.4.2 10242.4.1

  • r10279 -- Fri 2010-02-05 15:07:50 +0000

    [r=al-maisan][ui=none][bug=510919] Adds
            and ensures that classes that say they implement IBuildBase actually do
            (bug 510919)

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 19 commits)

  • r10260 -- Wed 2010-02-03 11:58:44 +0000

    [r=mwhudson][ui=none] If using sync-source.py without -a then explain
            why it won't update.

    Commits: 10242.2.1

  • r10248 -- Tue 2010-02-02 14:39:48 +0000

    [r=intellectronica][ui=none][bug=515747] Patch from James Westby to
            kill the export of BugTask.age.

    Commits: 10242.1.1

Brian Murray <brian {_AT_} canonical.com> (Canonical developer)

4 top-level landings:

  • r9932 -- Mon 2009-11-23 17:26:48 +0000

            rockstar][ui=none][bug=485299] Modify sorting of unofficial tags so
            that the most popular ones are returned. Landed on behalf of
            Brian Murray.

    Commits: 9908.1.4 9908.1.3 9908.1.2 9908.1.1

  • r10400 -- Thu 2010-02-25 21:19:10 +0000

    [r=jtv][ui=none][bug=527174] Export Person.logo in the API.

    Commits: 10378.1.1

  • r10225 -- Thu 2010-01-28 23:26:44 +0000

    Merging db-stable

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 755 commits)

  • r10215 -- Thu 2010-01-21 23:24:00 +0000

    [r=deryck][ui=deryck][bug=510157] Remove the flame icon from the
            affects-me control

    Commits: 10197.1.3 10197.1.2 10197.1.1

LaMont Jones <lamont {_AT_} debian.org> (Canonical developer)

2 top-level landings:

  • r10255 -- Wed 2010-02-03 10:17:45 +0000

    [r=al-maisan][ui=none] Enable building from recipe in the builder.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 52 commits)

  • r10134 -- Sun 2010-01-10 22:45:36 +0000

    [rs=bigjools][ui=None] Land buildd 53 from Lamont.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 25 commits)

Anthony Lenton <antoniolenton {_AT_} gmail.com> (Canonical developer)

1 top-level landing:

  • r9731 -- Tue 2009-10-20 13:08:27 +0100

    [r=bac][ui=none] This branch adds central configuration changes to
            support a second OpenID provider vhost. Landed on behalf of
            Anthony Lenton.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 13 commits)

Cody A.W. Somerville <cody.somerville {_AT_} canonical.com> (Canonical developer)

1 top-level landing:

  • r9905 -- Wed 2009-11-18 13:51:17 +0000

    [r=bac][ui=none][bug=297709] Fix latest_overall_publication property
            of DistributionSourcePackage to return the correct publication
            even when obsolete publications exist for a package.

    Commits: 9863.1.6 9863.1.5 9863.1.4 9863.1.3 9863.1.2 9863.1.1

Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach {_AT_} canonical.com> (Canonical developer)

1 top-level landing:

  • r10055 -- Fri 2009-12-18 07:41:28 +0000

    Merging db-stable

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 164 commits)

Łukasz Czyżykowski <lukasz.czyzykowski {_AT_} canonical.com> (Canonical developer)

1 top-level landing:

  • r9731 -- Tue 2009-10-20 13:08:27 +0100

    [r=bac][ui=none] This branch adds central configuration changes to
            support a second OpenID provider vhost. Landed on behalf of
            Anthony Lenton.

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 13 commits)

Kees Cook <kees {_AT_} outflux.net> (Canonical developer)

1 top-level landing:

Michael Vogt <michael.vogt {_AT_} ubuntu.com> (Canonical developer)

1 top-level landing:

  • r10225 -- Thu 2010-01-28 23:26:44 +0000

    Merging db-stable

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 755 commits)

Dustin Kirkland <kirkland {_AT_} canonical.com> (Canonical developer)

1 top-level landing:

  • r10296 -- Tue 2010-02-09 17:17:42 +0000

    [r=bigjools][ui=rs][bug=431170] Amend the wording on the related PPA
            packages part of the distro source package page,
            so that it doesn't imply the Ubuntu version is untrusted. Contributed
            by Dustin Kirkland.

    Commits: 7675.506.2 7675.506.1

Steve Kowalik <stevenk {_AT_} ubuntu.com> (Canonical developer)

1 top-level landing:

  • r10055 -- Fri 2009-12-18 07:41:28 +0000

    Merging db-stable

    Commits: see the full revision for details (it contains 164 commits)

Contributions (last edited 2019-09-05 14:21:15 by wgrant)