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Revision 9 as of 2011-01-31 13:41:57

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Build from branch into main

Short description of feature

Contact: MartinPool
LEP: https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/BuildFromBranchIntoMain
On Launchpad: build-from-branch bugs

As an Ubuntu developer
I want Launchpad to build source and binary packages from branches
so that I don't have to both push the branch and also dput a source package


At the moment, after making a change, Ubuntu developers must use bzr-builddeb to build a source package, and then dput to upload it. This is unnecessary work. Some developers only upload and don't push the branch.

By allowing Ubuntu developers to build directly from a branch into the primary archive of Ubuntu, we would:


If the server-side building of packages does not work reliably, users will be blocked from uploading. We can provide as escape from this by retaining source package uploads at least as a transitional option.

Errors in packaging may be more difficult to see, understand, or debug if they happen on a server rather than locally. However, developers will still have the option to build the package locally.



Constraints and Requirements


Since the aim is to provide a superior alternative to something that already exists within Launchpad, we must be at least as good as the current system. Specifically:

Nice to have

Must not

Out of scope


Publish a change into Ubuntu

  1. User branches from the source package branch.
  2. Make changes
  3. Commit
  4. Push
  5. Request publication

    How is this workflow discovered? Is this for official package branches only? How does this work for unofficial branches? What are the workflows for failure cases? -- jml <<Date(2011-01-31T13:35:23Z)>>


How will we know when we are done?

How will we measure how well we have done?


Changes needed